Specimen from Collections of A.F.Middendorf from Siberia

Specimen category:

Representative specimen

LE section of storage:

Section of Siberia and Far East

Species name:

Padus asiatica Kom.

Full text of the label:

Sibiria orient., prope Udskoi (Udskoi ostrog [stokaded town]), 01.IX.1844, leg. Middendorf


Middendorf A.F.

Collecting date:


Modern country:

Russia (Far East) [Asia]

Authority of handwriting:

Trautvetter R.E.

Compiler's notes:

The mounting sheet has the printed title : "Hortus Botanicus Imperialis Petri Magni." and the State Emblem of the Russian Empire.The herbarium sheet is marked with the stamp "Herbarium Trautvetter", which evidences, that the sheet belonged to the collection of R.E.Trautvetter.

Compiler & date:

Raenko L.M., 2005