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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Olla,-ae (s.f.I), abl.sg. olla: pot, jar, vessel, especially for cooking; chimney-pot; used for preserving grapes and other fruits; used as a cinerary urn; also dim. olleola,-ae (s.f.I) and olliola,-ae (s.f.I): a small pot; cf. fictilis,-e (adj.B);

- olla pistrina, a baking-pot.

- uvae in olla in vinaceis conduntur, grapes laid up in a jar in [their skins].

- olla ossuaria, urn for the bones of the dead, an ossuarium.

- venucula convenit ollis, the grape comes together in pots.

- [Lunularia] inquilina in ollis (Lindberg), naturalized on jars [or pots].

- [aes ustum] aes ustum [quod aliqui chaumenum vocant] sit maxime de clavis cupreis [et] vetustis qui in olla fictile cruda missi in furno incenduntur et aspersi sulfure vel sale, vel utroque, vel alumina et coquuntur (Galen in Everett), burnt copper (which some call chaumenum] [be] mostly [produced] out of old copper keys which, having been cast into an unfired [clay pot], are burned in an [oven, furnace]and sprinkled with either sulphur or salt or both, or alum and [then] baked.

- [Physarum; a slimemold; Mycetozoa]] intra hortorum rejectamenta aliosve acervos (Trichospermorum in universum ditissimos) in foliis, stipulis, ramulis etc. suffocatis minime infrequens post imbres obvius fuit fungillus: quid quod ingentem ejus catervam in ipsissimo ollae fragmento repertam asservamus! (S&A), the fungillus [i.e. slimemold] was encountered, being the least infrequent after heavy rains among the litter of gardens and other accumulations (the richest, as a whole, [being heaps of] of Trichosperma [Malvaceae]) on smothered leaves, stubble, branchlets, etc.: which is why we preserve a huge swarm of it found on the very same fragment of pot.

- [fungi] provenit var. utraque mixta in cellis humidioribus ubique abunde, epixyla, saxatilis, imo in ollis pro plantarum hybernaculo ibique conservanda incolumitate huc delatis terrestris (S&A), both varieties come up completely mixed, in moister chambers everywhere, epixylous [i.e. growing on wood], on stones, terrestrial [i.e. growing on the ground], indeed, in pots for the over-wintering quarters [i.e. conservatory] of plants, and there transferred for this purpose for preserving in good condition.

- [Dematium ollare; fungus]: the following passage is from S&A:

ad terram ollarum hyemalium in holocaustis asservatarum hinc inde (S&A), on the [potting] soil of protected winter pots heaped into a ‘burnt offering’ (i.e. holocaust). Perhaps the word hypocaust (hypocaustum,-i (s.n.II), q.v., or nursery ‘vaporarium’ is meant; see vaporarium,-ii (s.n.II). The fungus is said by the authors to grow in Jan. and Febr.

Other references to this species [= Dematium fulva] is said to grow “in vaporariis, terram ollarum investiens,” that is, in vaporaria, or the heating stoves of nurseries, covering the soil of pots. The pots are nursery pots, and the ‘soil’ is potting soil.

- [fungi] provenit var. utraque mixta in cellis humidioribus ubique abunde, epixyla, saxatilis, imo in ollis pro plantarum hybernaculo ibique conservanda incolumitate huc delatis terrestris (S&A), both varieties come up completely mixed, in moister chambers everywhere, epixylous [i.e. growing on wood], on stones, terrestrial [i.e. growing on the ground], indeed, in pots for the over-wintering quarters [i.e. conservatory] of plants, and there transferred for this purpose for preserving in good condition.

[fungus] Cyathus Olla, perhaps a noun in apposition, like Cyathus Crucibulum (S&A).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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