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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

an (conj.), anne (conj.): or, or rather, or perhaps, perhaps, used in a sentence or phrase with a verb or question mark (“?”) implying doubt; also (if in no doubt) ‘or rather;’ or, or whether, whether or, = a conjunction introducing the second part of a disjunctive interrogation;

NOTE: utrum (accusative of uter, in ‘uter,utra,utrum,’ q.v.] becomes an adverb, ‘whether’ used together with the conj. an, ‘or;’ utrum … an …, ‘whether … or;’ ;

1. without ‘an’:

- petioli alati, alis (stipulis?) deciduis (B&H), the petioles winged, with the wings ([perhaps] stipules?) deciduous. 2. anne:

- anne fungus noster cum Persooniano idem prorsus sit, anne ejus varietas ? descriptio nimis succincta, ne satis certo dijudicemus, impedit (S&A), more than that, perhaps our fungus might be same with the Persoonian one, or is it perhaps a variety of it? the excessively short description, that may not be enough for us to judge with certitude, hinders.

- [SPHACELLARIA, algae] Sph. Bertiana Denot., anne ramenta novella a Cladostepho propullantia? (Agardh); is Sphacellaria Bertiana, perhaps young ramenta budding off from [a] Cladostephus?

3. an:

- an praecedenti revera affinis? (C. Mueller), or rather is it actually related to the preceding?

- an propterea Glycyrrhizae nomen negandum plantae (Tourn.), perhaps, with that in view, the name of the plant Glycyrrhiza [i.e. sweet-root] should be rejected.

- an sectiones in genera mutandae? (DeCandolle), perhaps the sections should be changed into genera?

- [algae] Quae [sc. cellulae] quomodo formentur, utrum per processum divisorium, an per cellulam liberam cum utriculo matricali coalescentem, ulterius inquirendum est (Braun), which [sc. cells] in whatever way they may be formed, whether through the divisor [i.e. place of division] of the process, or rather perhaps through a free cell coalescing with the mother [i.e. generative] utricle, is to be further investigated.

- [algae] Utrum his adnumerandae sint Diatomeae, an potius ad regnum animale abeant, inter Auctores gravissimos nondum constat (Agardh), whether these Diatomeae should be included, or preferrably to be transferred into the animal kingdom, is not yet agreed upon among the most respected authors.

- [Peziza membranacea; fungus] An huc? An Meruliis propior? (S&A), perhaps [it belongs] here? Or perhaps closer to Merulius [sc. species].

- [Circaeaster] sepala (an bracteae?) 2, rarius 3, minuta, squamiformia, membranacea, persistentia (B&H), sepals (or perhaps bracts?) 2, more rarely 3, minute, scalelike, membranaceous, persistent.

- an planta Americana omnino eadem ac Sibirica? (DeCandolle), perhaps the American plant is altogether the same as the Siberian one?

- Goethea semperflorens, Nees et Mart. 1. c. t. 7, a nobis non visa, differt inflorescentia; an revera congener? (B&H), Goethea semperflorens, by us not seen, differs in the inflorescence; or is it really a congener [i.e. member of the same genus].

- An praecedenti revera affinis? (C. Mueller), or rather is it actually related to the preceding?

- An revera Lyellia?(C. Mueller), perhaps is really a Lyellia?

- simile porro corpusculum paginam superiorem foliorum Salicis Capreae frequens passim obsidet: sed an fungosum? an entomogonum ? nondum satis liquet (S&A), furthermore a similar little body [i.e. corpuscle] frequently covers here and there the upper surface of the leaves of Salix Caprea: but whether fungal? [i.e. related to a fungus] or [insect-produced?] is not yet quite clear.

- setulae interdum minutissimae perpaucae sub staminibus apparent, an perianthii an bracteolarum rudimenta? haud patet, setulae sometimes very minute very few appear at the base of the stamens, whether the rudiments of a perianthium whether of bracteoles is not clear.

- genus an rectius inter Simarubeas collocandum? a genus perhaps more correctly placed among the Simarubeae.

- Singana Aubl., ex icone et descriptiono sua certe e Capparideis, Bixaceisve excludenda est: an forte Swartziae affinis? (B&H), Singana Aubl. from the picture and his own description certainly is to be excluded from the Capparideae or Bixaceae, or perhaps it is related to Swartzia.

- cortex in nonnullis pube, aut si mavis pruina, tenuissima cinerascente (an seminali?) obductus; ceterum laevis, the cortex in some [sc. species] with a pubescence, or, if you choose, overspread with a very delicate pruina, grayish (or perhaps seminal? [i.e. of spores]); otherwise smooth.

- an has quatuor stirpes ut unius speciei primitivae varietates habendae? (DeCandolle), should these four plants be taken as varietes of one primitive species?

- [algae] Haec autem illarum origo non nisi in juvenilibus observanda, raro in fructu maturo perspicua (Wrangelia): an revera semper eadem? [sic] (Agardh), however this origin of those things is not to be observed except in juveniles, it is rarely evident in mature fruit (Wrangelia): or perhaps it is really always the same [origin].


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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