1900 (Moscow Province)
1898 (Ryazan Province)
1916-1917 (Crimea)
East Europe: Central Russia (mainly Moscow Province), Ukraine (Crimea)
Petunnikow A.N. and others
Herbarium of Moscow flora: 1111 species - over 6000 numbersIn addition, the herbarium included more than 11 small collections by other persons.
1914 - Herbarium of Moscow flora
1916, 1918 - Crimea
Herbarium of Moscow flora was purchased by the Botanical Museum.
Section of East Europe
Sizes of sheets: 42-42.5 x 27.5-28.5 cm
Features of appearance: Fair labels are written on printed form-sheets with the title: "Herbarium of A.N.Petunnikow".
Additional Infromation: A part of Petunnikow's collections was published as exsiccata: "Herbarium Florae Rossicae". The herbarium of Moscow flora made a base for the work: Petunnikow A.N. Critical review of the Moscow flora. Parts 1-3. 1896-1901. Also it was used in preparation of the work: Syreishchikov D.P. Illustrated flora of the Moscow Province / Ed. A.N.Petunnikow. Parts 1-4. 1906-1914.
Lipschitz S.Ju., Vassilczenko I.T. Herbarium centrale URSS. Leningrad, 1968. 142 p.
Lipsky W.J. Herbarium Horti Botanici Imperialis Petropolitani (1823-1908). Ed.2. Jurjev, 1908. 238 p.
Lipschitz S.Ju. The Moscow botanists D.P.Syreitshchikov (1868-1932) and A.N.Petunnikov (1842-1919) // Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou. 1968. Vol.73, N 4. P.5-23.
Sokolova I.V., 2005
Alyssum calycinum L.
(Representative specimen)
Alyssum calycocarpum Rupr.
(Representative specimen)
Glaucium flavum Crantz
(Representative specimen)
Papaver hybridum L.
(Representative specimen)
Papaver rhoeas L.
(Representative specimen)
Potentilla goldbachii Rupr.
(Representative specimen)
Potentilla goldbachii Rupr.
(Representative specimen)
Ranunculus arvensis L.
(Representative specimen)
Saxifraga irrigua M.Bieb.
(Representative specimen)
Serratula coronata L.
(Representative specimen)
Serratula tinctoria L.
(Representative specimen)