Cal = Caletieae, Pic = Picrodendreae, Pod = Podocalyceae.

Bold, accepted name; italics, synonym.

Allenia Ewart = Micrantheum Desfontaines - Cal
Androstachys Prain - Pic
Aristogeitonia Prain - Pic
Austrobuxus Miquel - Cal
Buraeavia Baillon = Austrobuxus Miquel - Cal
Bureaua Kuntze = Austrobuxus Miquel - Cal
Caletia Baillon = Micrantheum Desfontaines - Cal
Canaca Guillaumin = Austrobuxus Miquel - Cal
Cecchia Chiov. = Oldfieldia Bentham & J. D. Hooker - Pic
Celaenodendron Standley = Piranhea Baillon - Pic
Choriceras Baillon - Cal
Choriophyllum Bentham = Austrobuxus Miquel - Cal
Chorizotheca Müller Argoviensis = Pseudanthus A. Sprengel - Cal
Chrysostemon Klotzsch = Pseudanthus A. Sprengel - Cal
Dissiliaria F. Mueller - Cal
Halliophytum = Tetracoccus Parry - Pod
Hyaenanche Lambert - Cal
Hylococcus T. Mitchell = Petalostigma F. Mueller - Cal
Kairothamnus Airy Shaw - Cal
Longetia Baillon - Cal
Micranthea A. Jussieu = Micrantheum Desfontaines - Cal
Micrantheum Desfontaines - Cal
Mischodon Thwaites - Pic
Neoroepera Müller Argoviensis & F. Mueller - Cal
Oldfieldia Bentham & J. D. Hooker - Pic
Paivaeusa Welwitsch = Oldfieldia Bentham & J. D. Hooker - Pic
Parodiodendron Hunziger - Pic
Petalostigma F. Mueller - Cal
Picrodendron Grisebach - Pic
Piranhea Baillon - Pic
Podocalyx Klotzsch - Pod
Pseudanthus A. Sprengel - Cal
Sankowskya P. I. Forster - Cal
Scagea McPherson - Cal
Stachyandra Radcliffe-Smith - Pic
Stachystemon Planchon = Pseudanthus A. Sprengel - Cal
Tetracoccus Parry - Pod
Toxicodendrum Thunberg = Hyaenanche Lambert - Cal
Voatamalo Bosser - Pic
Whyanbeelia Airy Shaw & B. Hyland - Cal
Xylococcus Britten & S. Moore = Petalostigma F. Mueller - Cal

Information compiled from Mark Chase and Ken Wurdack, with emendations.