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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Glebula,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. glebula: = gleba,-ae (s.f.I) q.v. (Jackson);

1. a small clump (of earth); “a small lump or clod of any substance” (Jackson);

- [Lichen decipiens; caption of a figure] Fig. 1. Terrae glebula, indiuidua variae aetatis et figurae continens, figure 1. a clod of earth, containing individuals of different age and shape: - a. Particula eius; octies aucta (Hedw.), Figure one. clod [i.e. clump] of earth, containing individuals of various age and shape: - a. small piece of the same; enlarged eight times.

- [Octospora varia] Fig. I. Luti glebula, plantulis iuuencis [= iuvencis] obsita; naturali magnitudine (Hedw.), a small clump of dirt [clay], beset with young little plants; in natural size.

- [fungi] pervulgatus hic est viarum praesertim in pinetis arenosarum satelles, glebulis soli sordens, parum gratus visu (S&A), this is quite common, attendant especially in the Pine association of sandy roads, being dirty [i.e. coarsened] with little clumps of soil, somewhat pleasing in appearance.

- [fungi] vias praecipue arenosas pinetorum assidue comitatur, glareae glebulis saepe inquinata, autumno tardiore Oct. Nov. (S&A), it constantly accompanies roads, especially the sandy ones in pine associations, often dirtied with the gravel of little clods [of earth], in later autumn Oct. Nov.

- [Octospora] (caption of a figure) 4. Alia provectior eiusdem glebulae; ad augmentum I (Necker), another [sc. plantula] of the same clump; to the magnification of [figure] 1.

- [Lichen decipiens; caption of a figure] Fig. 1. Terrae glebula, indiuidua variae aetatis et figurae continens, figure 1. a clod of earth, containing individuals of different age and shape: - a. Particula eius; octies aucta (Hedw.), Figure one. clod [i.e. clump] of earth, containing individuals of various age and shape: a. a small piece of the same; enlarged eight times.

- [Gymnopodes; fungi] vias praecipue arenosas pinetorum assidue comitatur, glareae glebulis saepe inquinata, autumno tardiore Oct. Nov. (S&A), it constantly grows alongside roads, especially the sandy ones in pine associations, often dirtied [i.e. coarsened] with the gravel of little clods [of earth], in later autumn Oct. Nov.

- genitalia mascula in truncis propriis provenire videntur. Siquidem intererant glebulae inter individua quaedam sterilia, de quorum superficie disgregatim emicabant punctula obscuriora in profunde fuscum colorem vergentia (Hedw.), male sex organs seem to come up [i.e. grow] on special stalks. However the glebulae [i.e. clods] lie among certain sterile individuals, out of the surface of which more indistinct punctules have broken out in a scattered manner, verging into a deeply fuscous [i.e. grayish-brown] color.

2. lump; the result of a reduction process (as of boiling or drying out):

- [fungus] ostiola elongata, in exemplis plurimis glebula pendula gelatinae induratae sordide flavicantis subglobosa vel irregulari coronata (S&A), ostioles elongate, in most specimens crowned with the pendulous glebule [i.e. lump] of an indurated dirtily yellowish gelatin, nearly globose or irregular [i.e. shapeless].

- [fungus] exempla saepe vernalia vidimus gelatina, nunc fluxili, nunc in glebam ceream coagulata, viridi-fuscella luculente farcta (S&A), we have often seen springtime specimens stuffed solid with gelatine, sometimes fluxile [i.e. fluid], sometimes coagulated into a [waxy lump], beautifully greenish- somewhat dark brown.

3. “little roundish elevations of the thallus of Lichens; also the spores of certain Fungals” (Lindley); a glebula, a rounded process from a lichen thallus” (Jackson); also, according to Lindley, a synonym of gleba,-ae (s.f.I), q.v.; (fungi) “1. a small ‘gleba;’ 2. a rounded elevation on the thallus of lichens;” (S&D).

- [Lichen incanus] lichen farinaceus albicans mollis glebulis difformibus (Necker), lichen farinaceous [i.e. mealy-textured] soft with irregular lumps.

- [Lichen lacteus] Lichen farinaceus mollis glebulis sphaericis (Necker), lichen farinaceous [i.e. with a mealy texture], soft, with spherical lumps.

4. an obsolete term for a “sporangium” of certain fungi, as the peridiole of Nidulariaceae, and also the spores of certain fungi” (S&D); see bump, lump, mass.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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