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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

inflatus,-a,-um (part.A): inflated, swollen; 'bladdery, i.e. thin, membranous and swollen;' “thin, membranous, slightly transparent, swelling equally, as if inflated with air” (Lindley); (in bryophytes) “swollen or bladderlike; puffed up; e.g. the lobules of certain species of Frullania or Lejeunea or alar cells of Sematophyllum; opp. explanatus,-a,-um (part.A), q.v.” (Magill 1990) [> L. inflo,-avi, atum, 1., blow out, puff out, to swell]; see swollen;

- cellulae inflatae caules infirmos sustinentes, the inflated cells supporting the weak stems.

- conidiophora in apicem gracilem abrupte decrescentia, in vesciculam inflatam terminantia, conidiophores to a slender apex abruptly narrowing, in a vesicle swollen ending.

- (moss) theca longiore minus inflata, the theca longer, less inflated.

- (moss) calyptra tetragona pyramidata apiculata, basi integra, thecam longe superans totam obtegens inflata persistens (Mueller), the calyptra tetragonal, pyramidate, apiculate, entire at the base, long overtopping the theca, covering the whole thing, inflated, persistent.

- calyptra inflato-cucullata basi rotundata, the calyptra inflated-cucullate, rounded at the base.

- (alga) Fila simplicia intus annulata, a globulo hemispherico egredientia bina, e strato medullari radiantia, sacculo mucilaginoso basi cincta, in frondem gelatinosam (saepe separatione inflatam) laxe disposita (Agardh), the filaments unbranched, annulated within, issuing forth two at a time, from a hemispheric globule, radiating from a medular layer, girdled at the base by a mucilaginous little sack [saccule], laxly arranged into a gelatinous frond (often inflated at the separation).

- (alga) fronde magna laete viridescente inflato-bullata (Agardh), with the frond large, brightly greenish, inflated-bullate [i.e. blistered or bubbly].

- (alga) tendentia frondis centrifugali saepe oritur juxta basin protuberantia, quae sensim a matrice segregatur, magnitudine fere pisi majoris, sensim inflatur et in frondem novam matri conformem evolvitur (Agardh), with the tendency [i.e. course of development] of the frond centrifugal, often with a protuberance arisen next to the base, which gradually is segregated from the matrix, with the magnitude almost of a larger pea, gradually swollen and developed into a new frond of the same shape as the mother [i.e. producing frond].

- (alga) scaphidiis in basi inflata spinarum nidulantibus subsolitariis (Agardh), with the scaphidia nestling at the inflated base of the spines, nearly solitary.

- (alga) receptacula ramos ramulosque omnes terminantia, 1-3 lineas longa, ex inflatis spinarum confluentium basibus formata (Agardh), the receptacles terminating all of the branches and branchlets, 1-3 lines long, formed from the inflated bases of the confluent spines.

Hypha inflata (part.A), a hypha “in which cells behind the growing apex enlarge and cause the apparent rapid rate of growth characteristic of most agaric and gasteromycete fruit bodies” (Ainsworth & Bisby). innatus,-a,-um (part.A): innate, inborn, inherent, natural, intrinsic; borne on apex of supporting part, adhering by growing into; natural; “adhering to the apex of a thing, as the anther to the apex of a filament” (Lindley); “1. borne on the apex of the support; in an anther the antithesis of adnate; 2. imbedded (Leighton)” (Jackson); “borne at the apex of the supporting part, as some anthers” (Fernald 1950) [> L. innascor, innatus sum, 3. deponent, to be born in, to grow on or spring up in a place]; cf. adnatus,-a,-um (part.A), (of stamens) adnate with the corolla-tube, or an anther in its whole length with its filament;

innascitur: 3d pers. sg. present indic. passive; it grows on, in born on.

- non infrequens, gregarius, caespitosus, cortici coriario (Seer Lohgruhen) innascitur fungus noster (S&A), our fungus not infrequent, gregarious [i.e. colonial], caespitose [i.e. growing in clumps], growing on tanner’s bark

- apothecia innata lecanorina aut paucissimis endocarpea (Nyl.), the inherent apothecia like Lecanora or in a very few, Endocarpon.

- stamina e parietibus perigynandae innata (Swartz), the stamens 2, adherent to the walls of the perigynanda.

- antherae innatae, apiculatae, biloculares (B&H), anthers [on the tip], with an apiculus, with two locules.

- antherae innatae, connectivo cum filamento continuo (B&H), the anthers innate [i.e. borne at the apex of the supporting part], the connective continuous with the filament.

- antherae innatae, loculis rimis lateralibus v. introrsum v. poris apicalibus dehiscentibus (B&H), the anthers innate [ i.e. borne at the apex of the supporting part], with the cavities dehiscing by lateral fissures or toward the inside or by apical pores.

- [fungi] Var. bb:] ramulis tenuibus acubusque innata notis nonnullis discrepat (S&Z), to thin twigs and [evergreen] needles adhered, [the variety] disagrees in some characters.

- [fungi] fila in hujus quoque speciei exemplis perfectioribus membranae suppositae innata visuntur (S&A), the threads of each species of this seems, in complete specimens, adhered to a membrane situated under it.

- [fungi] [var. alpha] ramulis siccis deciduis, muscis, foliis etc. innata in abietinis umbrosis ineunte Septembri (B&H), grown up on dry branchlets, mosses, leaves, etc. of shaded Abies at the onset of September.

- sparsam gregariamque, luti vetusti calce obducti fragmentis innatam (S&A), sparse and gregarious, adherent to flakes of old mud covered over with lime.

- (fungi) disco trunci abietini serra truncati innatum (S&A), adherent with the disc to the fir-trunk by a truncate tooth.

- (fungus) copiose innascitur fungillus noster elegantulus epigaeus solo praesertim argillaceo subdeclivi humidiusculo inter Polytricha , in sylvis , secus vias. etc.; our rather elegant little fungus grows copiously on soil, especially argillaceous, somewhat steep, rather humid, among Polytrichum [mosses], in woods, along roads, etc.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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