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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

elasticus,-a,-um (adj.A): elastic, returning to its original position when pressed or bent, rubbery, springy, flexible; flexibilis,-e (adj.B), 'that can be bent, flexible;' flexilis,-e (adj.B), "flexible, pliant, supple;" see flexible;

- dehiscentia explosiva vel elastica, dehiscence explosive or elastic.

- semina cum testa leniter tuberculata, tunica alba elastica circumdata, seeds with the testa finely tuberculate, surrounded by a white rubbery coating.

- caro molliuscula levis, subsuberosam, quasi elastica, flesh somewhat pliant, light, very lightly erose, as if elastic (rubbery).

- caro molliuscula levis, subsuberosam, quasi elastica, flesh somewhat pliant, light, very lightly corky as if elastic.

- [Viola] valvulae capsulae elasticae post maturationem contractae semina ejicientes; semina horizontalia manifeste carunculata, plus minus ovoidea et nitida (DeCandolle), the elastic valvules of the capsule, contracted after maturation driving out [i.e.. ejecting] the seeds; the seeds horizontal, clearly carunculate; more or less ovoid and lustrous.

- [fungi] haec potius ad id firmitatis roborisve elastici, quod vasculo Theleboli stercorei tribuit inventor, neutiquam pertingere videtur.

Latex nimirum fructificans ab initio observandus vel nullatenus consolidatur, sed fluxilis persistens membranulae tandem vertice rupto circumquaque redundat; vel eousque tantum inspissatur, ut apice fisso cirrhuli fusiformis in speciem profluat (S&A), rather this, on the basis of of that firmness or elastic capacity, which the discoverer attributed to the [vasculum = ascidium] of Thelebolus stercoreus, by no means seems to pertain. The doubtless fructifying latex, to be observed from the beginning, is either in no way at all consolidated [i.e. thickened], but overflows, in the end, on all sides from the ruptured summit of a fluxile [i.e. fluid or liquid] little membrane; or only until it is thickened, so that with the apex split, it flows forth into a kind of fusiform cirrhulus.

- [fungi] caro molliuscula levis (subsuberosam dixeris) quasi elastica: gustata insipidam sese simulat, sed paullo post vehementer adstringit (S&A), flesh somewhat soft, smooth [you might have said somewhat corky) as if elastic: when tasted it pretends to be insipid [i.e. tasteless], but a little later it is strongly astringent.

- [fungi] stipes pileo praeter tomentum baseos niveum prorsus concolor, breviusculus (3/4 unc. fere longus), solidus, subelasticus (S&A), the stipe except for the snow-white tomentum of the base is entirely concolorous with the pileus, rather short (almost 3/4 inch long), solid, somewhat elastic.

- [fungi] pilei membranacei, quasi papyracei, plicabiles, plus minus longitudinaliter plicati, elastici simul, distensiles ita, ut plicae evanescant fere, at membrana dein relaxata illico restituantur (S&A), pileus membranaceous, as if papery, able to be pleated [i.e. folded], more or less longitudinally plicate, at the same time it is elastic, and so, able to be distended, so that the plicae [i.e. folds] almost disappear, and, when the membranes are relaxed, may at once be restored [i.e. to their original condition].

subereus,-a,-um (adj.A), suberinus,-a,-um (adj.A), suberosus,-a,-um (adj.A), corky, i.e. dry, shriveled up, withered, light or buoyant relative to volume, somewhat elastic; cf. coriaceus,-a,-um (adj.A);

Caoutchouc, or Indian rubber, is the inspissated juice of various plants. The Caoutchouc of commerce is principally obtained from Ficus elastica and Siphouia elastica (Paxton).

Cocculus, a kind of cell, which opens with elasticity (Paxton).

Elaterium, Linn. “From elater, an impeller; in reference to the elastic seed-vessel. Cucurbitaceae. A singular genus of plants, on account of the elastic seed-vessels"(Paxton).

Impatiens, Rivinus. From impatiens, impatient; applied to this genus because the elastic valves of the capsules burst when touched, and throw the seed out with great force (Paxton).

Sphaerobolus, Tode. From sphaira, a globe, and ballo, to eject; the plant becomes elastic and emits a spherical sporangium (Paxton).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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