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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

limosus,-a,-um (adj.A): slimy, mucky, miry, muddy, growing in muddy places; in silty places; full of sediment; (of animals and plants) “of marshy or muddy places” (Stearn 1996); slimy, covered with a viscous substance [> L. limosus,-a,-um (adj.A), covered with a slimy substance (Glare) [> L. limus,-i (s.m.II), q.v., slime, mud, mire]; see viscid; see muddy.

NOTE: this word has no etymological relationship to the Eng. word ‘lime,’ q.v.; as in Eng. ‘limy,’ 1.v., or ‘calcareous,’ q.v.; the Latin word for ‘lime’ is calx, gen. sg. calcis (s.f.III), q.v.; ‘lime.’

NOTE: sublimus,-a,-um (adj.A) means ‘high, lofty;’ see sublimis,-e (adj.B).

- species intertropicae littora limosa ad aestuaria fluviorum vegetatione arborea insalubri dense obumbrant, the intertropical species the muddy shores at the estuaries of rivers with unhealthy woody vegetation densely cover over (Stearn).

- [Rhizophoraceae:] species ad 50, omnes intertropicae, multae littora limosa ad aestuaria fluviorum vegetatione arborea insalubri dense obumbrant (B&H), species to 50, all within the tropics, many densely overshadowing muddy shores at the aestuaries of rivers with unhealthy arboreal vegetation.

- [Florideae; algae] plurimae rupicolae aut in vicinia rupium aliis parasitae, paucae in sabulosis, paucissimae in limosis et mari stagnanti degunt (Agardh), many live on rocks or in the vicinity of rocks, parasitic on others, a few in gravelly places, a very few live in silty ones and in a stagnant [i.e. static, with little flow] sea.

- species 2 v. 4--5, in littoribus tropicis limosis frequentes (B&H), species 2 or 4-5, frequent in miry tropical coasts.

- in praeruptis limosis ad lacum salsum Inderiensem deserti Kirghisorum (DeCandolle), in the muddy cliffs on the salt lake Inderiensis of the desert of the Kirghisi.

- in limosis, agris et pratis humidis totius fere Europae et Americae septentrionalis (C. Mueller), in the muddy places [sc. locis], fields and wet meadows of almost the whole of Europe and North America.

- [OSCILLATORIA TORTA; algae] Caespes aut fluctuans, aut lapillis adnascens, biuncialis & ultra, atroviridis, substrato nullo limoso insidens (Agardh), the clump [i.e. bed] either undulating, or growing on pebbles, two inches and beyond, blackish-green, seated on no silty substrate. - [Oscillatoria limosa; algae] habitat in fundo limoso fossarum, lacuum, rivulorumque lente fluentium, demum aquae innatans (Agardh), it grows in the muddy bottom of ditches, lakes and slowly flowing brooks, eventually growing in water.

- [Bryum; moss] Habitat: loco aprico inter Paramaribo et plantationem Quarta, in solo limoso conchyliis intermixto (DozyMoek], it lives in an open place between Paramaribo and the plantation ‘Quarta,’ in muddy soil intermixed with shellfish.

- [moss] in terra limosa nuda Carnioliae prope Nussdorf (C. Muell.), on muddy earth, exposed, at Carniola near Nussdorf.

limoso-arenarius,-a,-um (adj.A) = limoso-arenosus,-a,-um (adj.A): muddy or silty sand; see arenarius,-a,-um (adj.A);

- in cavernis et locis occultis aliis limoso-arenariis vel arenariis per fere totam Europam rarius (C. Muell.), in caves and hidden places in other silty-sandy or sandy ones more sparsely throughout all Europe.

limaceus,-a,-um (adj.A): of mud, slime or earth.

limarius,-a,-um (adj.A): of or belonging to mud, slime or (wet) earth.

Carex limosa, ‘growing in mud’ (Fernald 1950); Dichostylis limosa; Eleocharis limosa; Fimbristylis limosa; Limnochloa limosa Cyperus limosus Scirpus limosus; the lichen Collema limosum grows “on the earth in clay soil.”

[algae] OSCILLTORIA LIMOSA: filis caerulescentiviridibus, rigidis rectis in stratum gelatinosum (Agardh), with the filaments bluish-green, rigid, straight, in a gelatinous [i.e. slimy] layer.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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