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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

idem, eadem, idem (adj. and demonstrative pron.): (the) same, identical, (the) very (declined in agreement with the antecedent), the same ones, these very ones, the same one, the same person(s); he, she, it; (as adj.) “identical with something stated in the context: with relative clause, followed by ut; quasi; tamquam; et; atque; quemadmodum; cum; also with dative” (Glare); opp. diversus,-a,-um (part. A), ‘different;’ see ‘different;’

- [with cum] habitat in iisdem locis cum specie priore, it grows in the

same places as the previous species.

- flores minuti, in iisdem v. diversis spadicibus interfoliaceis monoici v. dioici, sparsi (B&H), the flowers minute, in the same or different interfoliaceous spadices, monoicous or dioicous, sparse.

- antherae in eadem vel diversa stirpe, anthers on the same or a different shoot.

NOTE: id. abbr. = idem (masc. and neuter), ‘the same:’

“ this scholarly term appears in footnotes containing more than one reference to works by the same author. It is used in place of the author’s name after the initial reference” (Ehrlich). In legal citations, it denotes the previously cited source. Note also that if the author is female, the abbr. is ‘ead.’ = eadem. Compare ibid., abbrev. for ibidem, q.v., ‘in the same place.’

NOTE: cf. ibidem (adv.), q.v., (of space) in the same place (as something else); totidem (adj. indecl.), q.v., (of number) just as many [> tot (adj. plural indecl.): so many].

NOTE: 'receptacle the same length as the calyx' may be rendered, 'receptaculum longitudine calycis', the receptacle with the length of the calyx.
            Singular                           Plural
       m.      f.     n.              m.          f.         n.
Nom. idem    eadem   idem        idem, eidem   eaedem     eadem
Gen.   ejusdem (eiusdem)          eorundem    earundem   eorundem
Dat.         eidem                             isdem [eisdem]
Acc. eundem  eandem  idem          eosdem      easdem     eadem
Abl.  eodem  eadem   eodem                     isdem [eisdem]
NOTE: idem est, “it amounts to the same thing,” “it is essentially the same thing.”

NOTE, not ‘id est;’ see ‘is, ea, id,’ the third person pronoun.

NOTE: ac (conj.): 'as,' use with idem, eadem, idem (pron.), 'the same' + ac, 'as'; see ac (conj.) sense (2); see examples below;

e.g. - item ac, the same as.

- idem in aliis speciebus hujus tribus observatur (Nyl.), the same thing in other species of this tribe is observed.

- eodem modo ac in, the same as in; cf. tot, totidem (Stearn);

- in eodem cursu, in the same course (direction).

- in uno et eodemque individuo: in one and the same individual.

- one and the same: {unus,-a,-um (q.v., irreg.adj.A;} et {idem, iadem, idem + ‘que, ‘and’}: habitus Grimmiae cum qua forte unum idemque genus sed grandior, the habit of [the genus] Grimmia, with which perhaps it is one and the same genus but bigger (unum and idem both nom. sg. neuters modifying genus).

- [Uredo Anemones (= gen.sg.), fungus] epiphylla vel petiolaris: unum idemque nonnumquam folium cum Aecidio Anemones occupans; epiphyllous or petiolar: nearly always occupying the one and the same leaf with Aecidium Anemones [gen.sg.].

- Parisiis, Sumptibus Sociorum Treuttel et Würtz, rue de Bourbon, n° 17. Venitque in Eorumdem Bibliopoliis Argentorati et Londini. MDCCCXXIV, at Paris, at the expense of Treuttel and Wurtz, associates, rue de Bourbon, number 17. And is sold in the Booksellers of the same at Strasbourg and London 1824.

- Нaec planta magnam habet similitudinem cum Veronica petraea, semper virente Pon. Bald. fol. СССXXXVI, ut asserit idem Bauhinus (Mich.), this plant has a great similitude with Veronica petraea, always green [i.e. never withered] Pon. Bald. fol. CCCXXXVI, so Bauhin claims [i.e. asserts] the same thing.

- [fungi] saepe in uno eodemque individuo hinc prorsus laevis, illinc confertius distantiusve minute et adpresse squamulosus (S&A), often in one and the same individual here [on one side] completely smooth, there [on the other] more densely or more distantly minutely and appressedly squamulose.

- nam flores interdum variant albi et aurei in eadem specie (e.g. in Arcticis et Himalayanis) (B&H); for the flowers sometimes vary white and gold in the same species (e.g. in Arctic and Himalayan [species].

- apice foliaris in eodem plano ac laminae, with the leaf apex in the same plane as the lamina (gen.sg.).

- habitat in isdem locis cum No. 16; it grows in the same places with number 16.

- bractea altera spathacea saepe ad spicae basin sita, altitudine inferiores aequans, sed iisdem conspicue angustior (F. Mueller), the other bract spathe-like, often situated at the base of the spike, equalling the lower ones in height, but conspicuously narrower than those.

- planta Linnaei eadem ac nostra est, the plant of Linnaeus is the same as ours

- in eadem specie variat etiamque in eodem individuo, it varies in the same species and even in the same individual.

- planta Jamaicensis eadem est ac planta Cubensis, the Jamaican plant is the same as the Cuban plant.

- color seminum in eadem planta variabilis, colour of seeds on the same plant variable.

- ex eadem insula, from the same island.

- in eodem rhizomate, on the same rhizome.

- longitudo quasi eadem atque in specie, the length almost the same as in the species.

- eodem modo ac in, the same as in; cf. tot, totidem [NOT DONE]

- color pilei idem ac Polypori adusti, colour of pileus the same as that of Polyporus adustus (Stearn) [species name in gen. sg. modifying 'color']

- sub eodem tempore, at the same time.

- fungi folia specierum Rosacearum eodem modo inficientes, fungi infecting leaves of Rosaceous species in the same way.

- LUDIA,-ae (s.f.I), frutices Mauritiani, floribus lateralibus subsessilibus, foliis saepe in iisdem individuis forma variis (1), unde nomen (DeCandolle), Mauritian shrubs with lateral flowers nearly sessile, with the leaves often on the same individuals variable in form, whence the name.

- an planta Americana omnino eadem ac Sibirica? (DeCandolle), perhaps the American plant is altogether the same as the Siberian one?

- corolla staminibus pistillisque ejusdem longitudinis (DeCandolle), with the stamens and pistils of the same length as the corolla.

- [moss] peristomium interius e membrana brevissima, vix exserta, vix carinato-plicata, apice fissa in processus sedecim dentibus externis breviores iisdemque alternos (DozyMoek), the inner peristome from a very short membrane, scarcely exserted, scarcely keeled-plicate, with the apex divided into 16 processes shorter than the outer teeth and alternate with them.

- [algae] in eadem cellula per divisionem cytoplasmatis simultaneam gregarie nata: Codium, Codiolum, Bryopsis, Hydrocytium, Chaetomorpha, Cladophora, Laminaria (Braun); in the same cell gregariously [i.e. in swarms or colonies] produced by means of a simultaneous division of the cytoplasm: Codium, Codiolum, Bryopsis, Hydrocytium, Chaetomorpha, Cladophora, Laminaria.

- [Fig.] 13, semen auctum lateraliter inspectum; 14, 15, idem marginem praebens; 16, seminis sectio longitudinalis; 17, ejusdem sectio horizontalis (F. Muell.), figure 13, the enlarged, seed looked at laterally; [figures] 14, 15, displaying the same margin; [figure] 16, a longitudinal section of the seed; [figure] 17, a horizontal section of the same.

NOTE: ac (conj.), q.v.: 'as,' use with idem, eadem, idem (pron.), 'the same' + ac, 'as';

- e speciminibus Dillenii J. multiflora Huds. est eadem ac J. connivens (Lindberg), according to the specimens of Dillenius, J. multiflora Huds. is the same as J. connivens.

- structura peristomii eadem ac Bryi argentei, structure of the peristome the same as that of Bryum argenteum.

- segmenta aeque longa ac diametrum vel breviora, segments equally as long as the diameter or shorter.

- planta Jamaicensis eadem est ac planta Cubensis, the Jamaican plant is the same as the Cuban plant.

- frondes fertilia plusminusve eadem longitudine ac in sterilibus, the fertile fronds more or less with the same length as in the sterile ones.

- planta Linnaei eadem ac nostra est, the plant of Linnaeus is

the same as ours.

- Lilium sinicum idem est ac L. concolor, Lilium sinicum is the

same as L. concolor.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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