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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

corneus,-a,-um (adj.A): corneous;

1. corneus,-a,-um (adj.A), cornaceus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v., of the cornel-tree, of cornel or dog-wood; made of cornel-wood.

2. the yellow color of ‘horn;’ “of the color of horn” (Lewis & Short);

- color cereus aut corneus, a waxy or horn-like color.

- [Lemania variegata; alga] fila livida vel corneo-lutea, the filaments livid [i.e. lead-colored] or horn-yellow.

- perist. simplicis dentes 16 geminati late lanceolati corneo-lutescentes, dein rufi laevissimi inanes (C. Muell.), the teeth of the simple peristome 16, paired, broadly lanceolate, horn-yellowish, then red, very smooth, empty.

- [Calicium pusiolum; lichen] tha11us obsoletus vix ullus, stipite gracilescente nigricante aut saepius pallescente, aut toto hyalino-corneo vel albido (Nyl.), the thallus obsolete [i.e. undeveloped], scarcely any, with the stipe rather slender, blackish or more often paleish, with the whole thing hyaline horn-yellow or whitish.

- [Sphaerophoron; lichen] medulla alba stuppea, cortice corneo incrustato saepe nitidiusculo (Nyl.), with the medulla white, tow-like [i.e. of tufted or matted tow-like hairs or filaments; made of tow], with the cortex hoen-yellow, encrusted, often somewhat nitid.

3. corneus,-a,-um (adj.A), cornaceus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v., (of a condition of hardness): corneous, horny, made of horn, hard and close-textured but not brittle; “horny; hard and very close in texture, but capable of being cut without difficulty, the parts cut off not being brittle, as the albumen of many plants” (Lindley); resembling horn, horny in hardness or appearance (Glare); cf. crustaceus, 'hard, thin and brittle, having a crust;' cf. osseus,-a,-um (adj.A), q.v., osseous, bony, of bone-like hardness; cf. cartilagineus,-a,-um (adj.A), cartilagineous, 'flexible but firm and tough;' rubbery; “hard and tough, like the skin of an Apple-seed” (Lindley);

- [Ranunculaceae] albumen corneum magnum (DeCandolle), the albumen corneous [i.e. hard like horn] large.

- endocarpio in paucis corneo 2-valvi secedente (B&H), with the endocarp, in a few [sc. species] horny-textured, two-valved, splitting apart.

- [Encalypta streptocarpa; moss]: calyptra longe falcata cornea sordide flava basi lacerata (C. Muell.), the calyptra long-falcate, horn-like [i.e. in texture], dirty yellow, lacerate at the base.

- [Encalypta procera; moss] calyptra minus cornea scaberrima flavide nitens (C. Muell.), calyptra less horn-like [i.e. in texture], extremely rough, yellowish-shining.

- cotyledones semicylindricae v. subclavatae, fere corneae (B&H), the cotyledons half-cylindric [i.e. a long narrow body, flat on one side, convex on the other] or nearly clavate [i.e. club-shaped], almost horn-like.

- albumen copiosum, carnoso-corneum (B&H), the albumen abundant, flesh-like to corneous [i.e. hornlike in texture].

- [Hovenia] semina late oblonga v. orbicularia, compressa, testa cornea dura (B&H), the seeds broadly oblong or orbicular, compressed, with a seedcoat hornlike, hard.

- semina testa cornea coriacea v. ossea nitida (B&H), seeds with a seed-coat like horn, leathery or bony, shining.

- [ISATIS] siliqua magna, orbiculata, oblonga v. linearis, cornea v. ossea, margine coriaceo v. foliaceo non incrassato (B&H), the silique large, orbiculate, oblong or linear, with the texture of horn or bone, leathery at the margin or leaf-like, not thickened.

- in Barbariae plagis septentrionalibus coluntur Triticum durum, grano corneo nec farinaceo, culmo farcto distinctum, Hordeum vulgare Equis alendis pro avena inserviens (Desf.), in the northern territories of Barbaria are grown Triticum durum, distinct by a horn-textured grain, not mealy, with the culm solid, Hordeum vulgare for taking care of feeding the Horses for [i.e. instead of] oats.

- [pileus] induratus semipellucens corneus eleganter granatinus (S&A), the pileus hardened, somewhat pellucid, [with the texture of horn], elegantly garnet-colored.

- epicarpio tenuiter crustáceo, mesocarpio atro dense carnoso, endocarpio corneo reniformi (B&H), with the epicarp thinly crested, the mesocarp black, densely fleshy, the endocarp [with the texture of horn], kidney-shaped.

- (algae) frondes membranaceo-corneae (Agardh), the fonds membranaceous to the texture of horn.

- siliqua magna, orbiculata, oblonga v. linearis, cornea v. ossea (B&H), silicle large, nearly orbicular, oblong or linear, corneous [i.e. with the texture of horn] or bony.

corneolus,-a,-um (adj.A): somewhat horny in texture; made of horn, horny, hard as horn, hard, firm; dim. of corneus,-a,-um (adj.A)(3).

cornescens,-entis (part.B): becoming hard like horn, growing horny, becoming of a firm or hard horn-like consistence [> L. cornesco,-ere, to become like horn]; see hardening.

subcorneus,-a,-um (adj.A): slightly or somewhat corneus, horny, made of horn = corneolus,-a,-um (adj.A);

- [Asclepiadeae] lamina libera lata membranacea v. subcornea (B&H), the lamina free, broad, membranaceous or slightly corneus.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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