Region : Turkmenistan


Androssow N.V. (Middle Asia)

Botschantsev V.P. (Middle Asia)

Dubiansky W.A. (Middle Asia)

Fedtschenko B.A. (Middle Asia)

Fedtschenko O.A. (Middle Asia)

Karelin S.G. (Middle Asia)

Korshinsky S.I. (Middle Asia)

Krascheninnikov I.M. (Middle Asia)

Lipsky V.I. (Middle Asia)

Litwinow D.I. (Middle Asia)

Michelson A.I. (Middle Asia)


Astragalus jarmolenkoi Gontsch.


From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Astragalus ekatherinae B.Fedtsch.


From Collections of N.V.Androssow from Middle Asia


Astragalus jolderensis B.Fedtsch.


From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Middle Asia


Taraxacum turcomanicum Schischk.


From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Astragalus ekatherinae B.Fedtsch.


From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Astragalus jolderensis B.Fedtsch.


From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Astragalus gaudanensis B.Fedtsch.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Allium turcomanicum Regel

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Michelson from Middle Asia


Allium turcomanicum Regel

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.V.Androssow from Middle Asia


Allium xiphopetalum Aitch. et Baker.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Bromus patulus Mert. et Koch.

Representative specimen

From Collections of S.G.Karelin from Middle Asia


Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.V.Androssow from Middle Asia


Chesneya tribuloides Nevski.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Convolvulus pilosellifolius Desr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Michelson from Middle Asia


Convolvulus pilosellifolius Desr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.V.Androssow from Middle Asia


Convolvulus pilosellifolius Desr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.V.Androssow from Middle Asia


Convolvulus pilosellifolius Desr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of S.I.Korshinsky from Middle Asia


Euphorbia monostyla Prokh.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.V.Androssow from Middle Asia


Euphorbia monostyla Prokh.

Representative specimen

From Collections of S.I.Korshinsky from Middle Asia


Euphorbia petiolata Banks ex Soland.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.V.Androssow from Middle Asia


Gladiolus atroviolaceus Boiss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of S.I.Korshinsky from Middle Asia


Gladiolus atroviolaceus Boiss.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Gynandriris sisyrinchium (L.) Parl.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Michelson from Middle Asia


Gynandriris sisyrinchium (L.) Parl.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.V.Androssow from Middle Asia


Gynandriris sisyrinchium (L.) Parl.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Lagonychium farctum (Banks et Sol.) Bobr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Lappula dzharkentica M.Pop. ex Golosk.

Representative specimen

From Collections of W.A.Dubiansky from Middle Asia


Lappula microcarpa (Ledeb.) Guerke

Representative specimen

From Collections of I.M.Krascheninnikov from Middle Asia


Lathyrus iconspicuus L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Medicago lanigera C.Winkl. et B.Fedtsch.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Melilotus officinalis Desr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Melilotus polonicus (L.) Desr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of S.G.Karelin from Middle Asia


Onobrychis chorassanica Bunge

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Poa bulbosa L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Poa nemoralis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Middle Asia


Poa nemoralis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Michelson from Middle Asia


Poa nemoralis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Poa nevskii Roshev.

Representative specimen

From Collections of S.I.Korshinsky from Middle Asia


Populus bachofenii Wierzb. ex Rochel.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Salsola dendroides Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of S.G.Karelin from Middle Asia


Salsola dendroides Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.I.Litwinow from Middle Asia


Salsola dendroides Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Trigonella grandiflora Bunge

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia