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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

apud (prep. + acc.):

1. in the world of, among (plants); (fungi) “among, with, in” (S&D);

- [Braun; algae] Satis cognitum est, primum, quod oritur, plantae nascentis germen et fundamentum corpus esse uniforme et indifferens, externae formae aeque ac interni contextus differentiis fere nullis, quod adparet apud plantas phanerogamas formatione sacculi embryonalis (*) denique in endospermii corpus mutati, cui apud cryptogamas vasculares proembryon sive prothallium respondet (Braun), it is sufficiently well known, that the first thing that arises [i.e. comes to be] of the nascent plant to be the embryo, and the foundation [i.e. ground-work] to be a body uniform and undifferentiated, and the flesh [i.e. the tissue] of the outer form is to be the same as the internal, with almost no distinctions, which is evident among phanerogamous plants with the formation of the embryonal sac,and finally in the body of the transformed endosperm, to which among vascular cryptogams the proembryo or the prothallium corresponds.

- [algae] numerus cellularum non infra 8, nec ultra 64; dispositio haud raro ad irregularitatem vergit, praesertim in varietate micropora, apud quam cellularum coacervationes ommino deformes, ne planum quidem stricte observantes, cellularum formis monstrosis insignes vidi (Braun), the number of cells is not under 8, nor above 64; the arrangement not rarely tends toward irregularity [i.e. lack of uniformity], especially in the variety ‘micropora,’ by which the aggregations of cells are completely misshapen, not even looking at them rigorously, on the whole, I have seen them to be remarkable in the monstrous shapes of the cells.

2. (chiefly used of persons) at, near, by, with, in the presence of; at the home of; in the country of; among;

apud nos, among us, in our area, in our neighborhood or region;

- [Diderma; fungi] species vulgaris junior, fluxilis dum est, colore superbit pulchro laete cinnabarino, in rufo-brunneum dein apud nos plerumque verso (S&A), a common species, [when] younger, while it is fluid, takes pride in a beautiful, vivid cinnabarine [i.e. scarlet-orange] color, then, usually in our region, turned into a reddish-brown.

- [MARANTA arundinacea]. Anglis vulgo “Arrowroot.” Apud Indianos in usu esse fertur, contusa, videlicet vulneribus ex sagittis venenatis admota (Swartz), with the English commonly [called] “Arrowroot.” By the [West] Indians it is reported to be in use [i.e. their practise or custom], namely ground, applied to wounds from poisoned arrows.

- [BURSERA gummfera] Gallis amer. Gommier Blanc. Apud quos Infusum gemmarum & foliolorum tenerum in morbis pectoris valde laudatur (Swartz), Gallis americanis, to the American Gauls [i.e. the Quebecois] Gommier Blanc. Among whom a thin [i.e. weak] infusion of the buds and leaflets is highly praised in diseases of the chest.

- [PETIVERIA alliacea] Contra Cephalalgiam, capiti l. naso admota, apud Domingenses in usu est (Swartz), against headache, applied to the head or [l.=vel] the nose, is the custom with the Dominicans.

3. in the writings or works of, in designating the author of a work or of an assertion, 'in, by, in the writings of any one (the work itself being designated by 'in' with abl.; (fungi) “used particularly in taxonomy in the sense of ‘in the publication of’ after an authority for an epithet, e.g. Boletus unicolor Frost apud Peck” (S&D);

- species 3 (v. apud Spachium 7) in Asia centrali v. occidentali crescentes (B&H), species 3 (or in the writings of Spachius 7) growing in central or western Asia.

- species apud auctores descripta: ultra 1200 (B&H), the species described among [i.e. in the writings of] authors beyond 1200.

- [moss] Nomen graccae compositionis, apud Apulejum primum occurrens et Polytrichum commune designans, a [polys] multum et [thrix] capillus, propter calyptrae indumentum villosum (C.Muell.), a name of Greek [comp.], first occurring [in the writings of Apulius?] and naming it Polytrichum commune, from [Gk. polys] ‘many’ and [Gk. thrix] ‘hair, due to the villous hair-covering of the calyptra.

- apud Caesarem, in Caesar’s writing(s)

- species hae apud Bartonii in monographiam eius autem species non recognitae, these species in the works of Barton in his monograph however not recognized.

- species 1, apud auctores multiplicata, species one, in the writings of authors multiplied.

- Sphagnum mougeotii Schimp. apud Mougeot, Stirp. Crypt. Vog.

Rhen. no. 1806. 1854, Sphagnum mougeotii Schimper in the

writings of Mougeot (label of specimen no. 1806 in the

exsiccat here cited).

??NOTE: [perhaps Lucius Apuleius Madaurensis; c. 124 – c. 170 AD, author of “The Golden Ass.” ??

- [algae] dispositiones sequentes aut ipse observavi, aut apud auctores repraesentatas inveni (Braun), [the following arrangements either I have observed myself, or I have encountered represented among [i.e. in the scholarly publications of] authors.

4. (of places, topographic features): in the neighborhood of, close to, close by, next; beside, near; at, in:

- in silvis orariis apud sinum marinum Moretón Bay (F. Mueller), in coastal forests by the marine bay Moreton Bay.

- planta sub variis formis apud insulas antillanas invenitur, pland found under various forms in the West Indian islands.

- [moss] Patria. Hibernia apud montem Knocka vohila prope Dunkerron in Comit. Kerriensi (C. Muell), Native land. Ireland, at mount Knocka vohila near Dunkerron in County Kerry.

- Ad rivulos montium Flinders Range, apud sinus Guichen- et Rivoli Bay, ad amnnem Crystal Book et in variis locis Australiae felicis occidentalis (F. Muell.), at brooks of the Flinders Range mountains, near the bays Guichen- and also Rivoli Bay.

- in silvis orariis apud sinum marinum Moretón Bay (F. Mueller), in coastal forests by the marine bay Moreton Bay.

- in planitiebus uliginosis apud montem Abrupt, prope flumen Glenelg et in terra Gipps Land juxta paludes Moe Swamp (F.Muell.), in water-logged plains in the neighborhood of Mount Abrupt, near the Glenelg river and in the territory Gipps Land beside the swamp ‘Moe Swamp.’

5. (with words of motion) to a position among;

- Labellum mobile, intense luteum, margine leviter incurvum, centro lenissime carnosum, superne carnosum, obscure trilobum, nempe apud trientem superiorem brevissime incisum (F. Muell.), the ‘mobile’ labellum, intensely yellow, slightly incurved at the margin, with the center very slightly fleshy, fleshy above [i.e. toward the apex], obscurely three-lobed, that is to say very shortly incised in the upper third.

6. in (a building, town, or other locality);

- typus ex aqua irrigua apud seminarium ornamentale in Reipublica Virginiae, USA, isolatus, type isolated from irrigation water at an ornamental nursery in the State of Virginia, USA.

7. at the house or residence of, with (a person) at the headquarters of, at the place of business, establishment or shop of (a tradesman, etc.); see shop;

- apud Paulum Manutium = at the shop of Paulo Manuzio (Maxwell 1998).

-ERLANGAE SUMPTO JO. JACOBI PALMII venditur etiam Londini apud Benj. White et filium (Swartz), at Erlangen [Germany] at the expense of Johannes Jacob Palmius also sold in London at the place [of business] of Benjamin White and son [Londinum,-i (s.n.II].

- LIPSIAE APUD W. ENGELMANN, at Leipzig at [the business of] W. Engelmann.

- LONDINI: VENIT APUD REEVE & CO., 5, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN; WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN (B&H), at London, [Londinum,-i (s.n.II)] is present at the [place of business] of Reeve & Co., 5, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden; Williams & Norgate, 14. Henrietta Street, Covent Garden.

- Ex officina Platiniana, apud viduam & filios Ioannis Moret = from the Plantin Establishment, in the shop of the widow and sons of Joannes Moretus (Maxwell 1998).

- apud Balthasarem et Ioannem Moretos fratres = “at the shop of Balthasar and Joannes Moretus, brothers” (Maxwell 1998).

TOMUS PRIMUS. PAR1SIIS, apud editorem L. G. DESGRANGES, in vico Haut-Feuille. No 14. Typis C. PANCKOUCKE. ANNO SEXTO RElPUBLICI GALLICAE (Desf.), First Volume. At Paris, at [the place of business of] the publisher L. G. Desgranges, in the street Haut-Feuille No. 14. At the printshop of C. Panckoucke. In the Sixth year of the French Republic [ca. 1798].


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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