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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Cystocarpium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. cystocarpio: = coccidium,-ii (s.n.III), q.v.; “Cystocarp, a [spore-]case including a great many spores in Algals” (Lindley); “a sporophore in Algae, especially Florideae, a cyst containing sexually produced spores” (Jackson); in the red algae, the fruiting structure produced after fertilization, especially such a structure having a special protective envelope (as in Polysiphonia) (WIII) [> Gk. kystis,-eOs (s.f.III) bladder, pouch + Gk. karpos, (s.m.II], a fruit + Gk. dim. -ion]; syn. = [incorrectly] cysticarpium,-ii (s.n.II), = ceramidium,-ii (s.n.II), = keramidium,-ii (s.n.II); see keramidium,-ii (s.n.II), abl. sg. keramidio; see -carpium,-ii (s.n.II);

- [algae] gonidiorum series [sets or sequences of gonidia]:

a) gonidia immobilia, cellulis vegetativis indole proxima (omnia sine foecundatione germinantia): Phytogonidia: immobile [i.e. stationary] gonidia, with vegetative cells by nature nearest (all germinating without fertilization): Phytogonidia [i.e. as opp. to zoogonidia];

****) intra organa propria procreatae: „gemmidia" in „cystocarpiis” Floridearum(?) (Braun); among the proper organs for procreation: “gemmidia” in “cystocarpia” [perhaps] of the Florideae?

- [algae] his adnumeranda esse videntur cystocarpia Floridearum et conceptacula propagulorum (scyphi) Hepaticarum (Marchantiae, Blasiaè) (Braun), it seems to be included with these the cystocarpia of the Florideae and the conceptacula [i.e. a hollow organ covering the sexual organs] of the propagula (scyphi) of the Hepaticae (Marchantia, Blasia).

- [Corallina; algae] articulis oblongo-cuneatis, pinnularum sterilium ancipitis cystocarpiis acuminatis (Kutz.), with the articuli [i.e. articulations] oblong-wedge-shaped, with the cystocarps of the sterile pinnules two-edged, acuminate.

- [Corallina; algae] cystocarpiis obovatis, longe pedunculatis, muticis (Kutz.), with the cystocarps obovate, long pedunculate, muticous [i.e. without an awn or point, lacking a spur or horn; blunt].

- [Corallina clavigera; algae] cystocarpiis ovatis, apice producto obtusissimo, interdum cornibus binis lateralibus ornatis, ramulis l. pilis plerumque bifidis multiarticulatis, hinc inde fructiferis; cystocarpiis clavatis cylindricis utrinque attenuatis, nec papillatis nec piliferis; articulis primariis subglobosis vel ellipticis, utrinque contractis (Kutz.), with the cystocarps ovate, elongated, very blunt, sometimes decorated [i.e. provided] with two lateral horns, with branchlets [i.e. secondary branches] or [l. = ‘vel’] hairs usually bifid, multiarticulate [i.e. with many articulations], here and there bearing fruit; with the cystocarps club-shaped, cylindric, attenuate at both ends, neither provided with papillae nor are they hair-bearing; with the primary articulations somewhat globose or elliptic, contracted on both sides.

- [Corallina clavigera; algae] cystocarpiis ovatis, apice producto obtusissimo, interdum cornibus binis lateralibus ornatis, with the cystocarps ovate, prolonged at the very blunt apex, sometimes decorated with two lateral horns [i.e. spurs].

- [Corallina; algae] cystocarpiis obovatis bicornibus concatenatis (Kutz.), with the cystocarps obovate, with two horns, concatenate [i.e. joined].

- [Corallina; algae] cystocarpiis ovatis, utrinque attenuatis, apice obtusisissimis, nec cornutis, with the cystocarps ovate, attenuate at both ends, at the apex very blunt, not horned.

Carpospora,-ae (s.f.I): (fungi) “a spore borne in a cystocarp in the red algae; also, sometimes, any spore borne in a ‘sporocarp’” (S&D).

Coccidium,-ii (s.n.III), abl. sg. coccidio: a cystocarpium, “a case including a great many spores in Algals” (Lindley); (obsol.) = cystocarp” (Jackson), which is “a sporophore in Algae, especially in Florideae, a cyst containing sexually produced spores” (Jackson).

Nemathecium, q.v., “a wart-like elevation of the surface in some Algae containing antheridia and paraphyses or cystocarps” (Jackson); “a wartlike prominence on the thallus of a red alga containing tetraspores, antheridia, or cystocarps” (Merriam-Webster): nemathecium,-ii (s.n.II), abl.sg. nemathecio.

NOTE: Lindley makes the cystocarpium synonymous with favella,-ae (s.f.I), q.v., and favillidium,-ii (s.n.II), q.v., hence, synonymous with keramidium,-ii (s.n.II), q.v.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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