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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Farina,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. farina, nom. pl. farinae, acc. pl. farinas, dat. & abl.pl. farinis: 'ground corn, meal, flour,' 'dust or powder of any kind;’ dry, flour-like powdery covering, "Blair's term for pollen" (Jackson); (in fungi) “the powdery material on a soredium (Micheli, 1729)” (S&D); cf. lomentum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. lomento, bean-meal, “lomentum appellatur ea farina” Pliny, this farina is called lomentum; see powder;

NOTE: meal (Eng.noun): “the usually coarsely ground and unbolted seeds of a cereal grass or pulse” (Merriam-Webster); as opposed to a ‘flour,’ which is a seed grain finely ground.

NOTE: ‘farina’ (in fungi) may refer to spores or sporidia, as in the contents of sphaerulae; it may also refer to pollen; “Linnaeus defines the anther to be a part of the flower, big with pollen, or farina, which it emits or explodes when ripe” (Barton).

- [fungi] sphaerulae farina sua pleraeque prorsus evacuantur (S&A), most sphaerules are emptied entirely of their farina [i.e. sporidia or spores].

- farina pulverea (adj.A), a flour as fine as dust.

- coloniae in agaro farinae Zeae maydis appressae, colonies appressed to an agar of cornmeal.

- Isaria monilioides: (a) situ et magnitudine naturali; aucta (b) farina tota obruta (c) stipite nudo, Isaria monilioides: a. with the situation and size natural; enlarged b. the whole covered with [meal], c. with the stipe naked.

- Junio mense sphaerulas alias mucilagine refertas, alias in ipso fructificationis actu farinam ex ostiolis suis protrudentes (S&A), in the June month some sphaerules crammed with mucilage, others in the fructification itself by a driving action protruding the [meal] from its own ostiole.

- sphaerulae post allquot dies exsiccatae inque farinam albidam fatiscentes (S&A), the sphaerules drying out after a few days and disintegrating into a whitish powder.

- disco simul farina evanida sordide nigrescente (S&A), with the disc at the same time growing dirty black with a quickly disappearing [mealy powder].

- stroma tandem in farinam prorsus solutum ad latera cylindri interdum protuberat (S&A), the stroma finally strictly breaking up into a [powder] sometimes distended at the side of the cylinder.

- sphaerulae centrales arcte congestae, marginales sparsae: adolescentes gelatina fluxili turgent, quae dein capsulae etiamnum inclusa in massam albam farinaceo-viscidam maturescens abit (S&A), the central sphaerules closely congested, the marginal ones spread out: adolescent [ones] swelling with a fluid jelly, which then still enclosed by the capsule, on maturing transforms into a white mealy-viscid mass.

- farina ista sphaerulas alias totas farctas, alias jam evacuatas villi ad instar coronatas deprehendimus (S&A), that [powder] we discover some whole sphaerules stuffed, others already empty, crowned in the form of a villus [i.e. a covering of long, weak hairs].

- P. stipitatum, peridio pileiformi subtus nigro, supra farina villosa cinerea dense consperso (S&A), P. stipitatum, with a pileiform peridium below dull black, above densely strewn with a villous, gray [powder].

- stylidium breve, crassiusculum, album, farina concolore detersili saepe tectnm (S&A), stylidium short, somewhat thick, white, often covered with a concolorous, detersile [i.e. removeable so that the surface becomes bare][powder].

- sem. 8-10 ad quamque placentam pulpa farinacea colorata induta (DeCandollle), seeds 8-10, at each placenta clothed with a colored, starchy pulp.

Farinaria,-ae (s.f.I = Ustilago, etc. (Ainsworth & Bisby).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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