Specimen from Collections of A.I.Pojarkova from Caucasus

Specimen category:

Representative specimen

LE section of storage:

Section of Caucasus

Species name:

Scilla sibirica Haw.

Full text of the label:

Caucasus, Great Caucasian Range, town Pyatigorsk, at slopes of Mashuk Mt., in area of "Proval" Lake, in forest, 29.IV.1956, coll. A.I.Pojarkova, E.Pobedimova, No 38


Pobedimova E.G.

Pojarkova A.I.

Collecting date:


Modern country:

Russia (Caucasus) [Asia]

Authority of handwriting:

Pojarkova A.I.

Compiler & date:

Raenko L.M., Cherneva O.V., 2005