Gazetteer to Malagasy Botanical Collecting Localities

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Note: Place Names without coordinates are not actual locations. Click on the linked name appearing in the Compare To field to see the actual coordinates.
Place Name:Anorimbato
Province (Abbs.):ANTA
Place Name Type (Abbs.):MSF
Secondary Place Name (Misc. Abbs.):W d'Ambaravaranala (Tsiroanomandidy), aux confins de la haute Mahavavy et de la haute Bebao.
Compare to:
Minimum Latitude (DD.MM.SS):18.26.00
Maximum Latitude (DD.MM.SS):
Mean Latitude (DD.MM.SS):18.26.00
Latitudinal Decimal Degrees:-18.4333
Minimum Longitude (DD.MM.SS):45.37.00
Maximum Longitude (DD.MM.SS):
Mean Longitude (DD.MM.SS):45.37.00
Longitudinal Decimal Degrees:45.6167
Collection Number (start):29177
Collection Number (end):
Lowest Elevation (m):
Highest Elevation (m):
Collection Date(s) (DD.MM.YY):15-16.05.1970
Notes:[manque carte J46, arbitrairement choisi le sommet 1099 m, à l'Ouest d'Ambaravaranala.

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