Specimen from Collections of Ju.N.Woronow from Caucasus

Specimen category:


LE section of storage:

Type collections of the section of Caucasus

Species name:

Astragalus conspicuus A.Bor.

Full text of the label:

G.Woronow, Herbarium caucasicum, Erivan Region, Nakhichevan district, slopes of hill chain between Ordubad and Akulis, 19.V.1914, leg. JuW [Ju.Woronow], No 14209


Woronow Ju.N.

Collecting date:


Modern country:

Azerbaijan [Asia]

Authority of handwriting:

Woronow Ju.N.

Compiler & date:

Raenko L.M., Cherneva O.V., 2005