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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Cupula,-ae (s.f.I), abl.sg. cupula, nom.pl. cupulae, acc.pl. cupulas, dat. & abl.pl. cupulis: the ascoma of a discomycete; ‘a cup-shaped involucre in which the bracts are indurated and coherent and which is especially characteristic of the oak [Quercus]; “the cup of such fruits as the acorn, an involucre composed of bracts adherent by their base, and free or not, upwards; a free sheathing structure from the peduncle investing one or more seeds (Oliver and Salisbury)” (Jackson) “the cup or husk of the acorn, Spanish Chesnut, &c.;” the cup (involucre) of the acorn” (Fernald 1950); a collection of bracts; a sort of involucre; a cup-like body found in such Fungals as Peziza” (Lindley); ‘a cup-shaped involucre in which the bracts are indurated and coherent and which is especially characteristic of the oak; the ascoma of a discomycete; a cup-shaped outgrowth of the thallus of certain liverworts (order Marchantiales); "a cup-shaped corolla; a small cup-shaped depression” (WIII); “the cup of such fruits as the acorn, an involucre composed of bracts adherent by their base, and free or not, upwards; a free sheathing structure from the peduncle investing one or more seeds (Oliver and Salisbury)” (Jackson) [> L. cupula, a little cup; a little tub or cask; also a small burial vault (Lewis & Short); see acorn-cup, cup; see ascoma,-atis (s.n.III); see cyathus,-i (s.m.II);

NOTE: the cupule (cupula,-ae (s.f.I) is not often used and defined as a gemma-cup (i.e. a cup-like structure containing gemmae) except in liverwort treatments and then, not often. The word is used in the works of Rudolf Schuster; see gemma-cup; a cup-shaped outgrowth of the thallus of certain liverworts (order Marchantiales).

- petala 4 basi cupulae stamineae adnata, petals 4 at the base adnate to the stamineal cupule.

- cupula staminea apice stamina 2 0 - 3 0 omnia fertilia ferens (B&H), the stamineal cupule bearing 20-30 stamens at the apex, all fertile.

- petala 4 basi cupulae stamineae adnata (B&H), petals 4 at the base adnate to the stamineal cupule.

- sepala basi in cupulam brevem connata (B&H), sepals fused at the base into a short cupule.

- petala [foeminea] in cupulam connata (B&H), the female petals fused into a cupule.

- petala in cupulam brevem subintegram coalita (B&H), the petals fused into a short, almost entire cupule.

- filamenta in cupulam connata (B&H), the filaments fused into a cupule.

- petala cum staminibus in cupulam tubumve alte coalita (B&H), the petals high-fused with the stamens into a cup or tube.

- stamina vulgo 10, disco inserta, basi v. ultra medium in cupulam seu tubum brevem connata (B&H), stamens commonly 10, inserted on the disc, at the base or beyond the middle fused into a cupule or short tube.

- staminibus distinctis 1-serialibus basi in annulum seu cupulam connatis (B&H), with the stamens distinct [i.e. separated] in one series at the base fused into an annulus or cup.

- antherae 5-15, rarius oo, ad sinus urceoli v. cupulas dentatae v. lobatae (B&H), anthers 5-15, more rarely [numerous], dentate at the sinus of the urceolus or cupules or lobed.

- cupula staminea a Cavanillesio truncata delineata staminibus 20 uniseriatis; a Jacquinio in phalanges 5 5-6-andras divisa dicitur (B&H), the stamineal cup truncate, delineated by Cavanillesius with 20 uniseriate stamens; it is said by Jacquinius to be divided into 5 5-6-stamened phalanges [i.e. stamen-bundles].

- [Quercus jordanae} cupula zonis vix distinctis patellae-formi applanata, glandem depresso-globosam basi tantum tegente; differt glande omnino exserta non cupula triplo longiore; cupula solitaria, non cupulis sterilibus inferne tuberculata; glande cupulam dimidio tantum superante; with the cupule flattenened [horizontally] patelliform, with scarcely distinct zones [i.e. bands]; only covering the depressed-globose nut at the base; it differs by the nut completely exserted not three times longer than the cupule; the cupule solitary, not tuberculate below with sterile cupules; by the nut overtopping the cupule by a half.

- (vide Lineas Malpighiaceasque plures, Coriariam et genera excepta aliorum Ordinum inter Discifloras disco v. nullo v. a cupula staminifera vix distinguendo) (B&H), see many Lineae and Malpighiaceae, Coriaria and genera [excepted, exceptional] of other Orders among the Disciflorae with the disc either none or with a stamen-bearing cupule hardly to be distinguished.

- (Algae) organa sporifera composita non clausa, ad quae Lichenum apothecia aperta, scutellata, disciformia et capituliformia, nec non Discomycetum cupulae transitum indicant, sporothalamia apellari possunt (pilei et clavae Hymenomycetum) (Braun), the compound, not closed, sporiferous organs, to which the open, scutellate, disciform and capituliform apothecia of Lichens, and also the cupules of the Discomycetes indicate a transition, are able to be called sporothalamia (the pilei and club-shaped organs of the Hymenomycetes).

- (fungus) cupula in junioribus e globoso obcordata, cavitate interna exigua (S&A), the cupule in younger [specimens] from globose obcordate, with a weak internal cavity.

- (fungus) cupula extus in aliis hirtiuscula, hirsutie in tomentum basin cingens lignoque irrepens byssino - filamentosum delicatum niveum, dein pallens, demum obliteratum (S&A), the cupule externally in some [sc. species] somewhat hirsute [i.e. roughly hairy], with the hairiness surrounding the base in a tomentum, and on wood [the tomentum] creeping in a delicate snow-white, cottony-filamentous, then growing pale, finally obliterated.

- (Fungus) Peziza cyathoidea. Cupula primum cyathoidea, dein planiuscula orbicularis subdiscoidea marginata, qualem pinxit b. Hedwig (S&A), the cupula at first cyathoid [i.e. cup-like], thereafter somewhat flat, orbicular, nearly discoid, bordered, of such a kind as Hedwig represented [i.e. by figure] [figure b.].

- (fungus; Peziza) cupulae interdum congestae, subconfluentes. (S&A), the cupules somtimes crowded, almost running together.

- [fungus; Peziza] cupula uncialis, integra, nec hinc dehiscens (S&A), the cupule an inch [wide], undivided, not, for this reason, dehiscent.

- [fungus; Peziza] P. stipitata mediocris ex ochreo rufescens , cupule ventricosa, margine farinoso crenato (S&A), P. stalked, medium-sized, reddish-ocher, with the cupule ventricose [i.e. unevenly swelling], with the margine mealy, crenate.

- [fungus; Peziza] statura variabilis : cupulae diamcter a 5 ad 6 lineas et paullo ultra ludit (S&A), height variable, the cupules varying diameter [sic] from 5 to 6 lines and somewhat beyond.

- [fungus; Peziza] stipes constans, mox brevis, mox modicus, cupulae latitudinem aequans vel aliquantum superans (S&A), stipe uniform, then short, and then moderate, equaling the width of the cupule or somewhat overtopping it.

- [fungus; Peziza] cupulae 2 — 4 lin. latae, patulae, admodmn irregulares, intus valde plicatae vel rugosae sordide olivaceae, extus nigrae (S&A), the cuples 2-4 lines wide, spreading, very irregular, inside strongly plicate or rugose, dirtily olive-colored, outside a glossy black.

- [fungus; Peziza] P. fascicularis sessilis minor opaca, cupulis tenuibus patentibus subhemisphaerico - difformibus rugosis (S&A), Peziza in fascicles, sessile, smaller, opaque, with thin, spreading nearly hemispheric to deformed rugose cupules.

- [fungus; Peziza] cupula primo subgloboso-campanulata, sursum subconnivens, intus vividius picta fere miniata; dein patentior et unicolor: extus, margine excepto albido-farinaceo (distincte et aequaliter crenato) laevis: ceterum ob substantiam tenuem fragilem (carnoso - membranaceam subpellucidam ) haud raro varie incisa (S&A), cupule at first nearly globose-campanulate, upwards nearly connivent, indise more vividly [painted, almost flame-scarlet; then more spreading and of one color; outside, except for the whitish-farinose border (distinctly and equally crenate) smooth; otherwise [because to the thin, fragile (fleshy-memranaceous nearly pellucid) not rarely variously incised.

- [fungus; Peziza] stipes incurvus, tenuiusculus , in cupulam translucens , umbrinus aut subnigricans. Cupula semunciam fere alta in majoribus, margine erecto (rarius demum subpatente) exacte digitaliformis; basi obliqua, hinc plus minus ventricosa, nonnumquam versus stipitem sublacunosa: intus albida, demum caesia, subviolascens aut subgrisescens: extus umbrina, deorsum saepe subnigrescens, sursum dilutior, interdum margine albicans, nunc laevis, nunc fibrillis parcis appressis parallelis nigris longiludinaliter striata (S&A), stipes incurved, somewhat thin, translucent into a cupule, olive-brown or nearly blackish. The cupule nearly 1/2 inch tall in the larger ones, 3-4 um wide, with the margin erect (more rarely finally nearly spreading) exactly finger-shaped; from an oblique to ventricose [i.e. eccentrically swollen] base, sometimes nearly lacunose toward the stipe: inside whitish, finally blue, nearly violet or becoming grayish: externally olive-brown [i.e. umber], downwardly often nearly nigrescent, upwardly paler, sometimes whitish at the margin, sometimes smooth, sometimes with small fibrils, appressed, parallel, black, longitudinally striate.

Cyathus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. cyatho: a genus: “the common Bird’s Nest fungi” (Ainsworth & Bisby). Discomycetes, “the Cup Fungi, a sub-Class of Ascomycetes for apothecial fungi such as Pezizales and Helotiales.” (Ainsworth & Bisby).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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