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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

-stoma,-atis (s.n.III), abl. sg. -stomate, nom. & acc. pl. -stomata, gen. pl. stomatum: in Gk. comb., creatures with a particular a mouth or stoma, “in higher taxa in zoology (Gnathostoma; Plagiostomata)” (WIII) [> Gk. stoma,-atis (s.n.III), q.v., “mouth”].

NOTE: not to be confused with sOma,-atis (s.n.III), e.g. the gnathosOma, pl. gnathosomata: (Eng. the gnathosome pl. gnathosomes) > Gk. gnathos = “jaw” + sOma, = “body” the part of the body of the Acari (mites and ticks) comprising the mouth and feeding parts.

NOTE: not stroma, q.v.

NOTE –stoma is not a first declension feminine noun, but a neuter third declension noun; adjectival epithets of generic names ending in –stoma must reflect the neuter gender of the generic name: e.g. rubrum, not rubra; simile, not similis.

NOTE: -stoma is also the nom.& acc. pl. of –stomum,-i (s.n.II).

Adenostoma,-atis (s.n.III) (Rosaceae) “> Gk. adEn, gland + stOma, mouth; “in allusion to the glands at the mouth of the calyx of these evergreen shrubs” (Stearn 1996): A. fasciculatum; A. sparsifolium.

Amblostoma,-atis (s.n.III) (Orchidaceae), the lateral lobes of the lip encircle the column; A. armeniacum.

[liverwort] Blepharostoma,-atis (s.n.III), abl.sg. Blepharostomate (Blepharostomataceae); B. trichophyllum.

Chaenostoma,-atis (s.n.III), > Gk. chaino, to gape + stoma, a mouth, referring to the wide throat of the corolla (Scrophulariaceae” (Paxton).

Cleisostoma,-atis (s.n.III) (Orchidaceae); C. acaule; C. appendiculatum; C. aspersum; C. bicorne; C. crassifolium; C. discolor; C. filiforme; C. ramosum.

x Gastrostoma,-atis (s.n.III) (Orchidaceae)

Geniostoma,-atis (s.n.III) “> Gk. geneion, a beard + stoma, a mouth. Loganiaceae” (Paxton).

Linostoma,-atis (s.n.III) (Thymelaeaceae); L. decandrum, L. longiflorum; L. pauciflorum; L. persimile. Melastoma,-atis (s.n.III) > Gk. melas, blac

k + stoma, the mouth: “the black berries of some of the species are commonly eaten by children, whose mouths they stain black. Melastomaceae” (Paxton).

[fungi] Myriostoma,-atis (s.n.III) (Geastraceae);> Gk. myrios, “countless” + stoma, “mouth;” a fungus with multiple columns supporting the spore sac (as opposed to one), and with multiple ostioles (as opposed to only one).

Pachystoma,-atis (s.n.III), abl.sg. Pachysomata, (Orchidaceae) > Gk. pachys, ‘thick,’ + stoma, “mouth;” perhaps referring to a thickened callus on the labellum; the lateral sepals have a hump at their base.

[fungi] Plagiostoma,-atis (s.n.III), abl.sg. Plagiostomate (Gnomoniaceae); P. apiculatum; P. convexum P. evexum; P. dilatatum; P. euphorbiaceum.

NOTE: Plagiostoma campylostyla var. mirabile: the epithet ‘campylostyla’ should perhaps be ‘campylostylum’ (the generic name is neuter; also stylum,-i (s.n.II) and the adj. suffix –stylus,-a,-um (adj.A)]. The varietal epithet is correct, a neuter ending modifying the generic name.

Rhodostoma,-atis (s.n.III), > Gk. rhodos, red + stoma, a mouth. Cinchonaceae (Paxton).

[liverwort] Solenostoma,-atis (s.n.III), > Gk. solen, a tube or pipe + stoma, a mouth; a genus of liverworts with channeled and suddenly narrowed perianth mouth.(Solenostomataceae).

[fungus] Tulostoma,-atis (s.n.III) > Gk. tulos, a wart + stoma, the mouth; “in allustion to the nature of the orifice by which the seeds are dispersed . Lycoperdaceae” (Paxton).


[zoology] agnathostoma,-atis (s.n.III), abl.sg. agnathostomate, nom. & acc. pl. agnathostomata: an agnathostome (Eng.noun), pl. agnathostomes: jawless fishes of the superclass Agnatha > Gk. a-, privative, gnathos, “jaw” + stOma, “mouth.’

[zoology] Bdellostoma,-atis (s.n.III): a genus of myzont fishes (Myxinidae)

[zoology] Gnathostoma,-atis (s.n.III), a genus of parasitic spirurid nematodes > Gk. gnathos, “jaw” + stOma, “mouth:” G. spinigerum; G. hispidum; G. binucleatum; G. nipponicum.

[zoology] Gnathostomata (pl.n.III), a superclass; also an infraphyllum = nom. & acc. plural of Gnathostoma,-atis (s.n.III): the gnathostomes; jawed vertebrates; also:

[zoology] Gnathostomata (pl.n.III) = nom. & acc. plural of Gnathostoma,-atis (s.n.III): a superorder of echinoids (sea urchins). [zoology] Plagiostoma,-atis (s.n.III), abl.sg. Plagiostomate (Limidae), fossil marine bivalve mollusks, the “file clams,” > Gk. plagio, oblique, slanting + stOma,-atis, “mouth.”


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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