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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

-gyne,-es (s.f.I); in Greek is originallyan irregular THIRD declension noun [> Gk. gynE (s.f.III), gen.sg. gynaikos, a woman]; its stem is gynaik-, to which it is difficult to apply Latinized endings endings [> Gk. gynE, gen.sg. gynaikos; a woman, = Lat. femina, opp. to man; (as a term of respect) mistress, lady; a wife, spouse; a mortal woman, opp. to a goddess (Liddell & Scott). NOTE: the suffix, -gyne, refers to the female reproductive organs.

Following the example of Bentham and Hooker and of Ferdinand Mueller (see below), this noun is inflected like ‘raphe,-es,’ a first declension feminine noun ending in –eta; see ‘first declension;’ cf. ‘-gynium,-ii (s.n.II);’

Coelogyne,-es (s.f.I):  

	     singular     plural                 singular       plural
Nominative	-ē	      -ae      Nom. Coelogynē	   Coelogynae
Genitive	-ēs	      -ārum   Gen. Coelogynēs	   Coelogynārum
Dative	-ae	      -īs      Dat.	Coelogynae	   Coelogynīs
Accusative	-ēn	      -ās      Acc.	Coelogynēn	   Coelogynās
Ablative	-ē	      -īs      Abl.	Coelogynē	   Coelogynīs
NOTE: the ablative singular ending is the same as the nominative singular.

NOTE: there is no generic noun ending in –gyna,-ae. When this termination occurs, it reflects the adjective endings –gynus,-a,-um (adj.A).

NOTE: there are no genera ending in –gyna,-ae (s.f.I); -gynum,-i (s.n.II); or –-gynus,-i (s.m.II).

Acalypha acrogyne, the epithet is a noun in apposition; Aldina diplogyne, the epithet is a noun in apposition; see apposition, noun in.


[Palmae] Calyptrogyne,-es (s.f.I) (B&H).

[Juncaceae] Cephalogyne,-es (s.f.I) (B&H).

Coelogyne,-es (s.f.I), “from koilos, hollow and gyne, a female; in allusion to the form of the stigma. Orchidaceae” (Paxton).

Curtogyne,-es (s.f.I), “from kurton, curved, and gyne, a style; referring to the gibboused ovaria. Crassulaceae” (Paxton).

Cyclogyne,-es (s.f.I), “from kyklos, a circle, and gyne, a stigma. Fabaceae” (Paxton).

Glossogyne,-es (s.f.I) (Asteraceae); monotypic; a dioecious plant with male and female flowers on separate plants.

Homogyne,-es (s.f.I),“from homos, uniform, + gyne, a female. Asteraceae” (Paxton).

Hymenogyne,-es (s.f.I),“from hymen, a membrane, and gyne, a woman. Membryaceae” (Paxton).

Peltogyne-es (s.f.I)(Fabaceae),in reference to the peltate (shield-like, saucer-shaped) form of the plant's stigma.

Pleurogyne, ,-es (s.f.I),“from pleura, a side, and gyne, a female; stigmas joined to the sides of the ovarium Gentianaceae” (Paxton).

Pogogyne,-es (s.f.I),“from pogon, a beard, and gyne, a female; the style is bearded. Lamiaceae” (Paxton).

Sphaerogyne,-es (s.f.I) (Melastomataceae)

Sphenogyne,-es (s.f.I), “from sphen, a wedge, and gyne, a female; in allusion to the wedge-shaped stigmas. Asteraceae” (Paxton).

Stenogyne,-es (s.f.I) (Lamiaceae).

Trichogyne,-es (s.f.I), “from thrix, hair, and gyne, a style; styles covered with hairs. Asteraceae” (Paxton).

- Subtribus 7. Coelogyneae (B&H; Orchidaceae): Coelogyn- + -eae [= fem. nom. pl. of adj. suffix –eus,-a,-um (adj.A)]. Note that the final ‘e’ of –gyne needs to be elided before the ending –eae is added to it.

- [Section Dimorphogyne] Eriocaulon heterogynum Sect. Dimorphogyne (F.Muell.).


- [Swainsona] ad eandem generis sectionem pertinet Sw. stipularis (F. Muell. in Linnaea xxv. p. 393), floribus fulvo-aurantiacis a ceteris Cyclogynes speciebus facile discriminanda. Swainsona (F. Muell.), Sw. stipularis pertains to the same section of the genus, by the flowers fulvous [i.e. yellowish-brown] to orange, it is easily to be distinguished from the other species of Cyclogyne [= gen.sg.].

- Eriocaulon heterogynum Sect. Dimorphogyne (F.Muell.), Eriocaulon hetergynum Sect. Dimorphogyne.

- Sect. Dimorphogyne [i.e. the female inflorescences with two shapes or forms]: flores masculi triandri calyce exteríore orbati; foeminei inferiores quadrisepalí, superiores disepali. Capsula bilocularis. (F.muell.), the male flowers with three stamens, lacking an outer calyx; the female [flowers] the lower with four sepals, the upper with two sepals. Capsule with two locules.

[Haloragis odontocarpa] floribus monoicis glomerato-fasciculatis in spicam elongatam interruptam fere aphyllam dispositis octandris tetragynis (F.Muell.), with the flowers monoicous, glomerate-fasciculate arranged into an elongate, interrupted spike, nearly leafless, with eight stamens, four pistils.

- [Mitrasacme] propriam sectionem generis efformat: Synogyne dicendam et sequenti modo circumscribendam: calyx profunde partitus (F. Muell.), it forms a special section of the genus: its should be called Synogyne and in the following manner it should be defined: the calyx deeply parted.

- species floribus fulvo-aurantiaeis a ceteris Cyclogynes [=gen.sg.] speciebus facile discriminanda (F. Mueller), the species is easily distinquished from the other species of Cyclogyne by the fulvous-orange flowers.


- [Mitrasacme] propriam generis sectionem formare potuit, Exogynem appellandam, cui stamina tubi parti infera inserta adnata, ápice cum stylo emergentia (F. Muell.), it was possible to form a special section of the genus, to be named Exogyne, for which the stamens are adnate, inserted on the lower part of the tube, emerging [i.e. partially exposed] at the apex with the style.

- [Portulaca digyna] annua, procumbens, dichotome ramosa, foliis oppositis breviter petiolatis ovatis apiculatis, floribus parvis tetrapetalis cymosis pleiandris digynis (F. Muell.), annual, procumbent, dichotomously branched, with the leaves opposite, shortly petiolate, ovate, apiculate, with the flowers small, four-petaled, cymose, with several stamens, with two pistils.


- flores quam in Coelogyne minores, racemosi, pedúnculo sub anthesi terminali plurivaginato aphyllo, foliis tardius evolutis (B&H), the flowers smaller than in Coelogyne [abl.sg.], racemose, with the peduncle at flowering terminal, with several [many] sheathes, leafless [i.e. at flowering time], with the leaves more tardily developed.

- pseudobulbi 2-phylli, nunc ut in Coelogyne distincti, nunc ut in Otochilo continui (B&H), pseudobulbs with two leaves, sometimes distinct [i.e. separated] as in Coelogyne [= abl.sg.], sometimes continuous, as in Otochilus.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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