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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

bulbosus,-a,-um (adj.A): bulbous; “having the structure of a bulb; having bulbs” (Lindley); “may be applied to any swollen underground stem, not necessarily a bulb” (Stearn 1996); ‘swelling into a sphere at the lower part;’ (fungi) “(of the stipe) enlarged at the base; see also ‘abruptly bulbous,’ ‘clavate-bulbous’ and ‘round-bulbous’” (S&D); “resembling or suggesting a bulb esp. in roundness or in the gross enlargement of a part” (WIII); see swollen.

abrupte (adv.) bulbosus,-a,-um (adj.A), (in fungi) abruptly bulbous, i.e. (of a bulb of a stipe) not rounded above (S&D).

clavato-bulbosus,-a,-um (adj.A): clavate-bulbous, (in fungi) “(of a stipe) having a bulb that tapers gradually upward” (S&D).

rotundo-bulbosus,-a,-um (adj.A): rounded-bulbous, (in fungi) “(of a stipe) more or less completely rounded and not marginate” (S&D).

- HELEOCHARIS. nux styli (2-3-fidi) basi bulboso-incrassata persistente coronata (B&H), the grain [i.e. achene] of the style (split into 2-3) crowned with the base bulbous-thickened, persisting.

- {FIMBRISTYLIS] styli basis bulboso-incrassata v. conica, cum stylo decidua v. (in sect. Oncostyle) in nuce diu persistens (B&H), the base of the style bulbous-thickened or conic, deciduous with the style or (in section Oncostyle) long persisting on the achene.

- Ranunculus bulbosus] caule erecto ad collum bulboso (DeCandolle), with the stem erect, bulbous at the collum [i.e. neck, the point of divergence of the root and stem].

- [algae] Rhipilia longicaulis. (Kg. nov. sp.) Rh. stipite elongato inaequali subnodoso, basi bulboso, apice in phylloma bipartitum, rotundato-obovatum dilatato (Kutz.), a Rhipilia with the stipe elongate, unequal, somewhat nodose, at the base bulbous, at the apex [which is] dilated into a bipartite [i.e. divided into two parts] rounded-obovate phyllome.

- [fungus] Octospora bulbosa; trunco e bulbosa basi gracili, elongato; patella rotundata, exterius albo punctata, cavitate pulla, terminato (Hedwig), with a slender trunk [i.e. thallus] from a bulbose base; terminated with a rounded patella [i.e. apothecium], the exterior dotted with white, with a blackish-gray cavity [i.e. perithecium].

- [fungus] stipite solido crasso bulboso, bulbo depresso marginato (S&A), with the stipe solid, thick, bulbous, with the bulb depressed, marginate.

- [moss] perichaetia brevissima triquetau bulboso-gemmascentia (C. Mueller), the perichaetia very short, triquetrous [i.e. 3-angled] bulbous to gemmascent [i.e. bud-like].

- [fungus] stipes primo subbulbosus, dein teres evadit (S&A), the stipe at first nearly bulbous, then it ends cylindric.

- [fungus] Agaricus bulbiger nobis [i.e. described by us].

- [fungus] Agaricus pileo planiusculo carnoso glabro rufo, lamellis confertis emarginato - adnexis aquose albidis, stipite concolore obsolete annulato rufo - fibrilloso bulboso, bulbo mediocri depresso-marginato (S&A), [an Agaricus with the pileus somewhat flat, fleshy, glabrous, red, with the lamellae crowded, emarginate-adnexed [i.e. close but not attached], a watery [i.e. pellucid; dilutely] whitish, with the stipe of one color, weakly annulate, rufous-fibrillose, bulbous, with the bulb medium, depressed-marginate.

- pileo planiusculo carnoso glabro rufo, lamellis confertis emarginato - adnexis aquose albidis (S&A), with the pileus somewhat flat, fleshy, glabrous, red, with the lamellae crowded, emarginate-adnexed [i.e. close but not attached], a watery [i.e. pellucid; dilutely] whitish [color].

- [fungus] bulbi forma constans est et singularis — subglobosa, supra circa stipitem depresso-concava, margine obtuso annulari cingente (S&A), the shape of the bulb is invariable and unique – nearly globose, depressed-concave above around the stipe, with the margine obtuse, ring-like, encircling.

ebulbis,-e (adj.B): lacking bulbs or a bulb.

Pilus,-i (s.m.II) bulbosus, abl. sg. pilo bulboso, nom. pl. pili bulbosi: “hairs that proceed from a swollen base” (Lindley); “hairs with an inflated base” (Jackson).

Didymodon bulbosus [moss]; Amanita bulbosa [fungus]


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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