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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

crassus,-a,-um (adj.A): solid, thick, dense, fat, gross,’ fleshy, stout; “(esp. of liquids) having a close consistency, thick, concentrated; (of rivers) muddy, turbid; (of soil) heavy, impervious; (of mist, air, etc.) dense, thick; murky; (of a tree, probably) of dense growth, luxuriant” (Glare); “something thicker than usual. Leaves are generally papery in texture; the leaves of cotyledons, which are much more fleshy, are called ‘[folia] crassa’” (Lindley), (of air) thick, dense, heavy; compar. crassior,-ius; superl. crassissimus,-a,-um (adj.A); opp. liquidus (adj.A) 'liquid, fluid;' opp. subtilis,-e (adj.B) and tenuis (adj.B) 'thin, slender; delicate, fine;' cf. coarse; see thick; opp. to flowing, thin, lean, delicate; cf. wide;

- exocarpium carnosum tenue v. crassum (B&H), the exocarp fleshy, thin or thick.

- floribus axillaribus solitariis pedunculum crassum subaequanlibus, (Boissier), with the axillary flowers solitary, nearly equalling the thick peduncle.

- [moss] areolatio e cellulis minutis (crassis parietibus) subpapillosis composita (C. Mueller), the areolation composed of minute cells (with thick walls), somewhat papillose.

- [moss] folia e strata unico cellularum crassarum prosenchymaticarum (C. Mueller), the leaves [composed] of a single layer of thick, prosenchymatic cells.

- apothecia lecideina sessilia rotundata ad basin leviter constricta parva 0.4 mm. crassa, apothecia lecideine [i.e. like the genus Lecidea] sessile rounded at base lightly constricted small 0.4 mm thick (Stearn).

- [moss] folia nervo tereti crasso instructa (C. Mueller), leaves provided with a rounded-cylindric thick nerve [i.e. costa].

- [moss] theca longi-pedunculata elliptica crassa longe et oblique apiculata (C. Mueller), the theca long-pedunculate, elliptic, thick, longly and obliquely apiculate.

- radice crassa lignosa rubra (Boissier), with the root thick, woody, red.

- costa medio 12 cellulas crassa, costa in the middle 12 cells thick.

- calyptra maxime crassa (Steph.), the calyptra extremely thick.

- legumine brevi recto crasso pilosissimo (Boissier), with the legume short, straight, thick, very hairy.

- foliis crassis lineari- vel angusto-oblongis (F. Mueller), with the leaves thick, linearly- or narrowly-oblong.


- testa membranacea saepeque pericarpio adhaerente, rarius crassiore (B&H), test [i.e. seedcoat] membranaceous and often with the pericarp adhering, more rarely thicker.

- stylo filamentis crassiore (F. Mueller), with the style thicker than the filaments.

- pedicellis crassioribus (Boissier), with the pedicels thicker.

- legumina nonnulla v. omnia sub terram maturescunt et tunc crassiora sunt saepe carnosula v. dura et indehiscentia (B&H), some legumes or all of them mature under the ground and then they are thicker, often somewhat fleshy or hard and indehiscent.

- folia tenera et subtilia aetate duriora et crassiora, the leaves delicate and thin, with age harder and thicker.

- testa multo crassior quam specierum sequentium (B. Mueller), the seedcoat is much thicker than [that of] of the following species.

- aspectus Genistae ephedroidis aut AEthnensis, sed rami crassiores, (Boissier), the appearance [i.e. habit] of Genista ephedroides or Aethnensis, but the branches are thicker.


- nervo crassissimo ante apicem evanido (C. Mueller), with the costa very thick, disappearing before the apex.

- radicula nunc elongata v. crassissime carnosa (B&H), the radicle sometimes elongate or very thickly fleshy.

- stylus crassisimus (B&H), the style very thick.

crasso-carnosus,-a,-um (adj.A): carnous = fleshy, soft and thick, like flesh, succulent (not cartilagineous or lignous (woody);

- torus parvus v. saepius crasso-carnosus (B&H), the torus small or more often thickened-fleshy [or succulent].

- cotyledonibus contortuplicatis rarius crasso-carnosis (B&H), with the cotyledons contortuplicate, more rarely thickened-succulent.

crasso-coriaceus,-a,-um (adj.A): thickly coriaceous, thickened leathery [i.e. like leather, thick and tough];

- phyllodiis parvis triangularibus crasso-coriaceis paucinerviis acutis mucronatis (F. Mueller), with the phyllodia small, triangular, thickened-leathery, few-nerved, acute, mucronate.

- foliis glaucis elongatis crasso-coriaceis rigidis (F. Mueller), with the leaves glaucous, elongate, thickened-leathery, rigid.

crasso-marginatus,-a,-um (part.A): thickly or densely bordered or edged;

- [moss] folii lamina infra medium evanescens crasso-marginata (C. Mueller), the lamina of the leaf vanishing below the middle, thickly-bordered.

crasso-septatus,-a,-um (adj.A): thickly partitioned, thickly septate;

- fructus magnitudine cerasi minoris, aetate corrugati nec distincte angulati, crasso-septati (F. Mueller), the fruit with the size of a smaller cherry, with age, corrugated, not distinctly angled, thickly septate [i.e. partitioned].

suberoso-crassus,-a,-um (adj.A): corky [subereus, i.e. withered and dry]; with a corky (not fleshy or woody) thickness;

- septo membranaceo v. suberoso-crasso (B&H), with the septum membranaceous or corky-thick.

incrassatus,-a,-um (part.A), q.v.: made thick or stout; thickened, as in cell walls;

- cellulae epidermidis trigonis magnis incrassatae, cells of the epidermis thickened with large trigones.

- parietibus radialibus maxime aequaliterque incrassatis, with the radial walls very greatly and equally thickened.

praecrassus,-a,-um (adj.A): very thick = crassissimus.

subcrassus,-a,-um (adj.A), crassiusculus,-a,-um (adj.A): somewhat thick;

- rhizoma breve squamis subcrassis imbricatis, rhizome short with somewhat thickened imbricate scales.

Mammillaria crassior

Cacalia crassissima, Senecio crassissimus


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
Copyright © P. M. Eckel 2010-2023

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