C. Armenia
The Caucasian Republic of Armenia acquaints us with arid flora of
the southern Transcaucasus. This area belongs to the Caucasian and
Armeno-Iranian Provinces. The route from Yerevan to Gekhard runs across
the eastern part of the Ararat intermontane depression. From the southern
slopes of the Vokhchaberda Spur of the Gegam Ridge, the road winds along
the Azat River and across wormwood (sagebrush) semidesert up to the village
of Vokhchaberd. This semidesert is mostly covered with Artemisia lerchiana
[A. fragrans]. In spring there is an abundance of ornamental plants such
as Muscari, Ornithogalum and Iris. Of especial interest is
Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima, a showy plant with creamy
brown-hued flowers. In
summer Capparis spinosa creates a magnificent display with bushes
about 2 m/6,5 ft in diameter among which can be seen the prickly cushions
of Acantholimon armenum. Bright splashes of colour are provided
by a red horned poppy Glaucium corniculatum, thyme Thymus
kotschyanus and several species of Alyssum and Erodium.
The semidesert sagebrush is gradually replaced by arid mountain steppe
dominated by wiry grasses (Stipa capillata, S. caspia and S.
hohenackeriana). Alhagi pseudalhagi, Euphorbia seguieirana
and Pseudosophora alopecuroides grow along roadsides.
Gundelia tournefortii, a curious member of the Asteraceae, forms
sporadic thickets on both sides of the road. This tall perennial has
tough, rigid, prickly leaves and purple flowers in globose heads.
Several cereal grasses are also found here, and according to Vavilov
(1926, 1966), Armenia is the center of origin for many plants of
agricultural significance, including the wheats. Many wild relatives
of cultivated plants are still growing in Armenia (Gabrielian, 1991).
Near Garni in the Azat River gorge, dwarf shrubs and subshrubs
predominate and many of them are highly attractive. In the spring
bulbous plants such as Bellevalia, Muscari, Tulipa and Gagea
are abundant. In early summer a few Allium species are showily
evident. During their flowering period some perennials and subshrubs
are particularly distinctive. Stonecress, Aethionema grandiflorum,
has large purple or lilac-pink flowers in elongated racemes. Whitlow-wort,
Paronychia kurdica, is a carpet-former, only to 10 cm (3.9") tall
and has silvery-grey leaves and small white flowers in dense clusters.
An unusual bellflower, Michauxia laevigata, stands 1.5 m (4.9 ft)
tall and has numerous white flowers with narrow recurved corolla lobes.
Both Jerusalem sage Phlomis orientalis, with stems to 70 cm (27")
and Cousinia armena, with stems to 30 cm (11.8"), are recognized by
their woolly or tomentose leaves. Bear’s breeches Acanthus
dioscoridis, a species with very attractive foliage of deep-lobed,
dark green, large leaves represents of a Mediterranean genus here, in Armenia.
The road from Garni to Gekhard monastery runs along the right bank of the Azat
River. In Gekhard, trees and shrubs have persisted near the old monastery,
with oak Quercus macranthera, maple Acer trautvetteri and nettle
tree Celtis glabrata being the most prevalent. The herbaceous
Corydalis angustifolia, C. persica, Erysimum cuspidatum, Primula macrocalyx
and Scilla armena flourish in early spring. Campanula choziatowskyi
exhibits in summer a splendid masses of blue flowers and is most noticeable
on relatively inaccessible rocks but also occurs even on the old stone walls
of this ancient monastery. This Campanula is especially impressive
when contrasted with the pale yellow flowers of Onosma caucasica.
The orchid Dactylorhiza maculata forms handsome compact inflorescences
of flowers of mixed colors, white or pink and dark red or lilac. Campanula
daralaghezica occurs on rocky slopes, noticeable by its numerous white
A trip from Yerevan to Lake Sevan (Ozero Sevan) also provides convenient
access to the flora of the Southern Transcaucasus. Initially, the road runs
northward along the valley floor of the Nork gorge, then continues across the
Kanaker Plateau. Here, clearly dominant among the semidesert vegetation is
the wormwood Artemisia lerchiana. In spring Tulipa biflora and
Leopoldia caucasica [=Muscari caucasicum] lie sprinkled among stones,
sometimes with Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima as well.
Later, in summer, cushion-like plants appear at their best, and species of
Acantholimon with white or pink flowers are the most frequent. Near
the town of Abovyan, the semidesert is replaced by montane steppe, the
dominant elements of which are various Stipa grasses and several
tough and prickly-leaved plants, including Centaurea behen, and Echinops
pungens. The spiky foliage and inflorescences of these plants are
well-suited for dried-flower arrangements and bouquets because the flowers
persist for a long time after cutting. Gladiolus atroviolaceus,
Iridodictyum reticulatum [=Iris reticulata], and Leopoldia caucasica
are undoubtedly the most interesting monocots. Some of the Tsahkunian Range
plants, including the great bellflower Campanula latifolia, are popular
in local and European gardens. Others, though lovely, are inexplicably
overlooked by gardeners. They include Pyrethrum [=Tanacetum] balsamitoides,
with its top-branching upright stems and white flower heads in summer and autumn,
a Solomon's seal Polygonatum orientale with large white flowers grouped
three or more in the leaf axils and the onion relative, Nectaroscordum
tripedale, with stems to 80 cm (2.6 ft) and white, purple-striped flowers.
Lake Sevan extends over 1,500 square kilometers (579 sq miles) and is
located at an elevation of 2,000 m (6,560 ft). The vegetation surrounding
the lake is characteristic of montane steppe, except for a small area on
the northeastern shore, called "Areguni" that is inhabited by communities
of alpine xerophytes, and also with patches of Quercus macranthera.
Sevan vegetation includes an abundance of herbaceous ornamentals, including
Acantholimon armenum, Anemonastrum fasciculatum,
Eremurus spectabilis, Fritillaria caucasica, Hylotelephium caucasicum
[=Sedum caucasicum], Iris paradoxa, Jurinea arachnoidea, Sedum oppositifolium,
Sempervivum transcaucasicum, Stachys iberica and Tulipa julia.
Both the orange globeflower Trollius ranunculinus and the yellow primrose
Primula macrocalyx bloom in colorful harmony with the plants
mentioned above. In spring through early summer, the slopes are covered
with the pink-flowered betony Stachys macrantha. The azure- and
blue-flowered Campanula stevenii and C. glomerata, respectively,
grow among Pedicularis sibthorpii, Bistorta carnea, Pyrethrum carneum
[=Tanacetum coccineum] and
Centaurea fischeri. This last species
has flowers in white, yellow, and pink shades. The Sevan Pass (Semionovsky
Pereval) at 2,110 m (6,940 ft) is surrounded by the lower subalpine belt
along the border of northern Armenia, where the flora strikingly differs
from that of southern Armenia. The woody flora adjacent to the subalpine
meadows consists of tall trees among which are Acer trautvetteri,
Quercus macranthera, Betula litwinowii, Fagus orientalis. A tall
herbaceous vegetation contains many ornamentals including Aconitum
anthora and A. nasutum, Cephalaria gigantea, Delphinium flexuosum
and D. freynii, Geranium ibericum,
Grossheimia macrocephala [=Centaurea macrocephala], Hesperis matronalis
as well as
Lilium szovitsianum. The alpine meadows, which are dominated
by low herbs, cover only the tops of Mt. Maimekh and Mt. Eshak Maidan. Both
mountains are situated in the westernmost of Sevan region and are, for the most
part, inaccessible.
The alpine flora of the Lesser Caucasus is best represented on Mt.
Aragats (Alagez), the the highest in Armenia (4,095 m/13,430 ft). The
area between Yerevan and Mt. Aragats provides a wonderful opportunity to
see the vertical zonation of the Armenian Highlands. The road first crosses
semideserts dominated by Artemisia lerchiana. Near Agarak, the
mountain steppe continues, with small areas covered by deciduous shrubs
called in Russian "shibliak" and "islands" of dry thin forest. Christ’s
thorn Paliurus spina-christi, Rhamnus pallasii and Ulmus minor
[=U. carpinifolia] grow here. The steppe is colonized by various
grasses and herbs such as Botriochloa ischaemum, Galium verum, Lotus
caucasicus and Scabiosa micrantha. Around the town of Biurakan,
Pyrus salicifolia, Rhamnus and Crataegus species can be added.
Forest of Quercus macranthera prevail near the fortress of Amberd,
with a diverse herb layer growing beneath its tall canopy. The steppe
vegetation is seen mainly above the altitudinal limit of montane forests
at 2,500 m (8,202 ft). The alpine belt, beginning at 2,700 m (8,858 ft),
usually exhibits a number of ornamental plants. Flat and moist areas are
covered by Cirsium esculentum, Gagea anisanthos, Gentiana dshimilensis
and Ranunculus aragazi. More open and drier terrain is inhabited by
the large-leaved rosettes of Chamaesciadium acaule, the small-leaved
but large-flowered Campanula tridentata, and the snug cushions of
Draba bruniifolia, Minuartia oreina, Sedum tenellum. On the upper
alpine slopes are seen plant carpets of Campanula tridentata, Primula
algida and Veronica gentianoides.