Recommended Literature
For each is given: 1. Transliterations of the author’s name and title,
as it is done in the library catalogs. 2. Author’s and title name English
Basilevskaya, N. A. 1960. Tsentry proiskhozhdenia dekorativnikh
rasteniy. V: Evolutsia, Biogeografia, Genetika i Selektsia.
Nauka, Moskva. [Basilevskaya, N. A. The centers of origin for
ornamental plants].
Coats, A. M. 1968. Flowers and their histories. Adam & Charles
Black, London.
DeCandolle, A. 1855. Origin de plant cultivees. G. Bailliere,
Gerard, J. 1597. Herbal or general historie of plants. John
Norton, London.
Hollis, S. & R. K. Brummitt. 1992. World geographical scheme
for recording plant distributions. Carnegie University,
Hui-Lin Li. 1974. The origin and cultivation shade and
ornamental trees. University of Pennsylvania Publ.,
Huxley, A. et al. 1992. The New R.H.S. Dictionary of Gardening.
The Macmillan Press, London.
Lipskiy, V. I. 1913. Imperatorskiy Botanicheskiy Sad za 200 let
svoego suschestvovaniia. Botanicheskiy Sad Publ., St. Petersburg.
[Lipsky, V. I. Emperor’s Botanical Garden for 200 years since
its establishment].
Mabberley, D. J. 1987. The plant-book. Cambridge University,
Parkinson, J. 1904 (reprint 1629). Paradisi in sole paradisus
terrestris. Methuen & Co., London.
Shcherbakova, A. A. (Red.). 1958. Karl Linnei. Nauka, Moskva.
[Shcherbakova, A. A. (Ed.). Carolus Linnaeus].
Sokolov, S. IA. I dr. 1965. Geografiia drevesnykx rastenii
SSSR. Nauka, Leningrad. [Sokolov, S. Y. et al. Geography
of woody plants in the USSR].
Takhtajan, A. L. 1978. Floristicheskie oblasti zemli. Nauka,
Leningrad. [Takhtajan, A. L. Floristic regions of the
Vavilov, N. I. 1926. Tsentry proiskhozhdenia kul’turnykx
rastnii. V: Trudy Prikl. Bot. & Selek. Reprint 1966. V:
Genetika i Selektsia. Kolos, Moskva. [Vavilov, N. I.
World centers of origin of cultivated plants].
Vavilov, N. I. 1992. Origin and geography of cultivated
plants. Cambridge University Press, New York.
Wulff, E. V. 1987. Kul’turnaia flora Zemnogo Shara. VIR,
Leningrad. [Wulff, E. V. Global cultivated flora].
Zeven, A. C. & J. M. J. De Wet. 1982. Dictionary of
cultivated plants and their regions of diversity. Centre
Agr. Public. & Documentation, Wageningen.
Zhukovsky, P. M. 1964. Kul’turnye rasteniia i ikh sorodichi.
Kolos, Leningrad. [Zhukovsky, P. M. Cultivated plants and
their relatives].