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Title: Photograph of a group of gardeners
Description: Hand-colored photo with James Gurney in upper left corner. Several gardeners seated, with others staff standing behind. NOT the same as Gpp 1981-0013 or GPN 1982-0334 or GPP 1982-0335.

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Image of Hand-colored photo with James Gurney in upper left corner. Several gardeners seated, with others staff standing behind.  NOT the same as Gpp 1981-0013 or GPN 1982-0334 or GPP 1982-0335.
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TitlePhotograph of a group of gardeners
Subject Gardeners (Missouri Botanical Garden)
Gurney, James, 1831-1920

DescriptionHand-colored photo with James Gurney in upper left corner. Several gardeners seated, with others staff standing behind. NOT the same as Gpp 1981-0013 or GPN 1982-0334 or GPP 1982-0335.
PublisherMissouri Botanical Garden
ContributorMissouri Botanical Garden
Date of original
Date scanned
IdentifierPML 1981-0618
SourceMagic Lantern Slide (colored)
Width of original4 in.
Height of original3.25 in.
Condition of originalSilvering

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