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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Corona,-ae (s.f.I), acc. sg. coronam, abl. sg. corona, nom. pl. coronae, gen. pl. coronarum, acc. pl. coronas, dat.& abl. pl. coronis; a crown; “a coronet [q.v.]. Any appendage that intervenes between the corolla and stamens, as the cup of a Daffodil, or the rays of a Passion-flower” (Lindley); lit. a crown, usually used of small structures, such as "any body which intervenes between the corolla and stamens; the "eye" of apples or pears, the remains of the calyx limb; the ray of the capitula in Compositae; a whorl of ligules or petals united or free" (Jackson 1928); “an appendage or series of united appendages borne on the inner side of the corolla in certain flowers (as in the daffodil [Narcissus L.], jonquil [Narcissus jonquilla], and milkweed [Asclepias]) and often resembling an additional whorl of the perianth” (WIII); cf. gynostegium; for crown of a tree, see coma,-ae (s.f.I); see coronet; see halo (Engl.); see crown;

NOTE: not to be confused with corone (s.f.I), q.v., gen.sg. corones, ‘crow.’


1. a coronet, any body which intervenes between the corolla and stamens;

2. “(obsol.) the “eye” of apples or pears, the remains of the calyx limb;

3. “(obsol) the ray of the capitula in Compositae;

4. a whorl of ligules or petals, united or free;

5. a synonym of cucullus;

6. used by J. Hill for the pericycle, or “circle of propagation”;

7. the ring of primary wood in the medullary sheath;

8. the medullary crown, or medullary sheath.

- [algae] limbo corona pilorum terminato (Agardh), with the limb terminated by a crown of hairs.

- [Silene] petalorum limbo corona alba brevi bifida munito (Boissier), with the limb of the petals armed [i.e. provided] with a white, short, bifid corona.

- [Scabiosa] corollis valde radiantibus magnis caeruleis, involucelli basi foveolis aequali densissime pilosa, pilis coronam non attingentibus foveolas lineares profundas non occultantibus, corona subdentata 16-20-nervia, setis corona plus dupl6 longioribus (Boissier), with the corollae strongly radiating, large, (sky)blue, at the symmetrical base of the involucel with foveolae very densely pilose, with the pili not reaching the corona, not hiding the linear, deep foveolae, with the corona somewhat dentate with 16-20 nerves, with the bristles more than twice longer.

- corona calycis tubo v. intra pétala inserta, simplex duplex v. multiplex (B&H), the corona inserted on the tube of the calyx or among the petals, simple, double or multiple.

- corona magna infundibuliformis alba vel flavescens margine sexlobata, corona large funnel-shaped white or yellowish at the margin six-lobed.

- coronae rudimentum 3 mm. longum, of the corona the rudiment 3 mm. long (Stearn).

- ramis elongatis pluribus in coronam conicam diffusam dispositis, with elongate branches many arranged in a diffuse, conic corona.

- corona petaloidea filamentoso-laciniata (DeCandolle), with the corona petaloid, filamentous-laciniate.

- corona filamentosa ante petala sita et his basi adnata (DeCandolle), the corona filamentous, situated before the petals and adnate at the base to these.

- [Asclepiadaceae] corona simplex, late tubulosa, gynostegio longior, intus villosa, late 5-loba (B&H), the corona simple, broadly tubulose, longer than the gynostegium, villous within, broadly 5-lobed.

- [Ascl.] coronae squamae 5, erectae, ligulatae, 2-fidae, gynostegium superantes (B&H), the scales of the corona 5, erect, ligulate, 2-fid, surpassing the gynostegium.

- (Ascl.) coronae squamae breves, latae, emarginatae, dorso ligula crassa erecta instructae (B&H), the scales of the corona short, broad, emarginate, on the back provided with a thick, erect ligule [i.e. strap].

- (Ascl.)coronae squamae planae, leviter concavae v. convexae, intus basi medio v. sub apice squamella v. ligula auctae v. 2-carinatae (B&H), the scales of the corona flat, lightly concave or convex, inside at the base in the middle or under the apex enlarged with a squamella or ligule or 2-keeled.

- coronae squamae membranaceae planae, simplices, tubo stamineo rarius corollae affixae (B&H), the scales of the corona membranous, flat, undivided, to the stamineal tube, more rarely to the corolla attached.

- [Disemma] calyce parvo lobis interioribus destituto coronam vix crenulatam longe superante (F. Mueller), with the calyx small, lacking inner lobes, far overtopping the hardly crenulate corona.

- [fungus] distabat ab a, praeter substantiam mollissimam globulo praesertim regulari pulchre cinnabarino, quem coronae loco gerebat (S&A), it was distant from ‘a,’ except for a the very delicate substance with a globule particularly regular, beautifully cinnabarine, which it was wearing in the place of a crown.

Corona,-ae (s.f.I): corona (Engl.), “a usu. colored circle often seen around and close to a luminous body (as the sun or moon) caused by diffraction produced by suspended droplets...” (WIII); see halo.

Corona staminea (adj.A): “a coronet formed from transformed stamens” (Lindley).

Corona stipularis (adj.B), abl. sg. corona stipulari: the circle of stipulodes in Chara (Migula).

Corona seminis [gen.sg. semen, ‘seed’) = pappus.

Corona staminea = “orbiculus, a coronet formed from the transformation of stamens” (Jackson).

Crown: “an inner appendage to a petal, or to the throat of a corolla” (Fernald 1950) = corona,-ae (s.f.I).

Ligula,-ae (s.f.I), q.v.: “certain appendages found on the coronet of some Asclepiads, alternating with the horns and spreading over the corolla” (Lindley).

Orbiculus,-i (s.m.II), abl. sg. orbiculo: “1. the fleshy corona in the genus Stapelia; 2. a round flat hymenium in Fungi” (Jackson).

Parastas,-adis (s.f.III), abl.sg. parastadis: coronal ray of Passiflora, lit. 'doorpost.'

NOTE: corona,-ae (s.f.I), abl. sg. corona: (from a Gk. word) a garland, chaplet, wreath, a kind of personal decoration for festivals and other special events generally made of flowers; a circular feature: corona montium, a circular ridge of mountains; the halo (corona) round the sun.

NOTE: the English word for crown derives from corona,-ae (s.f.I).

NOTE: Coronopus, q.v.

Coronilla,-ae L. (s.f.I), the Crown-Vetch, “dim. of corona, a crown; alluding to the inflorescence” (Fernald 1950), that is, “flowers in umbels terminating axillary peduncles;” dim. of corona,-ae (s.f.I), a crown “in reference to the umbel. Leguminosae.” (Stearn 1996).


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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