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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

infimus,-a,-um (adj.A): (of position) lowest, lowermost, bottommost, the lowest part of a thing; very low; = one of the two superlatives of inferus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v., ‘below, lower, on the lower side, on the bottom;’ also imus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v.; opp. supremus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v., highest, uppermost, topmost, also summus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v., uppermost, the highest part of a thing, two of the three superlatives of superus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v., that is above, upper, higher;

[infimus: lowest, last = imus, but where the lowest of several objects is referred to, infimus is used (Lewis & Short).

(with respect to time or order): the last; latest; “last in order or succession, final” (Glare).

NOTE: in English, ‘latest’ may mean the last (obsolete), or the most recent; ‘late’ may mean “of or relating to an advanced state in point of time or development; occurring near the end of a period of time or series, e.g. the late Middle Ages” (Merrian Webster Dictn.).

- ab infimis radicibus montis, from the lowermost roots [i.e. base, foot] of the mountain.

- Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae Latinitatis; Glossary for writers of medieval and late Latin, Paris, 1678, 3 vol.

- laciniae äequales, lanceolato-ovatae; quarum única ínfima, binas laterales (Swartz), the laciniae are equal [in dimension], one of which is lowermost, two are lateral.

- folia infima, folia ima, the lowermost or bottommost leaves, folia suprema, the uppermost or topmost leaves.

- foliis radicalibus infimisve abortivis ad squamas subvaginantes reductis, mediis et summis sessilibus multifidis (DeCandolle), with the basal or lowermost leaves abortive, reduced to somewhat sheathing scales, the middle and highest sessile, multifid.

- ramis infimis radiciformibus repentibus(DeCandolle), the lowermost branches rootlike, creeping.

- foliolum sub spica potius est gluma ínfima, nec dimidia spica longius (Swartz), the leaflet below the spike is rather [i.e. actually] the lowermost glume, not longer than the half-spike [i.e. half of the spike].

- pinnae infimae 5 cm. longae, superiores sensim longiores, the lower pinnae 5 cm long, the upper gradually longer.

- segmento infimo non libero, with the lowermost segment not free.

- bracteae infimae folia caulina simulantes, lowest bracts simulating the cauline (ones).

- pedicelli 2.2 mm diametro, breves, infimis interdum 1.5 mm longis, pedicells 2.2 mm in diameter, short, with the lowermost sometimes 1.5 mm long.

- bracteae infimae folia suprema simulantes, lowest bracts resembling the highest leaves.

- infima folia omnium fere muscorum aetete squalido terreoque colore induta, the lowermost leaves of almost all mosses with age clothed with a squalid and earthen color.

- foliis subulatis infimis linearibus flaccidis (DeCandolle), with the leaves subulate, the bottommost ones linear, limp.

- foliis radicalibus infimis oblongo - ovatis obtusis (Boissier), with the bottommost basal leaves oblong-ovate, obtuse.

- folia integerrima, infima saepius graminea, caulina basi attenuata v. cordato-perfoliata (B&H), leaves completely entire, the lowermost more often like grass, the stem leaves at the base narrowed or cordate-perfoliate.

- internodio inter par infimum et infimum proximum 1 cm. longo, with internode between the lowest pair of leaflets and the next lowest 1 cm. long.

- glumae tenues, angustae, carinatae, infima brevis, vacua, saepius 1-nervis, secunda pariter vacua (B&H), glumes thin, narrow, keeled, the lowermost short, empty, more often 1-nerved, the second equally empty.

- [algae] pinnae pinnulaeque infra medium plumatae, circumscriptìone lanceolatae ob pinnas medias majores et plerumque compositas, infimis supremisque subsimplicibus brevioribus (Agardh), the pinnae and pinnules below the middle are plumate [i.e. pinnate], lanceolate in outline due to the median pinnae larger and mostly compound, with the lowest and highest [pinnae] nearly simple [i.e. unbranched], shorter.

-[algae] in nostra sunt rami infimi filorum moniliformium oppositi (Agardh), in our [species] the lowermost branches of the moniliform filaments are opposite.

- - [algae] in speciminibus majoribus articuli medii usque duplo diametro longiores sunt; infimi et supremi semper diametro breviores, venas quam in P. obscura pauciores monstrant (Agardh), in the larger specimens, the middle joints are up to two times longer than the diameter; the lowest and the uppermost are always shorter in diameter, they reveal veins that are fewer than in P. obscura.

-[algae] axillae superiores acuta; infimae patentes, ramo decumbente aliquando radicante (Agardh), the upper axils are acute; the lowermost spreading, with the decumbent [i.e. prostrate but with the apex ascending] branch somewhat radiating.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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