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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Rudiment (Eng.noun): rudimentum,-i (s.n.II), abl.sg. rudimento [> L. "a first attempt ... a beginning, commencement in any thing; the first principles, rudiments" (Lewis & Short)]; see element;

1. an immature part or organ, such as a structure in an embryo, eventually developing into an organ; rudiment “has been suggested as an equivalent of the German term “Anlage;” cf. incept, primordium” (Jackson): “Primordia pl.of Primordium (Lat., the beginning), a member or organ in its earliest condition; the Germn “Anlage;” priordial, first in order of appearance”(Jackson). “The germen is the undermost part of the pistillum, and is the rudiment of the future fruit”. (Willdenow), e.g. the seed contains the rudiments of a new being perfectly similar to its parents (Willdenow); a pre-existence of the future being, as an ovary not yet impregnated.

- ovarii rudimentum villosulum, integrum, staminibus paullo brevius (B&H), the rudiment of the ovary villosulous, entire, somewhat shorter than the stamens.

2. first principles of a subject; a basic or elementary principle; the basic rules of a study or subject. Medaeval British Latin: “teaching; early teaching, first lessons, first stages of a discipline” (Howlett).

3. beginning; early or undeveloped state; something primitive; something arrested in an early stage of its development; “an imperfectly developed and functionally useless organ; a vestige” (Fernald 1950); “merely rudimental, rudimentaria. So very imperfect, and so small, that it is only by analogy that their nature can be determined” (S.Gray).

- [Salvia] rudimenta staminum duorum sed sterilium, in fauce corollae, sub labio superiore, occurrunt in quibusdam (Linn.) the rudiments [i.e. vestiges] of the stamens occur in certain [sc. species] [they] are two, but sterile, in the throat of the corolla, below the upper lip.

- [Salvia] glandula in plerisque callosa est; in paucis vero antherae quasi rudimentum & parum farinifera (Linn.), the glandule in many [sc. species] is callous [i.e. hard and thick]; but in a few [sc. species] it is like the rudiment [i.e. vestige] of the anther and is somewhat fariniferous [i.e. bearing a powdery covering]. - [Martynia] rudimentum filamenti quinti intra superius par staminum, cuspidis instar breve (Linn.), the vestige of the fifth filament below the upper pair of stamens, short, resembling a cusp.

- setulae interdum minutissimae sub staminibus apparent, an perianthii an bracteolarum rudimenta? haud patet, setulae sometimes very minute, appear at the base of the stamens, whether the rudiments of a perianthium, whether of bracteoles is not clear.

- rudimentum stylinum nullum, a styline rudiment none.

- coronae rudimentum 3 mm. longum, of the corona the rudiment 3 mm. long (Stearn).

- [fungi] sphaerulae parvae, fragiliuscula, vetustiorum paucae dimidiatae: ostiolum vix ullum, ni passim rudimentum eius aliquod videre tibi videaris (S&A), the sphaerules are small, somewhat more fragile, a few of the older ones halved: there is scarcely any ostiole, except that here and there you may think yourself seeing some vestige of it.

- mericarpia jugis primariis 5 filiformibus 3 intermediis dorso, duobus lateralibus plano commissurali impositis, secundariis quatuor, exterioribus in alam membranaceam expansis, interioribus nudis aut alae rudimentum solum ferentibus (Boissier), the mericarps with 5 primary ridges, thread-shaped, 3 intermediate on the base, with the two lateral situated on the commissural plane, the secondary ones 4, with the outer ones expanded into a membranaceous wing, the inner naked or only bearing the vestige of a wing.

- [fungi] discus veluti per papillarum rudimenta colliculosus vel undulatus, pruina tenui cinerea dense constratus est (S&A), the disc is colliculate or undulate as if by rudimentary papillae, densely overspread with a thin, ash-white pruina [i.e. a waxy, powdery secretion].

- [fungus] subiculi omnino adsunt rudimenta, sed parca et obsoleta, vix digna, quae speciem aliorsum ablegent (S&A), the vestiges worthy of a subiculum are everywhere present, but meager and obsolescent, which [sc. rudiments] might remove the species to another [taxonomic] place.

- [fungus] Columellam, cujus plerumque adsunt rudimenta, in nonnullis satis perfectam, peridio concolorem fere ac conformem, vidimus (S&A), we see the collumella, the rudiments of which are usually present, in some [specimens] quite perfect [i.e. completely developed]; nearly the came color and form as the peridium.

- [fungus] columellae in aliis rudimentum quoddam, in aliis ne hoc quidem, observavimus(S&A), we [have] observed in some a certain vestige of the columella, in others not even this.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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