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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Duct (Eng.noun), vessel, q.v.: duct - “passage; (anatomy) a tube or vessel, used esp. of those that carry off the secretion of a gland but used also of lymphatic vessels, certain blood vessels, and other canals; a pipe, tube, or channel by which a substance (as water, , gas, air) is conveyed; (botany) a continuous tube formed by a row of elongated cells which have lost their intervening end walls; an elongated cavity formed of elongated cells which have lost their intervening end walls” (after WIII); (botany) “tubular vessels marked by transverse lines or dots; apparently in some cases modifications of spiral vessels, when they are called ‘closed, annular, reticulated, and scalariform,’ sometimes analogous to pitted tissue, when they are called ‘dotted,’ and form bothrenchyma” (Lindley); see vessel (Eng.noun); see ‘bothrenchyma’ under bothr-, bothri-, bothro-;

Vasiform tissue: “ducts or tubes having the appearance of spiral vessels, and bothrenchyma” (Lindley).

“an elongated cell, or tubular vessel, especially occurring in the fibro-vascular portions of plants” (Jackson); “a tube or canal, usually in the wood, which carries resin, latex, or oil” (Fernald 1950):

sing. plural. Ductus,-us (s.m.IV) ‘duct’

Nom.  ductus  ductus
Gen.  ductus  ductuum
Dat.  ductui  ductibus
Acc.  ductum  ductus
Abl.  ductu   ductibus
ductus,-us (s.m.IV), abl.sg. ductu, gen.pl. ductuum [> L. ductus,-us (s.m.IV), ‘act of leading, a leading, conducting, as of water]; see vas, vasis (s.n.III), abl. sg. vase, ‘vessel, duct;’ also canalis,-is (s.m.III), abl.sg. canale; see vas, vasis (s.n.III); see tube, vessel; see canal; see vas, gen.sg. vasis (s.n.III);

- Hic ductuum fasciculus modo ad apicem folii usque tantum producitur, modo ultra apicem in pilum excurrit (Bridel), this bundle of ducts sometimes is extended only to the apex of the leaf, sometimes it runs out beyond the apex into a hair [note in the text pilum is rendered ‘pitum,’ which is evidently a typographical error].

- canales resiniferi (adj.A): resin ducts.

- sulcus resorptus (part.A), resorption channel (in Sphagnum).

- [fungi] nonnulla tamen exempla foliis madentibus putridis flexuoso ductu interrepentia iisque impedita nec assurgunt, nec clavam distinctam acquirunt (S&A), some, however, specimens creeping among wetted rotted leaves by a flexuose duct [i.e. tubular cell or vessel] and by these impeded, are not upraised, nor do they acquire a distinct club [i.e. club-like structure].

- [Sphagnum] Ductus intercellulares; inter foliorum cellulas omnium reperiuntur; INTERCELLULAR VESSELS [i.e. DUCTS]; are found between the cells of all leaves.

a. Ductus homomorphi: angusti simplices (i. e. haud iterum reticulati) ideo parietibus cellularum tecti; HOMOMORPHOUS [sharing the same shape] VESSELS [DUCTS]: narrow, simple (i.e. not reticulated a second time) therefore covered by the walls of the cells. (note the duct or vessel is different from the cell and is hidden within its walls).

b. Ductus heteromorphi: parietibus cellularum latiores et ideo ab iis non obtecti; HETEROMORPHOUS [i.e. of dissimilar shape] VESSELS [DUCTS]: wider than the walls of the cells and therefore not covered over by them (C. Muell.).

Annular Duct: “the secondary thickenings occurring more or less in the form of rings” (Jackson): ductus annularis (adj.B), abl. sg. ductu annulari; vas annulare, abl. sg. vase annulari.

Bothrenchyma,-atis, abl.sg. bothrenchymate (> Gk. bothros, a pit + enchyma, that poured in) “tissue composed of dotted or pitted ducts or cells” (Jackson).

Closed Duct: “long cells, not continuous, but with the intervening septa remaining” (Jackson)

Dotted Duct: = Bothrenchyma (Jackson), which is composed of dotted or pitted ducts or cells (Jackson): ductus lacunosus (adj.A), abl.sg. ductu lacunoso; vas lacunosum, abl. sg. vas lacunoso.

Ductus,-us (s.m.IV) scalariformis (adj.B), abl.sg. ductu scalariformi: “scalariform duct, scalariform vessel “a vessel having scariform [i.e. ladder-like] markings, as in many Ferns” (Jackson).

Intercellular Duct: passages between the cells” (Jackson): ductus intercellularis (adj.B), abl. sg. ductu intercellulari; vas intercellulare, abl. sg. intercellulari.

Reticulated Duct: “where the markings seem to form a network” (Jackson); ductus reticulatus (adj.A), abl. sg. ductu reticulato; vas reticulatum, abl. sg. vase reticulato.

Scalariform duct: “with ladder-like markings as in Ferns” (Jackson): ductus scalariformis (adj.B), abl. sg. ductu scalariformi; vas scalariforme, abl. sg. vase scalariformi.

Styliductus,-us (s.m.IV), abl. sg. styliductu: stylar canal.

Vasa lineata: “(obsol.) vessels marked by transverse lines, such as the annular, scariform, and other forms of the duct” (Lindley) [ see Vas, vasis (s.n.III), nom. & acc. pl. vasa: a vessel, duct].


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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