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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

Aqua,-ae (s.f.I), abl.sg. aqua: water, q.v.;

- running water: aquae (pl.f.I) currentes.

- aqua viva (adj.A): living or running water.

- in currentibus aquarum, in currents of water.

- fresh water, aqua dulcis (adj.B).

- sub aqua, under water (abl.sg.)

- aquae (nom.pl.) calidae, hot springs.

- folia petiolo longo super aquam natantia, rarius emersa (B&H), leaves with a long petiole floating upon the water, more rarely emersed.

- fructus nunc emersi nunc sub aqua maturescentes (B&H), the fruits sometimes emersed, sometimes maturing [i.e. ripening] under water.

- species ad 35 in aquis puris quietis v. lente fluentibus orbis fere totius vegetantes (B&H), species to 35 in pure [i.e. clear] quiet waters or slowing flowing, flourishing nearly throughout the world.

- sal marinum cum terra tanta quantitate mixtum ut fontes aquarum dulcium longe infrequentiores quam salsi, et nitraria naturalia non desunt etiam abundantissima (Desf.), sea salt is mixed in quantity with so much earth that (ground) springs of fresh water are far less frequent that salty ones, and [places for digging] native nitron are not lacking, they are even very abundant.

- in aquis dulcibus ad lapides et plantas aquaticas et ad parietes piscinarum et puteorum, in fresh water on stones and aquatic plants and on the walls of cisterns and wells (Stearn).

- aqua subdulcis (adj.B): water somewhat fresh, i.e. slightly saline, brackish; see brackish.

- aqua pluvia (adj.A): rain, q.v.

- ad saxa in aquis fluentibus quietisve, on rocks in running or still water (Stearn).

- fructus sub aqua maturescens, fruit maturing under water.

- fructus nunc emersi nunc sub aqua maturescentes (B&H), the fruits sometimes emersed, sometimes maturing below the water [i.e. water surface].

- aqua stercorosa, filthy water, sewage.

- folia petiolo longo super aquam natantia, rarius emersa (B&H), leaves with a long petiole, floating above the water, more rarely emersed [i.e. partly below and above the water surface.

- herbae aquarum tranquillarum aut lente fluentium incolae (DeCandolle), herbs, the inhabitants of quiet or slowly flowing waters.

- in aquis lente fluentibus caenosis et stagnosis Asiae calidioris (DeCandolle), in slowly flowing waters, marshy and stagnant of warmer Asia.

- [Nuphar advena] in fossis et lacubus aquae dulcis et etiam aquae salsae in America bor. (DeCandolle), in the waterways and lakes of fresh water and also of salt water in North America.

- forma platyphylla (C. crispum v. nudum Schaer. 1. c.) statu thallo cinerascente ad ligna aqua saepe immersa (Nyl.), a broad-leaved [i.e. broad-lobed] form with the thallus condition ashen, often on wood immersed in water.

- [lichen] lamina tenuis thalli iodo tantum modo desiccata sanguineo-rubens, quae color aqua vel liquido qualicunque alio addito evanescit et desiccatione solum, iodo affuso, iterum adparet (Nyl.), the lamina of the thallis thin, with iodine, only a little dried out, reddening blood-red, the color of which vanishes with water or any other liquid whatsoever and only by desiccation, with the iodine sprinkled on, does it appear a second time.

- in locis uliginosis ad profluvia aquae nivalis in Alpibus Sibiricis supra Tschala (DeCandolle), in soaking places in the out-pourings of snow water in the Siberian Alps above Tschala.

- [Oscillatoria limosa; algae] habitat in fundo limoso fossarum, lacuum, rivulorumque lente fluentium, demum aquae innatans (Agardh), it grows in the muddy bottom of ditches, lakes and slowly flowing brooks, eventually growing in water.

Desmoscolex aquaedulcis, a nematode, of fresh water.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
Copyright © P. M. Eckel 2010-2023

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