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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Perigone, perigonium (Eng.nouns): “1. a synonym of perianth, q.v.; 2. in plants (not bryophytes) a synonym of perichaetium; 3. the involucre of the male inflorescence in Bryophytes” (Jackson); a perianth esp. of a liverwort” (WIII): perigonium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. perigonio [> peri- around, + gon-, offspring, seed, genitals + -ium]; see perianth; see perigonium;

Perigone: the calyx and corolla (Paxton).

- perigonii quoad formam compagem et colorem diversitas, diversity of the perigone as to shape, structure and color.

- perigonium deciduum vel persistens hexaphyllum, perigon deciduous or persistent six-leaved.

- perigonii phylla (segmenta) oblonga, leaves (segments) of the perigon oblong.

- stamina longitudine 2/3 perigonii partes aequantia, stamens in length equalling 2/3 of the perigon.

- stamina perigonio duplo breviora, stamens twice shorter than (i.e. half the length of) the perigon.

- filamentis perigonium duplo superantibus, ima basi inter se et cum perigonio coalitis, with filaments twice exceeding the perigon, at the very base between themselves and with the perigon united; see perianth (Stearn).

- perigonii segmenta exteriora ovata, acuta; perigonii segmenta interiora ovata, cuspidata; outer segments of the perigonium ovate, acute; inner segments of the perigonium ovate, cuspidate (in reference to the inner and outer tepals).

- floribus axillaribus solitariis binisve, perigonii tubulosi tomentosi laciniis brevibus ovatis, (Boissier), with the flowers axillary, solitary or paired, with the laciniae of the tubulose, tomentose perigonium short, ovate.

- [Ranunculaceae] Perigonium duplex, utrumque liberum hypogynum. Sepala 3-6. Petala sepalorum numero aequalia dupla triplave, libera, rarius abortu nulla, nunc ex filamentis dilatatis facta et tunc plana, nunc ex antheris transformatis orta cucullata (DeCandolle), the perigonium double, each one of them free, hypogynous. The Sepals 3-6. The petals of the sepals equal in number, double or trople, free, more rarely none, sometimes made out of the enlarged filaments and hence flat, sometimes cucullate, having arisen from transformed filaments.

NOTE: the perigonium was also a synonym for the calyx, i.e. the outer perianth of the flower, the outer perianth whorl:

- Calyx (aut Perigonium) 1-sepalus campanulatus 10-fidus, lobis 5 exterioribus majoribus ovatis, interioribus 5 alternis minoribus callosis (DeCandolle), the calyx (or perigonium) 1-sepaled, campanulate, 10-divided, with lobes 5, the exterior larger, ovate, the interior 5, alternate, smaller, callose [i.e. hard and thick].

NOTE: not found in B&H, F. Mueller, Necker, Swartz.

NOTE: Boissier seems to differentiate between perigonial leaves as opposed to the ‘generative’ or ‘genital’ petals or the stamens and pistils, both petals and phylla consituting the perianth:

- [PHALANGIUM BAETICUM] perigonii phyllis oblongis obtusis breviter acuminatis trinerviis albis apice viridescentibus, genitalibus petalis aequalibus (Boissier), with the leaves of the perigonium oblong, obtuse, shortly acuminate, with three nerves, white, at the apex greenish, equal with the generative petals.

- perigonii segmentis elliptico-linearibus extus vitta lata viridi notatis, tribus exterioribus apice subcarinatis, staminibus perigonio dimidio brevioribus pistillum subaequantibus (Boissier), with the segments of the perigon elliptic-linear, outside with marked with a broad green stripe, with the three outer somewhat crested at the apex, with the stamens shorter than half the perigonium, nearly equaling the pistil.

NOTE: Boissier uses “folium” for basal and cauline leaves:

- foliis radicalibus binis linearibus planis scapum aequantibus, caulino nullo (Boissier), with the basal leaves paired, linear, flat, equalling the scape, with a cauline leaf lacking.

But he uses “phyllum” for the leaves of the perigonium; i.e. bracts of the perianth:

- phyllis perigonii glaberrimis nitidis extus vitta viridi lata notatis (Boissier), with the leaves of the perigonium completely glabrous, shining, outside marked with a green, broad stripe.

- {Scilla] foliis lanceolato- linearibus, bracteis basi vaginantibus scariosis albis pedicellos in anthesi subaequantibus, perigonii phyllis patulis vivide caeruleis (Boissier), with the leaves lanceolate-linear, with the bracts at the base sheathing, scarious, white, nearly equalling the pedicels in anthesis, with the leaves of the perigonium extended, greenish blue.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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