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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Bud (Eng. noun), “the young folded-up branch or flower” (Lindley); “1. a small lateral or terminal protuberance on the stem of a plant consisting of an undeveloped shoot made up of rudimentary foliage leaves or floral leaves or both overarching a growing point and often protected by specialized bud scales or by a coating of resin or hairs or by both; 2. something not yet mature or attained to full growth and development, such as an incompletely opened flower; 3. an outgrowth from the body of an organism that differentiates into a new individual; “the rudimentary state of a stem or branch; an unexpanded flower” (Fernald 1950): gemma,-ae (s.f.I), abl.sg. gemma, nom. pl. gemmae, acc. pl. gemmas, dat.& abl. pl. gemmis; see gemma,-ae (s.f.I);

- lobi calycis in aestivatione imbricati alabastrum ovatum obtusum formantes, lobes of calyx in aestivation imbricate an ovate obtuse bud forming (Stearn)

- gemmae adventiciae (adj.A), adventitious buds, buds appearing occasionally, such as those arising from wounds.

- gemma dormiens (part.B), resting bud.

- gemma accessoria (adj.A), accessory (additional) bud.

- gemmis axillaribus saepe plurimis, with axillary buds often very many.

- flores e gemma squamosa ante folia erumpentes, flowers from a squamous bud breaking through before the leaves.

- gemmis terminalibus non perulatis, with terminal buds not perulate

- gemmis radicalibus dormientibus vix conspicuis sed numerosissimis, with dormant root buds scarcely conspicuous but very numerous.

- gemma florifera (adj.A), flower bud.

Alabastrum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. alabastro: unopened flower, flower bud;

- perigonium in alabastro globosum, perigon in bud globose.

Brood body, q.v.: in mosses, reduced, detachable organs of vegetative reproduction of two types: the propagulum,-i (s.n.II), q.v., which are reduced buds, leaves or branches, and the gemma,-ae (s.f.I), q.v., which is septate and globose, ellipsoidal, cylindric to filamentous in shape; see gemma,-ae (s.f.I), propagulum,-i (s.n.II).

Brood bud: (in lichens), the soredium; see sorede.

Bud scale: perula,-ae (s.f.I), abl.sg. perula.

Cicatrix,-icis (s.f.III) perulina (adj.A), abl. sg. cicatrice perulina, bud-scale scar.

Embryo bud: spheroidal solid bodies, of unknown origin, resembling woody nodules formed in the bark of trees, and capable of extending into branches” (Lindley in Jackson); gemma,-ae (s.f.I) embryonica (adj.A), abl. sg. gemma embryonica.

Gemma,-ae (s.f.I) floriferae (adj.A): “buds which produce flowers; flower-buds” (Lindley).

Gemma,-ae (s.f.I) foliifera, nom. pl. femmae foliiferae: buds that produce leaves; “leaf-buds” (Jackson).

Gemmula,-ae (s.f.I): gemmule, a little bud; used for ovule; used for plumule; see gemmula,-ae (s.f.I); see gemmulatus,-a,-um (adj.A);

- a Keria praeterea defectu stipularum et numero gemmularum discernitur(F. Mueller), moreover, it is distinguished from Keria by the lack of stipules and by the number of the ovaries.

- gemmulae ex apice loculi suspensae (F. Mueller), the ovules suspended from the apex of the locule.

- loculis germinis 1-3 gemmulatis (F. Mueller), with the locules of the ovary 1-3-ovulate.

Germen,-inis (s.n.III), abl. sg. germine: a bud, offspring, offshoot; a germ; the ovary (Lindley); “by Pliny and later writers it signified a bud generally” (Jackson); germinalis,-e (adj.B), ‘of or relating to a bud’ (Jackson).

germinalis,-e (adj.B): (obsol.) of or relating to a bud.

Hibernaculum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. hibernaculo: winter-bud, shortened and crowded vegetative shoots found in certain genera, such as Potamogeton.

Leaf-bud: “buds from which leaves only are produced: they are called normal when produced at the axils, adventitious when they occur in places not axillary, and latent when they are undiscoverable by the naked eye” (Lindley): gemma,-ae (s.f.I) normalis (adj.B); gemma adventiva (adj.B); gemma latens (part.B), gen.sg. gemmae latentis.

Plumule, “the bud of a seed. The youngest bud in a plant; placed between the cotyledons if the plant has more than one, or on one side of a solitary cotyledon” (Lindley); “the primary leaf-bud of an embryo” (Jackson): plumula,-ae (s.f.I); see plumule.

Tegmentum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. tegmento, nom. & acc. pl. tegmenta: “the scales of a leaf-bud; they are ‘foliaceum’ when modifications of leaves; ‘fulcraceum’ of stipules and petioles; ‘petiolaceum’ of petioles only; ‘stipulaceum’ of stipules only” (Lindley); the scales of a leaf-bud (Jackson).

in [flower-] bud: in aestivatione, or aestivatione (abl.sg.); see aestivation;

- limbus corollae pelviformis, in aestivatione ruber, sub anthesi violaceus et priusquam corolla decidit caeruleus, the limb of the corolla saucer-shaped, in bud red, at anthesis violet and before the corolla falls blue (Stearn).

in [leaf-] bud: in vernatione; vernatione abl. sg.; see vernation;

- stipulae vernatione folia claudentes (B&H), the stipules in leaf-bud enclosing the leaves.

- folia truncata, sinuato-4-loba, vernatione in gemma complanata recurvato-inversa nec conduplicata, stipulis oppositis (B&H), leaves truncate, sinuately 4-lobed, with the vernation in bud complanate, recurved-inverted not conduplicate, with the stipules opposite.

- folia alterna, vernatione involuta (B&H), the leaves alternate, with the vernation [i.e. in bud] involute.

- limbus corollae pelviformis, mutabilis, in aestivatione ruber, sub anthesi violaceus et priusquam corolla decidit caeruleus, 15 mm. latus, limb of corolla saucer-shaped, changeable, in bud red, at anthesis violet and before the corolla falls blue, 15 mm. broad (Stearn 1983)


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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