Collector : Kuznetzow N.I.


Kusnezow N.I. (Middle Asia)

Kusnezow N.I. (Siberia)

Migration departament (historical collection)


Chenopodium jenissejense Iljin

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Allium sibiricum L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Anemone reflexa Steph.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Aquilegia viridiflora Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Asparagus pallasii Miscz.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Astragalus alpinus L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Astragalus angarensis Turcz. ex Bunge

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Caltha natans Pall. ex Georgi

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Caltha palustris L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Chenopodium acuminatum Willd.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Delphinium elatum L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Erythronium sibiricum (Fisch. et C.A.Mey.) Kryl.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Lappula marginatum Lehm. var. kirghisorum M.Pop.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Middle Asia


Lilium dauricum Ker-Gawl.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Lotus krylovii Schischk. & Serg.

Representative specimen

From Collections of the State Migration Department of the Russian Agricultural Ministry


Myriophyllum sibiricum Kom.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Petrosimonia litwinowii Korsh.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Pleurospermum uralense Hoffm.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Potentilla flagellaris Willd. ex Schlecht.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Pulsatilla albana (Stev.) Bercht. et J.Presl

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Rheum compactum L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Salix rotundifolia Trautv.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Salsola collina Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Smilacina davurica Fisch. et C.A.Mey.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia


Stellaria bungeana Fenzl

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.I.Kusnezow from Siberia