Region : Uzbekistan


Androssow N.V. (Middle Asia)

Botschantsev V.P. (Middle Asia)

Divnogorskaya D.A. (Middle Asia)

Fedtschenko B.A. (Middle Asia)

Fedtschenko O.A. (Middle Asia)

Kamelin R.V. (Middle Asia)

Knorring O.E. (Middle Asia)

Komarov V.L. (Middle Asia)

Korshinsky S.I. (Middle Asia)

Lipsky V.I. (Middle Asia)

Michelson A.I. (Middle Asia)

Minkwitz Z.A. (Middle Asia)

Regel A.E. (Middle Asia)


Astragalus eremospartoides Regel


From Collections of O.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Astragalus globiceps Bunge


From Collections of O.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Astragalus farctissimus Lipsky


From Collections of O.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Astragalus grandiflorus Bunge


From Collections of O.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Astragalus inaequalifolius Basil.


From Collections of Z.A.Minkwitz from Middle Asia


Astragalus irinae B.Fedtsch.


From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Middle Asia


Astragalus jagnobicus Lipsky


From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Middle Asia


Astragalus jakkabagi Lipsky


From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Middle Asia


Astragalus kabadianus Lipsky


From Collections of A.E.Regel from Middle Asia


Astragalus eremobius M.Pop.


From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Astragalus heterotrichus Gontsch.


From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Middle Asia


Astragalus involucratus Lipsky


From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Middle Asia


Astragalus rhacodes Bunge


From Collections of A.E.Regel from Middle Asia


Taraxacum nuratavicum Schischk.


From Collections of O.E.Knorring from Middle Asia


Taraxacum popovii S.Koval.


From Collections of N.V.Androssow from Middle Asia


Astragalus farctissimus Lipsky


From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Middle Asia


Astragalus hissaricus Lipsky


From Collections of A.E.Regel from Middle Asia


Astragalus hissaricus Lipsky


From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Middle Asia


Astragalus jagnobicus Lipsky


From Collections of O.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Lappula kulikalonica Zak.


From Collections of A.E.Regel from Middle Asia


Lappula subcaespitosa M.Pop. ex Golosk.

Specimen authenticum

From Collections of Z.A.Minkwitz from Middle Asia


Allium guxaricum Regel

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Allium taeniopetalum M.Pop. ex Vved.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Allium turcomanicum Regel

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Middle Asia


Allium turcomanicum Regel

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Convolvulus pilosellifolius Desr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.V.Androssow from Middle Asia


Convolvulus pilosellifolius Desr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.V.Androssow from Middle Asia


Convolvulus pilosellifolius Desr.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Convolvulus pseudocantabrica Schrenk.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Convolvulus pseudocantabrica Schrenk.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Convolvulus subhirsutus Regel et Schmalh.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Cousinia pseudomollis Winkl.

Representative specimen

From Collections of R.V.Kamelin from Middle Asia


Cousinia umbrosa Bunge

Representative specimen

From Collections of R.V.Kamelin from Middle Asia


Euphorbia lamprocarpa Prokh.

Representative specimen

From Collections of S.I.Korshinsky from Middle Asia


Euphorbia rapulum Kar. et Kir.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Euphorbia rapulum Kar. et Kir.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.E.Knorring from Middle Asia


Euphorbia rapulum Kar. et Kir.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.V.Androssow from Middle Asia


Euphorbia rapulum Kar. et Kir.

Representative specimen

From Collections of O.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Euphorbia rapulum Kar. et Kir.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Iris rosenbachiana Regel

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.E.Regel from Middle Asia


Korolkowia sewerzowii Regel

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Lappula macrantha (Ledeb.) Guerke.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.V.Androssow from Middle Asia


Lappula microcarpa (Ledeb.) Guerke

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Michelson from Middle Asia


Lappula microcarpa (Ledeb.) Guerke

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Lappula microcarpa (Ledeb.) Guerke

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Lappula patula (Lehm.) Aschers.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Z.A.Minkwitz from Middle Asia


Lappula patula (Lehm.) Aschers.

Representative specimen

From Collections of S.I.Korshinsky from Middle Asia


Lappula popovii Zak.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Middle Asia


Medicago minima (L.) Bartalini.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Melilotus segetalis Ser.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Phleum phleoides (L.) Simk.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Michelson from Middle Asia


Phleum phleoides (L.) Simk.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia


Poa alpina L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Middle Asia


Poa bulbosa L. f. vivipara Koch.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.I.Lipsky from Middle Asia


Poa nemoralis L.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Poa nevskii Roshev.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.P.Botschantsev from Middle Asia


Polygonum bellardi All.

Representative specimen

From Collections of Z.A.Minkwitz from Middle Asia


Populus bachofenii Wierzb. ex Rochel.

Representative specimen

From Collections of N.V.Androssow from Middle Asia


Salsola arbuscula Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.E.Regel from Middle Asia


Salsola collina Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of V.L.Komarov from Middle Asia


Salsola dendroides Pall.

Representative specimen

From Collections of D.A.Divnogorskaya from Middle Asia


Silene sarawschanica Regel et Schmalh.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.E.Regel from Middle Asia


Silene sarawschanica Regel et Schmalh.

Representative specimen

From Collections of S.I.Korshinsky from Middle Asia


Silene subuniflora Vved.

Representative specimen

From Collections of A.I.Michelson from Middle Asia


Silene subuniflora Vved.

Representative specimen

From Collections of B.A.Fedtschenko from Middle Asia