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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Tube (Eng.noun): tubus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sing. tubo, nom. pl. tubi, dat. & abl. pl. tubis; canaliculus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. canaliculo, a small channel, pipe, or gutter, a water-channel; fistula,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. fistula, ‘a pipe, tube, tubular vessels; a hollow reed-stalk, a reed, cane,’ syn. tubus, canalis, in the sense of ‘water pipe;’ [note a fistula in botany is closed at both ends]; sipho,-onis (s.m.III), abl. sg. sphone, sypho, a small pipe, a siphon; a sipping straw or pipette or pipet to suck drinks through, drinking tube; siphon,-onis (s.m.III), abl.sg. siphone, ‘siphon, i.e. elongated tube in frond of alga [> Gk. siphon,-onos (s.n.III) a reed, straw, any tube, especially the siphon used to draw wine out of the cask]; cf. hyponom-, in Gk. comp.; see cuniculum,-i (s.n.II); see cnemis,-idis (s.f.III); cf. funnel; see germ tube; see duct, vessel; see taeni-, taenio-: in Gk. and L. comp.; see vitta,-ae (s.f.I);

(in fungi) tube, also tubule, “(of Botetaceae and Polyporaceae) the cylindrical, perforation-like hollow that bears the ‘hymenium;’ in the Boletaceae, for purposes of description, distinction is made between the tubes proper and their mouths (the ‘pores’)” (S&D).

- foliis ut fistula involutis, with leaves involute like a pipe.

- corollae tubus cylindricus inferne albus supra medium rubescens vel ruber, extus glaber, intus pubescens vel etiam annulo pilorum sub apice ornatus, c. 1 cm. longus 4 mm. latus, of the corolla the tube cylindric below white above the middle reddish or red, outside glabrous, inside pubescent or even with a ring of hairs below the top ornamented, about 1 cm long 4 mm. wide.

- corolla e tubo engusto 1 cm. longo sensim ampliata, fauce nuda, tubo ima basi saepius, annulo piloso vel carnuloso instructo, staminibus tubo medio insertis, corolla from a narrow tube 1 cm. long gradually expanded, with the throat naked, with the tube at the very base most often with a pilose or rather fleshy ring furnished, with the stamens to the tube at the middle attached (Stearn 1983).

- Tubus conjugationis (s.f.III, gen.sg. conjugatio), conjugation tube.

- corolla pentamera, lobis tubum aequantibus, corolla in five parts, with the lobes equalling the tube.

- filamenta staminalia in tertio basali tubi corollini inserta, staminal filaments inserted in the basal third of the tube.

- tubo calycis ore barbato, with the tube of the calyx with bearded mouth.

- foliis ut fistula involutis, with leaves involute like a pipe.

- sep. 5 aequalia in calcar seu tubum nectariferum nulla producta (DeCandolle), sepals [sepala] 5, of the same dimensions, none of them elongated into a nectariferous spur or tube.

NOTE: Tube: “the part of a monosepalous calyx, or monopetalous corolla, formed by the union of the edges of the sepals or petals. Also applied to adhesions of stamens” (Lindley).

little tube: canaliculus,-i (s.m.II), q.v., abl. sg. canaliculo: a small channel, pipe, or gutter, a water-channel; tubulus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. tubulo.

Calamistrum,-i (s.n.II), q.v., abl.sg. calamistro, also calamister,-tri (s.m.II) although nom. not found: “a hollow, tubular iron for curling the hair.”

Fistula,-ae (s.f.I), q.v., abl. sg. fistula: a pipe, tube, such as a water pipe.

tube, pertaining to a; tubular, with the shape of a tube: tubularis,-e (adj.B); see tubular;

- staminibus ex parte tubulari liberis, with the stamens free from the tubular part.

Tube, androecial: tubus,-i (s.m.II) androecialis (adj.B), abl.sg. tubo androeciali

Tube, calyx: tubus,-i (s.m.II) calycis (gen.sg. calyx,-icis, s.m.III), abl.sg. tubo calycis; see calyx tube.

Tubus,-i (s.m.II) conjugans, abl.sg. tubo conjugante, conjugating tubes, “long processes emitted by the fertilized trichophore in certain Algae, which unite with the auxiliary cells (Osterhout)” (Jackson); also ‘conjugate tubes:’ tubi conjugati (Jackson).

Tube, floral: hypanthium,-ii (s.n.II), abl.sg. hypanthio, q.v. relating to a tube or pipe: in Gk. comp., siphon-, siphono-, -siphonius,-a,-um (adj.A) relating to a tube or pipe;

- monosiphonius, with a single tube; oligosiphonius, with few tubes; polysiphonius, with many tubes.

- 3-siphonius, with three tubes; 6-siphonius, with six tubes.

“In a monosepalous [i.e. gamosepalous] calyx in which the union exists in a marked degree, the part where the sepals are united is called the ‘tube,’ the free portion the ‘limb,’ and the orifice of the tube the ‘throat’ or ‘faux.’ (Bentley).

tubular, with the shape of a tube, pertaining to the tube; (fungi) “cylindric and hollow” (S&D): cuniculatus,-a,-um (adj.A), in the form of a channel, pipe or tube, cuniculate, pierced with a long deep passage open at one end, as the peduncle of Tropaeolum’ (Jackson); tubularis,-e (adj.B), tubulosus,-a,-um (adj.A), tubulatus,-a,-um (adj.A), “approaching a cylindrical figure, and hollow” (Lindley), “= tubular, “apparently a cylindrical figure and hollow” (Jackson); siphonaceus,-a,-um (adj.A); cf. fistulosus,tubulatus,-a,-um (adj.A): trumpet-shaped, q.v.;

- plantae i. e. floribus composîtis, elytriculi omnes aequaliter tubulati (Swartz), plants, i.e. with compound flowers, all the elytriculi [i.e. florets] equally tubulate.

- Tubularia. Orgue de Mer. Tubularia est plantae genus, fere lapideum, ex pluribus tubulis constans, Organi musici aemulum (Tourn.), Tubularia is a class of plant, almost stone-like, composed of many tubules, comparable to the musical Organ [= dat.sg.]; orgue (French) = organ (musical instrument).
Tube, androecial: tubus,-i (s.m.II) androecialis (adj.B), abl.sg. tubo androeciali

Tube, calyx: tubus,-i (s.m.II) calycis (gen.sg. calyx,-icis, s.m.III), abl.sg. tubo calycis; see calyx tube.

Tube, floral: hypanthium,-ii (s.n.II), abl.sg. hypanthio, q.v. relating to a tube or pipe: in Gk. comp., siphon-, siphono-, -siphonius,-a,-um (adj.A) relating to a tube or pipe;

- monosiphonius, with a single tube; oligosiphonius, with few tubes; polysiphonius, with many tubes.

- 3-siphonius, with three tubes; 6-siphonius, with six tubes.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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