66th Annual Fall Symposium

The Origins and Maintenance of Neotropical Biodiversity

Missouri Botanical Garden

St. Louis, Missouri

October 11-12, 2019

Organizing committee: Monica Carlsen, James Miller and Sebastian Tello

Register now!

REGISTRATION CLOSED (late registrations can be processed
in person on Saturday, Oct. 12)

The 2019 Delzie Demaree Travel Award

Graduate students in plant systematics are eligible to apply for a $250 stipend to defray expenses related to attendance at the Annual Systematics Symposium. The application should include a letter from the applicant telling how symposium attendance will benefit his/her graduate work and a letter of recommendation sent by the major professor. The period for receiving applications will end three weeks prior to the date of the symposium if a sufficient number of applications are in hand at that time. Anyone wishing to apply after that date should inquire (dmeware1001@gmail.com) whether applications are still being accepted before applying.

Please mail letters of application to:
Dr. Donna M. E. Ware
Herbarium, Biology Department
The College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795