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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Collum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. collo, nom. & acc. pl. colla, dat. & abl.pl. collis [> L. collum,-i (s.n.II), the neck of men and animals]; (in bryology) "archaic word for capsule neck" (Magill 1990); see ‘neck;’

- collum-cygni, neck of a swan, an epithet applied to Aerangis and Psittacanthus species (Stearn 1983).

- peridii cortex interior coeruleo-violascens, micore nonnumquam praepulchro colli columbini insignis (S&A), the iner cortex of the peridium bluish-violet, sometimes remarkable for the very beautiful glossiness of the neck of a dove [or blue pigeon].

NOTE: not to be confused with column [one ell, ‘l’], q.v.

NOTE: not to be confused with collis,-is (s.m.III), q.v., ‘hill.’

1. neck, neck-like prolongation of an organ;

2. “the point of junction between the radicle and plumula” (Lindley)

3. “the point of divergence of the ascending and descending axes; that is to say, of the root and stem.” (Lindley); “the 'neck' of a plant, the imaginary boundary between the above- and underground portion of the axis” (Jackson).

The ‘root crown,’ ‘root collar,’ ‘root neck,’ that part of a root system from which the stem arises. The site of major vascular changes between the difference in vascular anatomies between the root and stem. Located around or at the soil level (Wikipedia under ‘root crown’ Dec. 18, 1917). Crown, as of roots, “the point where root and stem meet” (Jackson).

4. Also the lengthened orifice of the ostiolum of a Lichen” (Lindley);

5. (in fungi) “the annulus in Agarics” (Jackson).

5. [Diatoms] “The narrow, hyaline area on the valve mantle in the genus Aulacoseira. A small furrow, or sulcus, separates the collum from the portion of the valve mantle with areolae.” DiatUS; see also ‘ringleiste.’

6. “an encircling outgrowth at the base of the ovule in Ginkgo (Potter)" (Jackson).

7. (in bryology) the sterile basal portion of a capsule, often strongly differentiated, the tapered base, or neck, of the capsule; collar, q.v.;

- [musci] theca breviusculo-pedunculata erecta cylindrico-oblonga, collo brevlssimo instructa, aperta urnigera (C. Mueller), the theca rather short-pedunculate [i.e. with a short seta], erect, cylindric-oblong, provided with a very short neck, open [i.e. uncovered], urn-bearing.

- [Funaria; musci] theca elevato-pyriformis erecta collo, et pedunculo brevi stricto sicco dextrorsum torto praedita (C. Muell.), the theca elevated-pear-shaped, provided with a neck, and a short peduncle [i.e. seta] straight, when dried twisted dextrorse.

Ringleiste, (in Diatoms), “An internal, silica ledge that projects into the cell interior from the collum. The ringleiste is found only in the genus Aulacoseira and is variously developed in different species of the genus. The term sulcus is sometimes used, particularly with *Aulacoseira ambigua*. The hollow ringliste may be called a 'U-shaped sulcus' (DiatUS): sulcus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. sulco.

Hollow ringliste (in Diatoms), ‘U-shaped sulcus:’ sulcus in forma litterae "U", the sulcus in the form of the letter "U"; also in figura litterae "U"; in aspectu litterae "U" (litterae is genitive singular of littera,-ae (s.f.I); cf. hippocrepicus,-a,-um (adj.A) 'horseshoe-shaped.'

- [Neurada; Rosaceae] Fructus circa collum plantae maturae persistens B&H), the fruit persistent around the neck of the mature plant.

- RANUNCULUS REPENS, foliis pinnatim 3-sectis, segmentis cuneatis 3-lobatis inciso-dentatis, caule flagella prostrato-repentia e collo agente (DeCandolle), with the leaves pinnately 3-divided, with the segments cuneate [i.e. wedge-shaped], 3-lobed, incised-dentate, with the stem developing flagella [i.e. whip-like processes] creeping-prostrate from the neck [i.e. root-crown].

- Ranunculus bulbosus] caule erecto ad collum bulboso (DeCandolle), with the stem erect, bulbous at the collum [i.e. neck, the root-crown].

- bacca ovata, in collum apice attenuata et ideo lagenaeformis (DeCandolle), the berry ovate narrowed at the apex into a neck, and consequently flask-shaped.

- radice elongata, perenni; collo multicipiti (B&H), with the root elongate, perennial; with the neck [i.e. crown] many-headed; see ‘crown, as of roots.’

- herba rhizomate perenni, collo vaginis foliorum vetustis suberosis coronato (B&H), herb with a perennial rhizome, with the neck crowned with the somewhat erose old sheathes of leaves.

- herbae annuae v. biennes, e collo ramosissimo diffusae (B&H), annual or biennial herbs diffuse from a very much branched collum.

- radix perennis ad collum multiceps (DeCandolle), the root perennial, many-crowned at the neck.

- herbae annuae v. biennes, e collo ramosissimo diffusae (B&H), annual or biennial herbs, outspread from a very branchy [neck].

- tunica in collum elongatum producta, tunic into a long neck drawn out (Stearn 1983).

- [fungi] phialides abrupte in collum tenue distincte contracta, phialids abruptly into a thin neck (acc.sg.) distinctly tapering.

- capsulis basi in collum sensim decrescentibus, with the capsules at the base gradually diminishing into a neck.

- rhizoma breve, lignosum; collo vestigiis suberosis petiolorum dense coronato (B&H), with a short rhizome, woody, with the neck compactly crowned with the corky vestiges of the petioles.

- caule erecto ad collum fibrilioso (DeCandolle), with the stem erect, fibrillose at the neck.

- foliis radicalibus petiolatis, flagellis e collo ortis (DeCandolle), with the basal leaves petiolate, with flagella arisen from the neck [i.e. the point of divergence of root and stem] [in Ranunculus Cymbalaria, a plant “with filiform repent stolons” (Fernald 1950)].

- [Moss: Andreaeaceae] theca in valvulis 4—8 dehiscens brunnea decidua, tela cellulosa interna carens, basi collo pallido apophysiformi instructa, recta vix apiculata, valvulis apice cohaerentibus (Mueller), theca dehiscent into 4-8 valvules, brown, deciduous, lacking an internal cellulose tissue, provided at the base with a pale apophysis-shaped neck.

- [Caryocar; TERNSTROEMIACEAE] Semen subreniforme; albumen tenuissimum, membraniforme, v. ad hilum paullo incrassatum; embryonis radicula maxima, crassocarnosa, arcuata, ad apicem fructus spectans, basi juxta hilum in collum sursum inflexum producta; cotyledonibus ad apicem colli continuis, parvis, hamato-inflexis (B&H), the seed somewhat kidney-shaped; the albumen extremely thin, like a membrane, or somewhat thickened at the hilum; with the radicle of the embryo very large, thickly fleshy, arcuate, looking at the apex of the fruit, at the base, beside the hilum prolonged upwards into an inflexed neck; with the cotyledons continuous at the apex of the neck, small, hamate-inflexed [i.e. hooked and bent inward).

Archegonial neck: collum,-i (s.n.II) archegoniale, abl. sg. collo archegoniali.

Coarctura,-ae (s.f.I): “(obsol.) the neck of a plant; see collum” (Lindley) [> L. coarctatus,-a,-um (part.A), “contracted; drawn close together” (Lindley)].

collosus,-a,-um (adj.A): with a large or prominent neck.

Limes communis (adj.B), abl. sg. limite communi: “(obsol.) the neck or collar of a plant” (Lindley); a ‘shared boundary, or communal border;’ see limes,-itis (s.m.III).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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