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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Node, “that part of a stem from which a leaf, whether complete or incomplete, arises; they are said to be (obs.) ‘open’ when the pith passes through them without interruption, and (obs.) ‘closed’ when the pith is interrupted in their vicinity. They are also said to be (obs.) ‘single’ when they bear no apparent buds, (obs.) ‘compound’ when their buds are manifest. If they do not surround the stem they are (obs.) ‘divided,’ if they do surround it they are (obs.) ‘entire’” (Lindley); “the place upon a stem which normally bears a leaf or whorl of leaves; the solid constriction in the culm of a grass; a knot-like or nob-like enlargement” (Fernald 1950): nodus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. nodo, nom. pl. nodi, acc. pl. nodos, dat.& abl. pl. nodis, ‘a knot or knob in wood or the branches of plants’ [> L. nodus,-i, s.m.II, a knot or knob; see knob]; geniculum,-i (s.n.II), q.v., is little used except in algae; see articulation, knee; see joint, articulus,-i (s.n.II), articulatus,-a,-um (part.A);

- rami ad nodos aphyllos incrassati, branches at leafless nodes thickened.

- culmi nodis tumidis pilis glandulosis praeditis, culms with nodes swollen provided with glandulose hairs.

- Hab. in arborum nodis apertis putrore excavatis, it grows (habitat) in the exposed knots of trees hollowed out by rot.

- pedunculi ad axillas v. ad nodos defoliatos (B&H), peduncles defoliated at the axils and at the nodes.

- caudex, nodosis extus exasperatus gibberibus (Agardh), the caudex with knots externally roughened with humps.

- hеrbаe perennes ad nodos articulati (B&H), perennial herbs, jointed at the nodes.

- [Pelargonium gibbosum] caule fruticoso carnoso nodis tumidis (DeCandolle), with the stem shrubby, fleshy, with swollen nodes.

- caule prostrato ad nodos subtumido, (DeCandolle), with the stem prostrate, nearly swollen at the nodes.

- planta ad nodos florida (Swartz), flowering at the nodes.

- radices ex nodis caulis inferioribus fasciculatae (Swartz), the roots fasciculate from the lower nodes of the stem.

- flores ante folia v. cum foliis novellis nascentes, ad nodos defoliatos solitarii v. subfasciculati (B&H), flowers arising before the leaves or with the young leaves, solitary or somewhat in fascicles at the defoliated nodes.

- (fungi) pileus ad spithamam fere interdum dilatatus, robustus, durus, item nodis saepe et gibbositalibus variis obsitus (S&A), the pileus sometimes dilated to nearly 7 inches [ i.e.a spithama], robust, hard, also often with knots and various swellings covered.

- (Cyperac.) caules saepe elati, interdum septis transversis nodulosi (B&H), the stems sometimes tall, sometimes knotted with transverse septa.

- (Cyperac.) caules teretes v. compressiusculi, inter nodos saepius cavi, simplices v. ramosi (B&H), stems round or somewhat compressed, hollow between the nodes, unbranched or branched.

- (Cyperac.) spiculae ad quemque nodum spicae plures masculae, foemineas 1-2 circumdantes (B&H), the spiklets at each node of the spike many, male, surrounding 1-2 feminine ones.

- (Cyperac.) Spicula ad nodos solitaria (B&H), the spiklets solitary at the nodes.

- (alga) LEMANIA VARIEGATA, filis simplicibus variegatis, nodis moniliformiter conjunct is (Agardh), with filaments unbranched, variegated, with the nodes connected in a moniliform manner.

NOTE: internode, the space which intervenes between two nodes: internodium,-ii (sn.II); see internode.

NOTE: cf. articulation, node; “1. a joint, popularly applied to the nodes of grasses” (Jackson); articulatio,-onis (s.f.III), abl. sg. articulatione; articulus,-i (s.m.II), q.v.; artus,-us (s.m.IV), q.v.; junctura,-ae (s.f.I), q.v., abl. sg. junctura.

Node cell: a stigmatocyst (q.v.) in a hypha; see hyphopodium. check your rendering of stigmatocyst as a 3d decl. noun

Space between the nodes, internode: internodium,-ii (s.m.II), abl. sg. internodio.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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