Collector : Busch E.A.


Busch E.A. & Busch N.A. (Caucasus)


Dryas caucasica Juz.


From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Achillea ptarmicifolia (Willd.) Rupr. ex Heimerl

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Achillea setacea Waldst. et Kit.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Aetheopappus pulcherrimus (Willd.) Cass.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Antennaria caucasica Boriss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Anthyllis caucasica (Grossh.) Juz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Aster amellis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Astragalus oreades C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Bellevalia speciosa Woronow

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Bidens tripartita L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Bidens tripartita L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Campanula lactiflora Bieb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Centaurea polypodiifolia Boiss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Cirsium kosmelii (Adams) Fisch. ex Hohen.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Cladochaeta candidissima (Bieb.) DC.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Cotoneaster integerrima Med.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Filipendula vulgaris Moench

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Fragaria campestris Stev.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Fragaria vesca L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Lilium szovitsianum Fisch. et Ave-Lall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Lloydia serotina (L.) Reichenb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Merendera raddeana Regel

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Papaver oreophilum Rupr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Ranunculus aragazii Grossh.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Ranunculus baidarae Rupr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Thalictrum simplex L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Trollius patulus Salisb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus


Trollius ranunculinus (Smith) Stearn

Representative specimen

From Collections of E.A. and N.A. Busch from Caucasus