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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Radicle (Eng.noun): “the first root of a plant, rudimentary in the embryo” (Lindley); “the hypocotyledonary and primal internode, the rudimentary root of the embryo” (Jackson); “the portion of the embryo below the cotyledons, more properly called the caudicle” (Fernald 1950); “the lower portion of the axis of a plant embryo or seedling; specifically, its extremity or root portion; the hypocotyl and the root = hypocotyl” (WIII); see caudicula,-ae (s.f.I); see hypocotyl; see radicula,-ae (s.f.I);

(in mosses) slender, nonchlorophyllose threads attaching the plant to the substrate. They often cover stems and occur in places along the leaves, including the leaf tips; in liverworts and hornworts, radicles are unicellular; also called rhizoid, q.v.: radicula,-ae (s.f.I.), abl.sg. radicula, nom. pl. radiculae, acc. pl. radiculas, dat. & abl. pl. radiculis [> L. dim. radix,-icis (s.f.III), ‘root’]; see rhizoid;

Rootlet (i.e. a small root): “1. A very slender root, or 2. The branch of a root” (Jackson).

radiculosus,-a,-um (adj.A): “bearing rootlets” (Jackson).

- [Palmae]: radix primaria cito evanida, caudice base radiculas plurimas cylindraceas simplices v. ramosas epigaeas v. hypogaeas emittente, the primary root quickly vanishing, with the caudex at the base sending out many cylindric, unbranched or branched, supra- or subterranean radicles.

- embryonis radicula ab hilo remota (B&H), the radicula of the embryo remote from the hilum.

- seminum radicula ascendens, radicle of the seeds ascending.

- semina in loculis solitaria, immarginata; radícula descendens, seeds solitary in the locules, lacking a border; the radicle descending.

- e basi radiculas punctatim incrassatas proferens (Steph.), from the base bringing forth radicles thickened in dots.

- radícula ab hilo remota nisi in paucis speciebus quibus semina funículo adnata(B&H), the radicle remote from the hilum except in a few species in which the seed is adnate to the funiculus.

- radícula embryonis ab hilo minus distans (B&H), the radicle of the embryo is less distant from the hilum.

- embryo rectus, axilis, radicula ad hilum versa et ideo saepius supera (DeCandolle), the embryo straight, in the axis, with the radicle turned to the hilum and for this reason more often above [superior].

- radicula hilum spectante (DeCandolle), with the radicle facing [i.e. looking at] the hilum.

- radícula macropoda in Rhizophoreis verticem pericarpii perforans, limum petens et in eo germinans dum adhuc fructus arbori adhaeret (B&H); radicle macropodous in the Rhizophoreae, perforating the apex of the pericarpium, seeking mud and germinating in it, eventually to the point where the fruit adheres to a tree.

- radícula macropoda in Rhizophoreis verticem pericarpii perforans, limum petens et in eo germinans dum adhuc fructus arbori adhaeret (B&H); radicle macropodous in the Rhizophoreae, perforating the apex of the pericarpium, seeking mud and germinating in it, eventually to the point where the fruit adheres to a tree.

- caule repente ad quemque nodum radiculas agente (DeCandolle), with the stem creeping, sending out rootlets at each node.

- [moss] caulis filiformis, flexuosus, prorepens, radiculis copiosis rubro-fuscis cortici arborum arcte adnatus (DozyMoek), stem filiform, flexuose, creeping onward, tightly attached [the whole length] to the bark [= dat.sg.] of trees by abundant reddish black-brown radicles [i.e. rhizoids].

- [bryophyte] inflorescentia parasitico-monoica, flore masc. ad perichaetii basin radiculis obruto (Austin), the infloresence parasitic-monoicous, with the male flower covered over with rhizoids at the base of the perichaetium.

Arhizoblastus,-i (s.m.II), abl.sg. arhizoblasto: “(obsol.) an embryo which has no radicle” (Lindley).

centrifugal, “having the radicle turned toward the sides of the fruit” (WIII): centrifugalis,-e (adj.B), centrifugus,-a,-um (adj.A).

Coleorhiza,-ae (s.f.I),nom. pl. rhizae: a little sheath, which tips the radicle in cruciferous plants (Paxton); “the sheath of a monocotyledonous embryo, when pierced by the true radicle” (Jackson); “the sheath investing the hypocotyl in some plants through which the roots burst” (WIII).

Radicula byssoidea (adj.A): “the mycelium of certain Fungals” (Lindley); “an old term for the mycelium of fungi” (S&D).

Radix,-icis (s.f.III), abl.sg. radice: the root, “the root or descending axis, the developed radicle” (Jackson).

Rhiziophysis,-is (s.f.III), abl. sg. rhiziophyse, nom.& acc. pl. rhiziophyses, dat.& abl. pl. rhiziophysibus: rhiziophysis, “(obsol.) an expansion of a radicle; as in Nelumbium” (Lindley; Jackson).

Rhizome, q.v., “ = radicle (J. S. Henslow)” (Jackson).

Rostellum,-i (s.n.II), abl. sg. rostello: rostellum, beaklet, a small beak or rostrum; a rostel, “applied by Linnaeus to the caudicle or the radicle” (Jackson).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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