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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Corolla, the second whorl of flower organs, the petals, inside or above the calyx; “that part of a flower which intervenes between the calyx and stamens; its parts are called petals” (Lindley); “1. the interior perianth, composed of petals, free or united; 2. (obsol.) the annulus of Fungi; 3. employed by Sir. J. E. Smith for the utricle of Carex” (Jackson); “the inner perianth, of distinct or connate petals” (Fernald 1950): corolla,-ae (s.f.I), acc. sg. corollam, gen. sg. corollae, dat. sg. corollae, abl. sg. corolla, nom. pl. corollae, acc. pl. corollas, gen. pl. corollarum, dat. & abl. pl. corollis [> L. corolla,-ae (s.f.I), dim. of corona,-ae (s.f.I), q.v., “a little crown or garland”]; see urceolatus,-a,-um (adj.A) for examples;

- petala intra calycem in corollam genitalia cingentem coalita (B&H), petals fused within the calyx into a corolla enclosing the sexual organs.

- corolla rotata tubulosa infundibuliformis vel campanulata, intus glabra pilosa vel villosa, corolla rotate tubular funnel-shaped or campanulate, on the inside glabrous pilose or villous.

- corolla (tubo subnullo) explanata quadrifida bilabiata, corolla (with an almost non-existent tube) outspread four-cleft two-lipped.

- corolla flava, medio 6 mm. crassa, ad faucem ampliata, corolla yellow, at the middle 6 mm. thick, widened at the throat.

- stamina tot quot corollae lobi iisque alterna, fauci vel tubo corollae affixa, stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla and alternate with these, attached to the throat or tube of the corolla.

- filamenta corollae adnata, filaments adnate to the corolla (Stearn).

- coronae squamae membranaceae planae, simplices, tubo stamineo rarius corollae affixae (B&H), the scales of the corona membranous, flat, undivided, to the stamineal tube, more rarely to the corolla attached.

- [Compositae] corollae radii ligulatae, disci tubulosae, corollas of the ray ligulate, of the disc tubular; see ray (Stearn).

Corollula,-ae (s.f.I): corollule, “(obsol.) a small corolla” (Lindley).

Cupula,-ae (s.f.I), q.v.: a cup-shaped corolla.

pericorollatus,-a,-um (adj.A): “used of a dicotyledonous plant with a gamopetalous perigynous corolla” (Jackson).

NOTE: Corolla,-ae (s.f.I) “(obsol.) the annulus of certain Fungals” (Lindley).

NOTE: cor.: abbrev. for ‘corolla,-ae' (s.f.I);

- cor. aurantii coloris (DeCandolle), corolla of the color of an orange.

- [Elephantopus] COR. composita; Corollulae hermaphroditae, aequales, 4-rarius 5 (Swartz), corolla compound; the corollules [i.e. florets] hermaphrodite, equal [i.e. resembling one another], 4 - more rarely 5. Ordo Olacineae (DeCandolle);

- Ordo distinctissimus, sed locus in serie naturali incertus. An calyx pro involucro et corolla pro calyce habenda et tunc, suadente cl. Brown et habitu satis congruente, Olacineae inter Monochlamydeas non longe a Santalaceis ordinandae sunt? An calyce et corolla vera admissis, corolla ut monopetala habenda tunc, suadente cl. Jussieu, ordo inter Calycifloras prope Sapoteas collocandus venit? An tandem, admittente ut videtur cl. Mirbel, Petala ut distincta consideranda etiamsi varie juncta et tunc inter Thalamifloras Olacineae admittuntur?

A most distinct order, but the position in a natural series is uncertain. Perhaps the calyx should be taken for an involucre and the corolla for a calyx and thereupon, with the eminent Brown recommending it, and quite congruent with the habit, the Olacineae to be arranged among the Monochlamydeae not far from the Santalaceae.

Perhaps, with the true calyx and corolla allowed, taking the corolla as monopetalous, with the eminent Jussieu recommending it,it comes to be arranged among the Calyciflorae near Sapoteae.

Finally perhaps, by admitting, apparently, as the eminent Mirbel, that the petals are to be considered as distinct even if variously joined, then the Olacineae is granted admission among the Thalamiflorae.

- [Marcgraviaceae] Corolla hypogyna, nunc monopetala calyptraeformis integra aut apice lacera, nunc 5-petala, basi post inflorescentiam circumscissa et caduca (DeCandolle), the corolla hypogynous, sometimes monopetalous, in the shape of a calyptra, entire or lacerate at the apex, sometimes 5-oetalled, at the base behind the inflorescence opening circularly and caducous [i.e. falling].

- petalis omnnibus coalitis in corollam cylindraceam (DeCandolle), with all the petals fused into a cylindric corolla.

Corolla tube: tubus,-i (s.m.II), corollae [gen.sg.], abl.sg. tubo corollae, nom. pl. tubi corollae.

- corollae tubus ampliatus flavescens, limbus purpureus (DeCandolle), the tube of the corolla enlarged, yellowish, the limb purple.

- corollae tubus longitudiualiter fissus, limbus 3-fidus, carina cucullata (DeCandolle), the tube of the corolla longitudinally split, the limb 3-split, the keel cucullate..

- {Hypericum tubulosum] foliis sessilibus, corollis tubulosis (DeCandolle), with the leaves sessile, with the corollae tubulose.

Faux, gen. sg. faucis (s.f.III) corollae (gen.sg.), abl. sg. fauce corollae, the faux is the part of the corolla between the tube proper and the limb; it is the orifice, mouth or entrance to the corolla.

- fauce corollae parce barbata, lobis lanceolatis (F. Mueller), with the throat of the corolla shortly bearded.

- corollae faux exappendiculata flava (F. Mueller), the throat of the corolla lacking appendages, yellow.

- faux corollae vitellina, albo-limbata, the entrance of the corolla egg-yolk yellow, white-margined.

- faux corollae non marginata, the mouth of the corolla not bordered.

- corollae faux barbellata lobis fere 2 mm.longis. (F. Mueller), the throat of the corolla minutely bearded, with the lobes almost 2 mm long.

- corolla infundibularis, tubo brevi dilatato, fauce campanulata, basi squamis 5 minutis instructa (B&H), the corolla funnel-shaped, with the short tube dilated, with the campanulate throat, at the base provided with 5 tiny scales.

Fundus,-i (s.m.II) corollae [gen.sg.], abl. sg. fundo corolla: the base or bottom of the corolla;

- corolla rubra fundo atro (DeCandolle), the corolla red, with a black bottom.

- corollae. parvae albae laciniis denticulatis obovato-oblongis, fundo albo fimbriato (F. Mueller), the corollas small, white with denticulate, obovate-oblong laciniae, at the bottom white, fimbriate.

Limbus,-i (s.m.II) corollae (gen.sg.), abl. sg. limbo corollae: the flat, expanded part of a corolla (petal);

- corollae tubus superne campanulatus, limbus purpureus (F. Mueller), the tube of the corolla campanulate above, the limb purple.

- corollae tubus cylindraceus, limbus flavus (F. Mueller), the tube of the corolla cylindric, the limb yellow.

- corollae parvae albae limbo quinquepartito tubi longitudinem semiaequante (F. Mueller), the corollas small, white, with the limb in five parts nearly equally the length of the tube.

- corollae aureae, tubo tenui, limbo valde ampliato (F. Mueller), the corollas golden yellow, with the tube thin, with the limb strongly enlarged.

- corollae glabrae roseae, tubo tres lineas longo, limbo ter longior (F. Mueller), the corollae glabrous, rose-colored, with the tube three lines long, three times longer than the limb.

Conus,-i (s.m.II) corollae: corolla cone:

- [Cystanthe procera; Magnoliaceae] corollae cono fere triplo longiore quam latiore (F. Mueller), with the cone of the corolla almost three times longer than wide.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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