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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Volva,-ae (s.f.I), or vulva,-ae (s.f.I): 1. (in people) the womb; the female sexual organ; = genitalia feminina externa, female external genital organs [> L. volva or vulva (s.f.I) a wrapping, covering, integument; the womb, syn. uterus, q.v.];

- Conyza est omnibus nota, cuius folia vulvae longinque vicia remediant (Galen in Everett), Conyza [i.e. Inula graveolens Desf.; Inula viscosa Aiton; Inula Britannica L. sc. Everett] is known to everyone, the leaves of which heal long-lasting disorders of the vulva.

2. (in plants) a cavity surrounding the seeds;

- [term] ‘volva,’ Pomi medium in quo ceu loculo latent semina. Scribon. (Ray), the volva is the middle of the apple in which the seeds lie hidden as if it was a locule [i.e. the cavity of one or more carpels] (Scribonius Largus).

3. (in fungi) sometimes referred to as the 'cup' at the base of the stipe (as in Amanita); of agarics, Gasteromycetes; “a membrane, usually of a tough texture, in which a Fungal is sometimes enclosed when young, and which is burst open as the latter grows” (Lindley); 'a cup-like lower part of the universal veil round the base of a mature stipe or receptacle; sometimes = universal veil' (Ainsworth & Bisby); a covering or external wrapper, especially the sac enclosing the sporophore of Agarics, ruptured at its apex by the growth of the unfolding pileus' (Jackson): volva,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. volva, nom. pl. volvae, dat. & abl. pl. volvis; vulva,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. vulva; see veil, velum;

- volva arcte vaginata irregulariter 4-5-lobata extus grisea, volva closely sheathed irregularly 4-5-lobed outside grey (Stearn 1983).

- volva lanosa (adj.A), 'a volva that forms a woolly layer on the whole cap or parts of it' (S&D).

- volva limbatus (adj.A): "a 'volva' that is 'adnate' to the base of the 'stipe' but has a narrow, free, membranous margin (see Bas, 1969)” (S&D).

- volva universalis, universal veil.

- volva,-ae (s.f.I) lamellaris (adj.B) or lamellata (adj.A), or lamellosa (adj.A): layered vola, "a volva that consists of two or more layers differing in structure" (S&D).

(in fungi) “(of the volva) dehiscing as if cut circularly around: opening on a circular or equatorial line” (S&D): circumscissilis,-e (adj.B). circumsciscens,-entis (part.B); circumscissus,-a,-um (part.A).

Floccose volva: volva,-ae (s.f.I) floccosa: (in fungi) “a ‘volva’ that forms floccose layers on the entire ‘cap’ or parts of it (see Bas, 1969)” (S&D).

Involucre, “ a ring or rings of bracts surrounding several flowers. (obs.) also the peridium, volva, or annulus of some Fungals” (Lindley): involucrum,-i (s.n.II), abl.sg. involucro, nom.& acc.pl. involucra, dat.& abl.pl. involucris.

Scrotum,-i (s.n.II), q.v., abl. sg. scroto: “a pouch. The volva of some Fungals” (Lindley; Jackson).

Sporangium, q.v., spore-case, “(obsol.) sometimes applied to the volva among Fungals” (Lindley): sporangium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. sporangio.

Uterus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. utero: paunch, udder; (in fungi) “the volva or receptacle of certain Fungals” (Lindley).

Velum universale = volva universalis for 'universal veil.'

Volva circumscissilis, abl. sg. volva circumscissili: “a ‘volva’ in which the lower part is ‘adnate’ to the basal bulb and the upper part detaches itself along the relatively sharp edge of the bulb (see Bas, 1969)” (S&D).

Volva (s.f.I) lanosa, a volva that forms a woolly layer on the whole cap or parts of it" (S&D).

Volva (s.f.I) obliterata (part.A): an obliterate volva, (in fungi) “a volva that leaves scarcely any remnants on the mature fruitbody (see Bas, 1969)” (S&D).

Volva (s.f.I) pulverulenta (adj.A): pulverulent volva, (in fungi) “a ‘volva’ that forms powdery layers on the entire ‘pileus’ or parts of it (see Bas, 1969)” (S&D).

Saccate volva, (fungi) “a volva that remains behind at the base of the ‘stipe’ as a sac, cup, or sheath and usu. leaves the ‘pileus’ naked (see Bas, 1969)” (S&D): volva,-ae (s.f.I) saccata.

Vulva,-ae (s.f.I) vegetabilium [gen. pl.], the vulva of plants, “(obsol.) a Linnean name for the stigma” (Lindley).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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