Collector : Jurtzev B.A.


Jurtzev B.A. (Siberia)


Claytonia arctica Adams var. albiflora Volkova


From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Poa pekulnejensis Jurtz. et Tzvel.


From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Rumex krausii Jurtz. et Petrovsky


From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Anemone ochotensis Fisch.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Aruncus kamtschaticus (Maxim.) Rydb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Astragalus alpinus L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Caltha natans Pall. ex Georgi

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Chrysosplenium alternifolium L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Claytonia acutifolia Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Claytonia arctica Adams

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Iris setosa Pall. ex Link

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Lloydia serotina (L.) Reichenb.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Montia fontana L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Myriophyllum verticillatum L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Oxytropis gorodkovii Jurtz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Parnassia kotzebuei Cham. et Schlecht.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Potentilla emarginata Pursh.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Pulsatilla davurica (Fisch. ex DC.) Spreng.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Rheum compactum L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Ribes triste Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Salix sachalinensis Fr.Schmidt

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Saxifraga porsildiana (Calder et Sarile) Jurtzev et Petrovsky

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Spiraea beauverdiana Schneid.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Stellaria ciliatosepala Trautv.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia


Veratrum oxysepalum Turcz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Jurtzev from Siberia