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A Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin

-gonE,-es (s.f.I); or –gona,-ae (s.f.I), > Gk. gonE,-es (s.f.I), that which is begotten, offspring, progeny, children; that which engenders: organs of generation; the seed; (of the mother) child-birth; (of the child) birth; race, stock, family, tribe [after Liddell & Scott); parentage; generation, procreation [> Gk. from root of gignomai first person singular present indicative: I come into being, give birth > gignesthai, present passive infinitive, “to be born;” related to genos, “race, birth, descent;” cf. genesthai = aorist middle infinitive].

Antigone,-es (s.f.I) also Antigone,-ae (s.f.I):

     singular      plural
Nom. Antigone    Antigonae
Gen. Antigones   Antigonarum
Dat. Antigonae   Antigonis
Acc. Antigonen   Antigonas
Abl. Antigone    Antigonis
NOTE: also Antigonus,-i (s.m.II): “the name of several kings after Alexander the Great” (Lewis & Short).

From Gk. anti- ‘against’ + gonE,-es (s.f.I), generation, progeny; perhaps, “opposed to her family;” name of a tragic play by Sophocles where the virtuous daughter of Oedipus, at the cost of her life or soul, has to decide between offending either of her two brothers in the ritual burial of her brother Polynices, condemned by her brother Eteocles (king of Thebes and head of state).

(molluska) Antigona,-ae (s.f.I), a genus of saltwater clams, the Venus-clams (Beneridae).

(birds) Antigone,-es (s.f.I): a genus of large, long-legged birds in the crane family (Gruidae); named by Carl Linnaeus.

The name Antigone also refers to a Greek mythological female, daughter of the Trojan king Laomedon and the sister of Priam. The name is said by some to mean “worthy of one's parents" or "in place of one's parents." She was turned into a stork, hence the name “Antigone” to refer to a genus of birds (storks).

Endogone,-es (s.f.I), also Endogona,-ae (s.f.I)

       singular     plural
Nom.  Endogone     Endogonae
Gen.  Endogones    Endogonarum
Dat.  Endogonae    Endogonis
Acc.  Endogonen    Endogonas
Abl.  Endogone     Endogonis
From Gk. endo, ‘inside; embedded’ + gone, ‘reproductive organs;’Born-within.

Endogone,-es (s.f.I): a genus of fungi (Endogonaceae), named in allusion to the underground sporocarps.

Endogona,-ae (s.f.I): a genus in the Liliaceae: E. adenanthera; E. ramosa.

Eremogone,-es (s.f.I) (Caryophyllaceae)

      singular    plural
Nom. Eremogone  Eremogonae
Gen. Eremogones Eremogonarum
Dat. Eremogonae Eremogonis
Acc. Eremogonen Eremogonas
Abl. Eremogone  Eremogonis
From Greek erem-, a longely place, a desert + gonE, birth, Desert-born.

Erigone,-es (s.f.I) (Amarillidaceae)

      singular  plural
Nom.  Erigone   Erigonae
Gen   Erigones  Erigonarum
Dat.  Erigonae  Erigonis
Acc.  Erigonen  Erigonas
Abl.  Erigone   Erigonis
Perhaps from er- spring, early + gonE (s.f.I), birth or begotten.

NOTE: eri-, erio- in Gk comp. wooly, would not apply as the –i’ is a part of the stem, and –o- would be a connecting vowel, as in Eri-o-gonum, ‘wooly joint.’

“The daughter of Icarius, who hanged herself in grief at her father’s death, and was changed into a constellation” i.e. Virgo (the Maiden)(Glare). Also, the daughter of Aegisthus and Clytemnestra, another woman of legend who hanged herself (when Orestes was acquitted of the murder of her parents). These women in myth and cult place Erigone amidst heroines and goddesses associated with hanging.

Erigone,-es (s.f.I): (Amaryllidaceae): Erigone govenica.

(spider) Erigone,-es (s.f.I): a genus of carnivorous dwarf spiders (family Linyphiidae).

Gonogona,-ae (s.f.I) (Orchidaceae); G. discolor.

? > Gk. gonos ‘sperm, seed, offspring’ + gone, ‘reproductive organs;’ see –gonum,-i (s.n.II).

NOTE: not Gongora (Orchidaceae), named after Antonio Caballero y Gongora.

Xerogona,-ae (s.f.I) (Passifloraceae)

From Gk. xero, ‘dry’ + gonE (s.f.I), birth, begotten; seed.

A section of Passifloraceae characteristic of dry habitats.


A work in progress, presently with preliminary A through R, and S, and with S (in part) through Z essentially completed.
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