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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Nectarium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. nectario, nom.& acc. pl. nectaria. dat. & abl. pl. nectariis: nectary, the nectary gland, the organ in which nectar is secreted; nectaries occur either within the flowers with which it attracts pollinating animals, or by extrafloral nectaries, which provide a nutrient source to animal mutualists (Wikipedia); “a place or thing in which honey is secreted; [obs.] also any supplementary or anomalous organ in a flower. The term has even been extended to mere discolorations” (Lindley); “1. the organ in which nectar is secreted, formerly applied to any anomalous part of a flower, as its spurred petals; 2. employed by Linaeus for the utricle of Carex” (Jackson); “any place or organ where nectar is secreted” (Fernald 1950); “a plant gland that secretes nectar and that in flowers is usu. at the base of the corolla or petals or (as in the larkspur or violet) in the spur; an organ or part that contains a nectary” (WIII); the nectary may be a glandule, fovea (pit), a pore, or a ‘spot’ (macula); see gland;

- calcare subulato acutiusculo porrecto nectariis staminum vix longiore (DeCandolle), with the spur subulate, somewhat acute, elongate, scarcely longer than the nectaries of the stamens.

- filamenta, ínter divisuras nectarii inserta, decidua. Antherae fulvae (Swartz), the filaments inserted among the divisions of the nectarium, deciduous. Anthers fulvous.

- Nectarium 2-labiatum: Labio inferiore máximo 3 - lobo (Swartz), the nectary 2-lipped: with the lower lip greatly 3-lobed.

- [Cadaba] nectarium ligulaeforme e basi tori subcylindracei ortum (DeCandolle), nectarium tongue-shaped, arisen from the base of a subcylindric torus.

- petala 2 superiora(cuculli, nectaria) longe unguiculata apice in saccum expansa sub galea recondita (DeCandolle), petals 2, the upper ones (the cuculli, the nectariums) long-unguiculate, at the apex expanded into a sack hidden under the galea.

- nectaria 5. circa corpusculum medium, ovata, oblique introrsum aurito-cucullata (Swartz), nectaria 5, around the middle corpuscle, ovate, obliquely inwardly auriculate-cucullate [Asclepias].

- filamenta capillaria, ex loculis lateralibus nectarii per canales ad apices cornuum (Swartz), the filaments hairlike, from the lateral locules of the nectarium along grooves to the apices of the spurs.

- anthera labio sup. nectarii in medio adnata (Swartz), anther adnate to the upper lip of the nectarium in the middle.

- Subtribus 1, Viciosae, stipulis nectario (glándula v. macula) donatis. Subtribus 2, Ervosae, stipulis nectario destitutis (B&H), with the Subtribes 1. Viciosae, with stipulis provided with a nectarium (a flandule or spot). With subtribe 2, Ervosae, with stipules lacking a nectarium.

- petalum inferius superioribus vix longíus, ápice paullum recurvo, basi nectarium postice amplectens (Swartz), the lower petal scarcely longer than the upper ones, at the apex somewhat recurved, at the base postically clasping the nectarium.

- nectarium diphyllum, basi humore nectareo repletum (Swartz), the nectary with two leaves, at the base filled with a nectareous fluid.

- Nectarium margo crenatus, germen cingens (Swartz), Nectarium: the margin crenate, encircling the ovary.

- Nectarium: margo lúteus, 4-partitus, germen cingens. Filamenta, ínter divisuras nectarii inserta, decidua (Swartz), Nectarium: the margin yellow, 4-parted, encircling the ovary. The filaments, inserted between the divisions of the nectarium, deciduous.

- margine ad basem pinnarum paginam abaxialem versus nectario impresso infuscato praedita, with the margin at the base of the pinnae toward the adaxial side provided with a sunken, dark-colored nectary.

- Nectarium: umbo carnosus, cui adfixa staminia et pistilla (Swartz), the umbo fleshy, to which is attached the stamens and pistils.

NOTE: a 'nectary flap' might be lacinia,-ae (s.f.I) nectarialis (adj.B), or lacinia nectarifera (adj.A).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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