Dubiago, T. B. 1963. Russkie regularnie sadi i
parki. Stroiizdat, Leningrad. [Dubjago, T. B. Russian
regular gardens and parks. It is a classic book with
excellent description of Russian formal gardens].
Hayden, Peter. 1982. Pavlovsk. In: The Garden.
V. 107, 6: 219-224 [The author is very well familiar with
Russian Gardens. It is one of a series of papers about
Russian gardens that was published in "The Garden"
Il’inskaia, N. A. 1993. Vosstanovlenie istoricheskikx
ob’ektov landshaftnoi arkxitektury. Stroiizdat, Leningrad.
[Iljinskaya, N. A. Reconstruction of the historical
establishments of landscape architecture. The author
does an excellent job showing what renoviation was done in
a number of Russian historical parks].
Kurbatov, V. Y. 1916. Sadi i parki. Izdatel’stvo Suvorova,
Petrograd. [Kurbatov, V.Y. Gardens and Parks. Very
old but still is the best book in Russian about the most
beautiful gardens. It includes descriptions of many Russian
Lapin, P. I. 1984. Botanical Gardens of the USSR.
Kolos, Moscow. (In English, with good illustrations).
Tsytsyn, N. V. (Red.). 1979. Introduktsia rastenii prirodnoi
flory SSSR. Nauka, Moskva. [Tsytsyn, N. V. (Ed.).
Plants from the flora of the USSR under introduction.
Annotated catalog of plants tested in the Main Botanical Garden,
Vergunov, A. P., V. A. Gorokhov. 1988. Russkie sady i parki.
Nauka, Moskva. [Vergunov, A. P., V. A. Gorokhov. Russian
parks and gardens. Authors present descriptions of
historical gardens from 17th up to 20th
centuries. Book is well-illustrated].
Zaitsev, G. N. 1981. Fenologia drevesnykh rastenii. Nauka,
Moskva. [Zaitsev, G. N. Phenology of woody plants. The
author presents different methods of study of plant behavior,
and interpretation of data].