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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

abiegnus,-a,-um (adj.A), abiegneus,-a,-um (adj.A): made of fir (Abies), fir-wood, or deal (i.e. pine or fir wood); pertaining to fir trees, like fir (Abies,-etis (s.f.III), q.v.; cf. salignus,-a,-um (adj.A), saligneus,-a,-um (adj.A), ‘of willow or willow-wood, pertaining to willow;’

Deal (Eng. noun): in forestry, a plank of softwood timber, such as fir or pine, or such planks collectively; the sawn wood of various coniferous trees, such as that from the Scots pine (red deal) or from the Norway Spruce (white deal) [The Free Dictionary]; see beam.

- trabs,-is (s.f.III) abiegna, a board of fir-wood or deal, fir-wood timber.

- ad ligna item abiegna, on wood, likewise fir-wood.

- in sylvis acerosis vulgares: in dumetis frondosis semel lecta; in abiegnis, haud rara (S&A), common in needle-leaved forests; once collected in deciduous thorn-thickets; on fir-wood it is not rare.

- lignis abiegnis putrilagine in superficie contaminatis (Hedw.), with fir-wood on the surface contaminated with rottenness.

- [fungi] in abiegnis muscosis hinc inde, non infrequens (S&A), here and there on mossy fir-wooded places, not infrequent.

- [fungi] in muscosis umbrosis abiegnis (S&A), on mossy, shady fir-woods [sc. locis].

- [fungi] eligit sibi ligna humentia putredine emollita inprimis pinea et abiegna, quae neutiquam rara incolit vere et aestate (S&A), it selects for itself moist timber softened with decomposition chiefly pine and fir [cf. ligna] wood, which lives not at all rare in spring and summer.

- [fungi] in lignis pineis abiegnisque hinc inde (S&A), here and there on pine and fir wood.

- [fungi] in pinetis et abiegnis frequens, autumno (S&A), in pine associations and fir frequent, in autumn.

- [fungi] cinnamomea plerumque: colore tamen etiam variat luteo, flavo, imo ochroleuco, quo insignem semel in trunco abiegno invenimus caespitem. Aprili (S&A), usually cinnamom (colored): however it also varies with the color a deep yellow, paler yellow, even ochre-white [i.e. yellowish-white], by which once we found a remarkable clump on a fir trunk. In April.

- [fungi] species admodum vulgaris ligna cariosa putrida, inprimis pinea et abiegna, ubique incolit agmine denso (S&A), a species altogether common, it dwells everywhere, especially in [cf. locis] pine- and fir-places [i.e. in pine and fir-woods] in a dense multitude.

- [fungi] ligna putria pinea (nec abiegna hactenus) frequens colit Apr. Mai. Jun. (S&A), it lives frequent on putrifying pine wood (not so far on fir). In April, May, June.

- [fungi] aliquoties in cortice abiegno vere, aestate. (S&A), several times on fir bark in spring, summer.

- [fungi] sylvarum apprime abiegnarum amat penetralia umbrosa, quae copiose incolit Septembri et Octobri (S&A), it loves the shaded interior of especially forests of fir-trees, which copiously live in September and October.

- [fungi] in sylvis acerosis, praesertim abiegnis, locis humidis copiose. (S&A), in needle-leaved [i.e. coniferous] forests, especially firs, copiously [sc. incolit, it lives or dwells] in moist places.

- [fungi] in abiegnarum sylvarum umbris neutra rara (S&A), neither rare in the shades of fir forests.

- [fungi] in abiegnis unico tantum loco solitarium invenimus: praefert enim apud nos quoque nemora et ambulacra frondosa umbrosa subhumentia — crescens v. c. in hortis ad Jankendorfi; in ambulacro amoeno illo, quod est inter arcem aedemque sacram Ullersdorfensem; in fageto umbroso montis Löbaviensis satis frequens (S&A), we have found it solitary in only one place on fir [-wood]: for it chooses with us also woodlands and leafy [i.e. deciduous trees] shaded, somewhat humid avenues - growing for example in the gardens at Jankendorf; in that visually beautiful avenue, which is between the citadel and the holy shrine at Ullersdorf; in a shady beech wood of the Löbaviensis mountain quite frequent.

- [fungi] colore vivace praepulchro, quo oculos e longinquo allicit, sylvarum (quas praeamat) abiegnarum muscosarum umbras mire exhilarat (S&A), with a color gaily, intensely beautiful, by which it attracts the eyes from a distance, it enlivens wonderfully the shadows (which it loves above all) of mossy, fir forests.

- [fungi] frequens in sylvis acerosis, in greges ingentes saepe effusa, truncos pineos abiegnosve putrescentes totos quantos tegit (S&A), frequent in needle-leaved [i.e. coniferous] forests, often widespread in huge groups, it covers over as much as entire decaying pine or fir trunks.

- in abiegnis muscosis aere pluvio frequens. Augusto, Septembri. (S&A), frequent on mossy fir-wood in rainy weather. In August, September.

- ligni pinei et praesertim abiegni cupidus: quandoque sylvaticus et truncigenus; sed saepius hortensis domesticusve ad asseres, palos etc.(S&A), fond pf pine wood and especially fir: now and then [the wood] is native to forests and born on trunks; but more often it is of gardens or domestic, on beams, fence-posts etc.

- ibidem etiam var. g, aliquoties reperta ad caudices abiegnos locis madidis suffocatis jamdudum projectos, putredine jamjam dissolvendos (S&A), in the same place also the var. g, several times found projected out for a long time now on fir trunks in wet, stifling places, as it is already dissolving with decay. Abies,-etis Mill. (s.f.III), abl.sg. Abiete: the fir-tree (Pinus picea, L.), the classical Latin name (Pinaceae); Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. forma hudsonia (Jacques) Fern. & Weath.; A. Fraseri (Pursh) Poir. fo. prostrata (Rehd.); Pholiota abietis (gen.sg.), a mushroom found on conifer wood.
  singular  plural    Abies,-etis Mill. (s.f.III) ‘fir-tree’

Nom. Abies     Abietes 
Gen. Abietis   Abietum 
Dat. Abieti    Abietibus 
Acc. Abiem     Abietes 
Abl. Abiete    Abietibus
NOTE: Abies, the fir-tree of classical Latin, has its genitive singular in -etis, hence is a third (not a fifth) declension noun.

- abietis arbor, the fir-tree.

- trabecula ligni Pini Abietis putrilagine contaminata (Hedw.), small beams of the wood of the Pine Abies contaminated with rot.

- [lichen] formam diminutam ad ligna putrescentia Abietis prope Mont-Dore Arverniae in Gallia legi (Nyl.), I have collected a small [cf. depauperate] form on the putrescent wood of a fir near Mont-Dore of Arvernia in France.

- [lichen] in pinetis Scandinavicis, ad ligna et cortices, praesertim ad truncos pini vel abietis vetustos decorticatos (Nyl.), in Scandinavian pine-woods, on the wood and bark, chiefly on the very old decorticated trunks of pine or fir.

- [lichen] ad lignum induratum abietis in Vogesis (Mougeot). (Nyl.), on the hardened wood of fir [trees] in the Voges [Mountains].

- [lichen] supra rupes, terram muscosam et ad radices abietum in Helvetia, (Nyl.), over rocks, mossy earth and on the roots of firs in Switzerland.

- [fungi] occurrit in Abiete hinc inde, sed parum frequens (S&A), it occurs here and there on Abies, but is not very frequent.

- [fungi] abundantissima var. utraque in acubus Pinorum — Abietis, ubi major est et perfectior (S&A), both varieties very much abundant on the needles [sc. leaves] of Pines- Abies, in which place it is larger and more perfect [i.e. complete].

- [fungi] legimus speciem raram in terra rasa acubus obtecta sub Abiete (S&A), we have collected the species [scattered, thin] on polished [i.e. cleared] earth overspread with needles under Fir.

- [fungi] utraque in Abiete Pinove putrefacta ac paene consumta hinc illinc reperta; ineunte Augusto (S&A), both [sc. varieties] are found here and there on rotted and almost consumed Abies or Pinus.

- [fungi] In foliis Abietis (propaginum inprimis novarum) maculae steriles dilutiores vulgatae (S&A), the paler sterile spots common on the leaves of Abies (especially of young shoots).

- [fungi] parasitatur species distinctissima solitaria gregariaque in Strobilis Pinorum sylvestris [sic] et Abietis (S&A), a most distinctive species, solitary and gregarious parasitic on the cones of the [wild] Pines and Fir.

- [fungi] vulgaris utraque in sylvis acerosis: [var. B], in Pino aeque ac Abiete epixyla (S&A), each [sc. variety] common in needle-leaved [i.e. coniferous] forests: (var. B), as epixylic on Pine as equally on Fir.

- [fungi] innascitur varietas haecce elegantula notabilis acubus Pinorum, inprimis Abietis, hinc illinc frequens (S&A), this particular elegant, remarkable variety grows here and there on the needles of Pines, especially fir [= Pinus abies L.].

- [fungi] in sylvarum penetralibus opacis truncos ramosve deciduos colit Abietis, sed et Capreae, Coryli etc. (S&A), it lives in the dark interior of forests on trunks or fallen branches of Abies, but also of [Salix?] Caprea, Corylus, etc.

- [fungi] utramque var. mixtam alimus loco unico ad Abietum truncos radicesque coelo pluvio frequentem (S&A), we maintain each variety mixed in one place on the trunks and roots of Abies [sc. trees] frequent in rainy weather.

- [fungi] vulgaris occurrit in sylvis abietinis (nec aliis) umbrosis muscosis, ubi ad radices praesertim Pinorum Abietis ac piceae, quarum ramulis dejectis emortuis inhaerere solet (S&A), common, it lives in shaded, mossy fir-forests (not other ones), where on the roots especially of Pines, Abies and picea, it is accustomed to adhering to fallen, dead branchlets

Pinus abies L. = Picea abies, the Norway spruce.
abiegnus,-a,-um (adj.A), abiegneus,-a,-um (adj.A): made of fir (Abies), fir-wood, or deal (i.e. pine or fir wood); pertaining to fir trees, like fir (Abies,-etis (s.f.III), q.v.; cf. salignus,-a,-um (adj.A), saligneus,-a,-um (adj.A), ‘of willow or willow-wood, pertaining to willow;’

Deal (Eng. noun): in forestry, a plank of softwood timber, such as fir or pine, or such planks collectively; the sawn wood of various coniferous trees, such as that from the Scots pine (red deal) or from the Norway Spruce (white deal) [The Free Dictionary]; see beam.

- trabs,-is (s.f.III) abiegna, a board of fir-wood or deal, fir-wood timber.

- ad ligna item abiegna, on wood, likewise fir-wood.

- in sylvis acerosis vulgares: in dumetis frondosis semel lecta; in abiegnis, haud rara (S&A), common in needle-leaved forests; once collected in deciduous thorn-thickets; on fir-wood it is not rare.

- lignis abiegnis putrilagine in superficie contaminatis (Hedw.), with fir-wood on the surface contaminated with rottenness.

- [fungi] in abiegnis muscosis hinc inde, non infrequens (S&A), here and there on mossy fir-wooded places, not infrequent.

- [fungi] in muscosis umbrosis abiegnis (S&A), on mossy, shady fir-woods [sc. locis].

- [fungi] eligit sibi ligna humentia putredine emollita inprimis pinea et abiegna, quae neutiquam rara incolit vere et aestate (S&A), it selects for itself moist timber softened with decomposition chiefly pine and fir [cf. ligna] wood, which lives not at all rare in spring and summer.

- [fungi] in lignis pineis abiegnisque hinc inde (S&A), here and there on pine and fir wood.

- [fungi] in pinetis et abiegnis frequens, autumno (S&A), in pine associations and fir frequent, in autumn.

- [fungi] cinnamomea plerumque: colore tamen etiam variat luteo, flavo, imo ochroleuco, quo insignem semel in trunco abiegno invenimus caespitem. Aprili (S&A), usually cinnamom (colored): however it also varies with the color a deep yellow, paler yellow, even ochre-white [i.e. yellowish-white], by which once we found a remarkable clump on a fir trunk. In April.

- [fungi] species admodum vulgaris ligna cariosa putrida, inprimis pinea et abiegna, ubique incolit agmine denso (S&A), a species altogether common, it dwells everywhere, especially in [cf. locis] pine- and fir-places [i.e. in pine and fir-woods] in a dense multitude.

- [fungi] ligna putria pinea (nec abiegna hactenus) frequens colit Apr. Mai. Jun. (S&A), it lives frequent on putrifying pine wood (not so far on fir). In April, May, June.

- [fungi] aliquoties in cortice abiegno vere, aestate (S&A), several times on fir bark in spring, summer.

- [fungi] sylvarum apprime abiegnarum amat penetralia umbrosa, quae copiose incolit Septembri et Octobri (S&A), it loves the shaded interior of especially forests of fir-trees, which copiously live in September and October.

- [fungi] in sylvis acerosis, praesertim abiegnis, locis humidis copiose. (S&A), in needle-leaved [i.e. coniferous] forests, especially firs, copiously [sc. incolit, it lives or dwells] in moist places.

- [fungi] in abiegnarum sylvarum umbris neutra rara (S&A), neither rare in the shades of fir forests.

- [fungi] in abiegnis unico tantum loco solitarium invenimus: praefert enim apud nos quoque nemora et ambulacra frondosa umbrosa subhumentia — crescens v. c. in hortis ad Jankendorfi; in ambulacro amoeno illo, quod est inter arcem aedemque sacram Ullersdorfensem; in fageto umbroso montis Löbaviensis satis frequens (S&A), we have found it solitary in only one place on fir [-wood]: for it chooses with us also woodlands and leafy [i.e. deciduous trees] shaded, somewhat humid avenues - growing for example in the gardens at Jankendorf; in that visually beautiful avenue, which is between the citadel and the holy shrine at Ullersdorf; in a shady beech wood of the Löbaviensis mountain quite frequent.

- [fungi] colore vivace praepulchro, quo oculos e longinquo allicit, sylvarum (quas praeamat) abiegnarum muscosarum umbras mire exhilarat (S&A), with a color gaily, intensely beautiful, by which it attracts the eyes from a distance, it enlivens wonderfully the shadows (which it loves above all) of mossy, fir forests.

- [fungi] frequens in sylvis acerosis, in greges ingentes saepe effusa, truncos pineos abiegnosve putrescentes totos quantos tegit (S&A), frequent in needle-leaved [i.e. coniferous] forests, often widespread in huge groups, it covers over as much as entire decaying pine or fir trunks.

- in abiegnis muscosis aere pluvio frequens. Augusto, Septembri. (S&A), frequent on mossy fir-wood in rainy weather. In August, September.

- ligni pinei et praesertim abiegni cupidus: quandoque sylvaticus et truncigenus; sed saepius hortensis domesticusve ad asseres, palos etc.(S&A), fond pf pine wood and especially fir: now and then [the wood] is native to forests and born on trunks; but more often it is of gardens or domestic, on beams, fence-posts etc.

- ibidem etiam var. g, aliquoties reperta ad caudices abiegnos locis madidis suffocatis jamdudum projectos, putredine jamjam dissolvendos (S&A), in the same place also the var. g, several times found projected out for a long time now on fir trunks in wet, stifling places, as it is already dissolving with decay.


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