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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

insidens,-entis (part. B. MOSTLY with dat.): sitting upon, situated upon, borne on [> L. insideo, insedi, insessum, 2. to be seated on (as on a horse), to be situated upon, to take place upon; to lie or rest upon; (of peoples) to live or reside in; to be present (in or with)]; also with acc.;

“insidens (part.B), with dat.): sitting upon, situated upon” (Stearn) NOTE: cf. insido,-sedi,-sessum pres. inf. insidere (frequently not distinct from ‘insideo,’ to sit down in or on, to settle on; constructed with dat. but also with acc.; to occupy, keep possession of ta place; to be fixed, remain, be rooted in, adhere to (Lewis & Short).

“(of wounds) to penetrate; (of diseases, etc.) to become deep-seated” (Glare).

insidet: third-person singular present active indicative: [he/she] it is situated upon, is seated upon, sits upon;

- [Parnassia] Nectaria quinque, cordata, squamata, concava, filis tredecim gradatim altioribus instructa, quibus singulis globus insidet (Desf.), nectaries five, cordate, with scales, concave, provided with thirteen threads [i.e. filaments] little by little taller, with a globe situated upon each one.

- locum insidens, holding or occupying a place.

- ea loca insidens, inhabiting these places.

insident: third-person plural present active indicative: they are situated upon, are seated upon;

- ostiola mascula epidermide insidentia (Steph.), male ostioles situated upon the epidermis.

- [fungus] cupulam exacte semiglobosam atro - lucidam, cellulae suae ligno insculptae insidentem (S&A), the cupule precisely semi-globose, shining black, its own cells embedded, situated in wood.

- bulbus cylindricus rhizomati tenero insidens, bulb cylindric on a slender rhizome mounted (Stearn).

- perianthium germini insidens, perianth (i.e. calyx) on the ovary [= dat.sg.] situate (i.e. with a superior calyx) (Stearn).

- bacca pedicello insidens, the berry situated upon a pedicel.

- antheridia 7–9 mm lata, 5–6 mm longa, 1–2 in serie disposita, filamentis nanandriorum insidentia, antheridia 7-9 mm wide, 5-6 mm long, arranged in 1-2 series, situated upon the filaments of the (dwarf male gametophytes).

- flores pedicelis 7-9 mm longis insidentes, flowers sitting upon pedicells 7-9 mm long.

- sori varii, nempe globosi, lineares, oblongive, indusiati aut nudi, saepissime dorso venarum, interdum parenchymati insidentes, sori various, namely globose, linear, or oblong, with an indusium or naked, most often at the back of the veins, sometimes situated on the parenchyma (Stearn).

- tertia squamarum series mediana interdum costae insidens (Steph.), a median third row of scales sometimes situated upon the costa (Steph.).

- achenia stipiti crasso cavo insidentia (B&H), achenes seated on a hollow, thick stipe.

- capsulis apodibus [vel] pediculo tenera & pellucido vaginato insidentibus (Dill.), with the capsules stalkless or seated on a delicate and pellucid vaginate [i.e. sheathed] pedicel.

- [moss] in sylvis abietinis, plantis putredine decompositis vel stercore vaccino insidens vetusto, socio Splachno gracili, haud raro occurrit (c. Mueller), in fir forests, situated on plants decomposed by putrefaction or on old cow dung, it does not rarely occur with its associate Splachnum gracilis.

- [OSCILLATORIA TORTA; algae] Caespes aut fluctuans, aut lapillis adnascens, biuncialis & ultra, atroviridis, substrato nullo limoso insidens (Agardh), the clump [i.e. bed] either undulating, or growing on pebbles, two inches and beyond, blackish-green, seated on no silty substrate.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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