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Traité des Arbres Fruitiers Tome II by Henri-Louis Duhamel du Monceau

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Additional information for Pyrus communis

Pyrus communis
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Name as Printed: Pyrus fructu magno
Current Name: Pyrus communis L.
Family: Rosaceae
Further information about Pyrus communis is available in w3TROPICOS, the nomenclatural database at the Missouri Botanical Garden.
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Additional information for Pyrus communis

Pyrus communis
Click for Enlargement
Name as Printed: Pyrus fructu magno
Current Name: Pyrus communis L.
Family: Rosaceae
Further information about Pyrus communis is available in w3TROPICOS, the nomenclatural database at the Missouri Botanical Garden.
* This link will open in a new window.

Additional information for Pyrus communis

Pyrus communis
Click for Enlargement
Name as Printed: Pyrus fructu magno
Current Name: Pyrus communis L.
Family: Rosaceae
Further information about Pyrus communis is available in w3TROPICOS, the nomenclatural database at the Missouri Botanical Garden.
* This link will open in a new window.

Additional information for Pyrus communis

Pyrus communis
Click for Enlargement
Name as Printed: Pyrus fructu magno
Current Name: Pyrus communis L.
Family: Rosaceae
Further information about Pyrus communis is available in w3TROPICOS, the nomenclatural database at the Missouri Botanical Garden.
* This link will open in a new window.

Additional information for Pyrus communis

Pyrus communis
Click for Enlargement
Name as Printed: Pyrus fructu magno
Current Name: Pyrus communis L.
Family: Rosaceae
Further information about Pyrus communis is available in w3TROPICOS, the nomenclatural database at the Missouri Botanical Garden.
* This link will open in a new window.

Additional information for Pyrus communis

Pyrus communis
Click for Enlargement
Name as Printed: Pyrus fructu medio
Current Name: Pyrus communis L.
Family: Rosaceae
Further information about Pyrus communis is available in w3TROPICOS, the nomenclatural database at the Missouri Botanical Garden.
* This link will open in a new window.

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